《The War of Two Kinds》Logbook #017 - The Resonance
Motionless, the lass spirals through an endless tunnel of colours. She wondered if she was in a void of either dissonance or of an abyss. The array of colours as she warped through this fourth dimensional transportation wormhole wasn't of naturalism.
It was something to be amiss and something new to discover. Watching the colours making her eyes and brains dizzy, it reflected off her eyelids as a rainbow of a prism-like sparkles and glitter.
Amazed by the sight for sore eyes, she suddenly felt heavy in a split-second. A static of sorts as she started to feel like she was being pushed from side to side, to and fro.
With a sudden hurl, everything turned to black as she fell onto a hard and concrete object. A floor not of natural substance. The blackest of black in the view of shadows and bare minimum of light.
Picking herself up slowly, she rubs her sore shoulder that got hit from the impact. Cracking her neck to loosen her ache, she peers a little left and right, curious to see her surroundings.
All but darkness, what a wondrous sight. She thought sarcastically in her head. Stretching herself back to normal, she takes a slow stroll forward as she wandered in this endless darkness.
('What is this place? This isn't like the pocket dimension I visited earlier.') She felt a slight eeriness of being watched from every angle and view.
('It's dark yet I can see but at the same time I can't. There's no person here nor even a single furniture. What is this place?') As her mind wandered off, she too proceeded to mindlessly walk around.
Of what seems like hours of aimless wandering, she suddenly felt a brush of wind by her nape. Turning around quickly, she squints her eyes to make up what was the feeling.
'Whose there!' She shouted throughout as she reaches into her rucksack to pull out her USP handgun. ('Just incase...')
With no response, she stood still in a slight nervous tension. Making sure that the resident of this place wasn't playing a fool with her, like prey cornered by a predator.
'I can tell you, I can hurt you if you try to fool with me again!' She threatened the void, with an angry and serious glare, she knees herself down as she softly prayed to her tribe's deity. Confirming the prayer, she felt another gush of wind by her nape, this time a tad colder than usual.
'That's it! You ask for it!' She shouts as she aims her pistol around, looking closely in the darkness, to spot any shadows of unusual shade from the regular black.
Using as much of her tunnel vision to spot this being. Breathing slowly and concentrating much of her oxygen level in her lungs somehow, she watches closely.
Noticing a small spark of light from the west of her, she aims herself quickly towards the area as she takes a shot. The bullet whizzing through the darkness, the sound of an endless wave of sound barriers breaking could be heard.
Strange, it's not normal for a gunshot to break sound barriers, not even a simple handgun.
('Is this pocket dimension a sound-based environment?') Mary asks herself in her minimum amount of knowledge.
With that, she test once again as she points to the above so-called sky and takes a shot once more, closing in her ears and shutting off her eye-sight by closing her eye-lids.
With that, she could hear the sound barrier breaking once more. More strangely, she could feel the vibration around her body.
Echolocation, that must be it. She thought to herself.
With her eyes closed, she got herself up and walked slowly to a random direction she picked. Once in a while standing still, she hears a bare minimum of clicks.
With a slight guess, she turns herself towards the direction as she closes in towards the curious yet playful being.
Of what seems to be an odd garbled yet audible sound of breath, she nods herself to confirm the direction as she opens her eyes slowly. Looking at the being, it faced her face-to-face.
A being not so very human nor a monster, Mary thought. It resembled much more of a eldritch being similar to those Infected she encountered in the past, yet this has a more physical form, closer to human and lesser of a monster.
Distinguishing it, it had a rather feminine look. Her skin was porcelain yet had many cracks that oozed a black and tar-like liquid. Her face, one eye less but had a rather pretty one. A shattered past this one might had.
With a small smile, it didn't look anything innocent nor dangerous either. It's behavior furthers away of a child yet an adult.
('What is this, thing? Is this how a Guardian looks like?') She asks herself many things as she looks at its pulsating veins that occasionally glows a brightly neon orange then an occasional blue.
Broken as this being may seem, it wasn't healthy nor alright. It chattered softly constantly with its cemented like teeth as its body suffered of what seems to be rigor mortis, the stiffening of its limbs.
It moved rather slowly, the liquid that seeped out wasn't even able to touch the ground, it just dissipated before it could touch. A cleanliness feature or a strange glitch in the system?
Reaching her hand slowly towards the cheek of the guardian, it stood motionless. It didn't try to hurt her nor reacted to her.
Feeling the skin, it felt like rubbing on wall that recently painted on. Rough yet smooth with the lubricants that oozed out of its cracked linings.
Pulling back her hands from the odd feeling, she rubs the liquid that laps on her palm with her fingers. It was smooth and dense like water, yet had an odd texture and smell. Similar to oil but further from the sweet musk that invigorated from petroleum.
What was this? Blood. No, it was something different. Something not created by man nor by natural elements. This was of the being's own creation.
The more she rubbed on it, the rougher it got, slowly it felt like sandpaper as it started to harden and turn to what seems to be a hard substance.
Creeped out, she pulls the hardened substance out from her hand. It started to flake as it somehow floated and breezed away with the wind. Another evidence, this dimension had evidence of directional wind.
Looking back at the being who she stopped liking within ones blink, it moved a bare minimum to her. Her left hand reaching towards her, though still like a statue.
Standing still and not reacting in any negative way, she looks towards this guardian and smiles. 'Hello, there.' With a nod of her head, she realized that perhaps this being only moves when not being looked at. An odd way of movement.
Closing her eyes again once more, she felt the wind moving again as could feel an odd feeling on her cheeks, something rubbing her. The hand of the being possibly. Holding herself still, she felt the odd liquid sensation that she could feel run on her cheek.
A roughened yet maidenly voice called out in-front of her. 'Who...are..you?' It asks as it struggled to open its mouth. 'It's been ages since someone visited....me. Are...you here...for me....or..my powers?'
As its roughened voice asks, Mary felt the liquid hardening on her skin as it made a cracking sound before turning to flakes once more. 'My name is Mary...' She muttered. 'Are you perhaps who they call The Lady of The Void.' The nickname her tribe calls their deity other than its true name in respect.
With a sound of cemented cracking, the voice replies. 'Well, that's what I am usually called, well....what I used to be. Now, I am just...' It didn't finish its sentence.
'Just what...?' Mary asks once more but it didn't reply back. 'I see.'
'You know...this isn't how I used to be. I used to be much more, even powerful. Now, I am just rotting over the ages. Corruption has taken...over...me. I am becoming slowly on what I defeated ages ago.'
The voice replied as a soft sonorous noise of audible weeping could be heard. 'Now I am just but a statue of a hopeful past. Only a ...miracle...can make me back to ..what I was...'
'Don't say that. I am here for a reason if you said you were abandoned ages ago. Theres a reason why you still exist.' Mary replies. 'What stage are you in?' She asks as she remembered a note that she wrote down after hearing a tape ages ago.
'I...I can't remember. But if I could, it would be around four.' The guardian softly muttered.
'You are a deity then. Usually deities 'die' once they loss all their blessing powers from civilians or your family companions. But you are still living, that means there's someone perhaps keeping you alive and well still.' Mary answers as she chins herself, thinking of a proper answer.
'Dei...ty? That...makes...some sense. If I lost all hope, Why am I ...still living in this world? I should have died from the...corruption a long time ago.' It replied as its weeping slowly sounded more audible and sonorous.
With Mary's eyes still closed, it was able to freely move still. Reaching towards Mary, its heavy cemented nature closes in and hugs Mary. 'Help...me.' It mutters as the liquid she let off continuously hardened and dispersed off from Mary's clothing and skin.
'I will...' With a soft whisper, Mary reaches her palm towards the corrupted guardian. Making sure she doesn't injure the guardian in any way, with both her hands, she gives the corrupted guardian a sensible hug.
Whispering softly a slow and charming lullaby, Mary reaches into a light with her third eye by using the directions given by Leutenegger and NZ when they had a short brief before the assignment.
With another travel through an endless feeling of a warp-hole, she enters another pocket dimension of this guardian. This one a little more soft and bright.
Noticing far away from her, she notices some rotting plains as a scared little being garbed in a white blouse was on her tip toes avoiding the rotting from reaching her and her only favorite flower, a stalk of lavender mint. 'Please hurry!'The being shouted.
Her skin was coloured, a little brownish in tinge as her body glowed in a dark purplish aura. Hugging herself with her eyes closed, the being tried her best to protect the plant and herself as much possible.
Mary with no time to lose, she started singing the hymn of a lullaby once more, like some fairy-tale of a character over and over again. Running towards the direction of the girl, the more she sung, the whiter she glowed an aura.
The yellow cloak of hers compensated the strange yellowish tinge that slowly invigorated the whitish hue, giving a very angelic and holy sense of light.
'In the night sky of the seven stars, there comes a light that shines bright. As bright as it is, it only holds the light that shines into the ditch, the blackest of black. The holy light of the lady of the void.'
As she sings the second final verse of the song, Mary jumps over the corrupted ring of rot as she holds onto the being, Showing her back towards the rot and giving the being a hug of protection, she shouted. 'Sing with me. Whatever it takes.'
As she held the gun with the other hand, she points it towards the counterpoint of the rot. Still glowing in this angelic light, the two sang the hymn in its final verse. 'In thy name of the darkest light, hold upon the crystal of silent cries...'
'Id'dreek!' With a final shout, the aura that invigorated around Mary separated to two points. The first acted as a shield as it protects both her and the being. The second seeped through her arm as it formed of what seems to be a glove of sorts as it continues to surround her handgun.
Wrapping itself around it, the gun glowed in the aura as it enters into the magazine of the gun through small slits before enveloping over the spring and the remainder of its bullets.
With a slight click of the trigger, The gun bursts itself into an explosion as it shot a bullet high in velocity as its momentum formed a spark of sorts, raging upon a rebelling light that formed the bullet into a sleeker and embossed bullet.
As it hit the center point of the rot, it pierced through the nature of it and stopped. With a dramatic pause, the rot dispersed into the air as it reverses the rotting plains that was once a beautiful garden of Eden.
The corruption turned to a blob of sorts before it dissipated into the air. The gun that exploded into bits was still floating into the air. The being of a small girl, pushes herself out of Mary's arms before waving her arms around among the gun.
Fixing it, piece by piece, it reconnected and slowly changed to a whitish skin of sorts as it too started to be in-scripted with embossing and a white glow.
'I bestow you human, Mary, the blessing of Id'dreek. This creation, a gun once used as a weapon, now as an answer for mankind's resolve.'
'The gun formed from the elements of Europa, the one of 79 moons of Jupiter, "Equity" is its name.'
With a wisp of light reaching into the gun, it wrote a signature onto it as it flips backwards before reaching onto the palm of Mary who reached upon it.
'This blessing will be by your side from here on out.' With warm light reaching around Mary, she felt a rub on her head. The girl she once saved, slowly turned to an angelic figure of sorts.
With a smile as close to honey and skin as smooth as porcelain, she felt a happy sensation in her heart. Wrapping her arms around Mary, she hugs her from behind as she was gently pulled up, floating in the rather soft air through amounts of skies.
'You are a kind girl, like me. We shall be contracted by hearts thee. Thank you. I wish you a farewall and for our furthur cooperation. Use my creation well and don't break your promise.'
Checking on the data that was received from a printer of sorts, Leutenegger sighs before pushing a few buttons and inputting some codes. Ordering the nearby crystals around her to shield her with an auricle pulse.
She pulls down a lever, causing the teleporter to open a electrical pulse as out flew a being that smoked slightly in a whitish hue.
Mary laying on the ground, she coughs a few times before pushing herself back up. With a small smile, she looks at her arm as she grips upon her blessed USP of a handgun which was now vibrating in a warm sensation as it had changed in appearance.
'I did it...I managed to get her back from her corrupted state and activate her again.' Mary answered Leutenegger who squatted towards her and gave her a hand up.
'Gute Frau..' She whispers as she pushes off a crisp of a leaf off Mary's head. 'Now, we just need to wait for Herr Will. He is taking quite some time.'
'I see..' Still coughing, she rubs off the soot that formed on her cloak as she inspects her gun closely. ('What happened to my USP? Did it become blessed with the guardian or was it transformed into an old timely artefact? It still looks like my gun, just ...different.')
Feeling her eyes having an odd sensation, she looks around and notices strange smoky particles resonating from the crystals nearby her that took a close curious inspection. 'I can see, aura.' She muttered.
'I can see, the people residing in the crystals.' As she shouted in her head, she made an exaggerated face of excitement as she looks around the strange particles of light that formed around her like a prism letting out a rainbow. Curious about NZ's whereabouts, she looks around the room to see nothing but machinery.
Turning around, she asks Leutenegger. 'Where's NZ? Is he still in there?'
Leutenegger nods an affirming yes. 'It will take a while, especially for a person of his caliber.'
Smiling at the strange excited lass's reaction, she looks into the monitor once more with a more serious and worried face.
'I wish you good luck...Rampage, in your return.'
[Mary Welter is a kind lass, unknowingly her family has a legacy with a few guardian elders of both the older and newer generations. Her gift is one closer to what seems to be stronger than her ancestors had. The USP isn't the gun it always has been. From generations to generations, the Welter family had many different variations of their handgun only to move more towards the more sleek and current modern look on its own. With that, she was bestowed, a newer variation. A more powerful yet compact version on its own. Its silky white colouring and embossing is just a creative touch as well as its yellowish wisp that lingers around it, is all just for Mary and her alone.
It does not only work as a weapon, but it can be used specially for curing. Say what you must but curing can have many definitions on its own. Its eye will see you farewell even before its bullet hits you. It's impact definite on its own.]
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