《The Demon Child》To Grandmother's House We Go
Naruto would have liked to say that his first week or two with team seven was nice but that, of course, would be a bull-faced lie. Sakura Haruno was a total fangirl through and through who was next to useless aside from her near-perfect chakra control and book-smarts. Beyond that, she was about as helpful as a wet sock on a man's foot or a dull blade to an enemies jugular. While his only male teammate Sasuke Uchiha was a total emo who viewed anybody not himself to be utterly useless. Kakashi Hatake was at least tolerant of him but he was always late for everything and always had his face practically embedded into that orange-colored book of his like it was some religious text. All in all, he hated his team. Not in I hope you die kind of way but more like I don't want to be around you kind of way. This so-called : Mission: wasn't helping matters any.
"Ew gross, I stepped in dog shit". Sakura yelled out as she hopped on one foot trying to remove the offending substance that was now on the bottom of her shoe. Sasuke, of course, was far too busy being an emo under a tree not caring about her poor shoe and Kakashi was likely off in some godforsaken tree giggling to himself that he was sure was likely due to that damn book of his. The only good thing about this so-called mission was that it was nearly done with and so he would soon be free to go home and enjoy a nice rest in his nice comfy bed under the fox-themed covers that Inochi had ordered for him a few days ago as a graduation present.
"Good job everybody this field looks clear of weeds so we can go on back and hand in the mission". Kakashi said not once lifting his eyes above the book in his gloved hand. The others all passed him without so much as a hi being sent his way. He was somehow still alone even in a group. Once the mission was handed in and the payment was handed out Naruto slowly made his way back home. By now the gate guards just let him in seeing as the last time they didn't the poor guy was cleaning the floors of the clan compound with a toothbrush. Even a week later he was still cleaning with big, fat tears in his eyes all the while. Naruto, however, paid the poor man no mind. As far as he was concerned the man deserved it. It wasn't like he did anything to the guy. All he had done was just asked to be let in to go to HIS house and yet the man had decided to give him a hard time. Unfortunately for him just as he was about done with his attacks on him Inoichi just so happened to be approaching the gate and set the man to what was now his hellish daily ritual. Finally entering his home he soon saw Ino, Inoichi, Ino's mother, and of course little Aki.
"What's going on guys"? Naruto asked not used to having so many people in his house.
"We are going on a vacation". Inoichi said as he lifted his bags over his shoulders. Naruto for his part could only nod his head. Now he was truly alone. That was until Ino's hand forced his eyes to meet her own.
"Daddy said we, not us. Mom already packed everything for you so come on". Ino said before shoving a bag into his hands. Naruto taken aback by her words could only nod numbly in understanding as he followed them outside. Climbing aboard the waiting carriage that had somehow appeared outside his house without his knowledge Naruto couldn't help but eye the village as it passed by in a blur. The two massive gates swung open and with that, they were off.
"So where are we going"? Naruto asked after about an hour of riding. His cerulean eyes watching as the many trees, rice fields, and hills all passed by the window in a blur of motion.
"My mother's farm". Inoichi answered before forcing him back in his seat.
"I should warn you Naruto-kun my mother is...will she's a traditionalist so that abomination of yours has got to go". Inoichi said before handing him a scroll. Unsealing it he saw it was a few shirts and pants all in traditional garb.
"What about my training"? Naruto asked worried he would fall behind his teammates. Ino was the one to reply.
"Grandma will see that you're up to speed before we depart the farm". Ino said rubbing her arms as if she had been hard at work all day. Naruto didn't like the sound of that at all.
"Wake up Naruto-kun we're here". Ino's mother said still holding onto Aki who was busy clapping her itty bitty hands together.
"What...oh, thank you. How long was I asleep"? Naruto asked wiping a bit of drool off his face.
"Oh, not long. It's just been seven hours, dear". Ino's mother said with a kind smile on her surprisingly young-looking face. She looked like an older Ino with only the beginnings of gray hair. Stepping off he saw a farm easily the size of Konohagakure. So engrossed was he that he failed to notice the elder woman standing before him until he was tapped upon the head.
"Ow...who did that"? Naruto demanded in a rage.
"That...child would be me". The voice of an elder woman said forcing Naruto to finally notice her standing before him with her cane still at the ready.
"Oh, sorry I'm Naru...". Naruto began before the woman stopped him with a raised hand.
"Yes boy, I know who you are. My son told me as much before he left that village of his. Now be rid of that abysmal wardrobe and come inside. We have much to do my boy and far too little time in order to do it". The woman said as she slowly made her way back home. Naruto turned to face Inoichi and asked.
"I thought you said we are going on a vacation". Naruto asked.
"Yes, that's true... WE are. You, however, will be busy training. I already assigned a temporary replacement and your other sensei's are busy with clan matters. So my mother will train you. Inoichi said before walking to the house. I doubt she'll allow you much in the way of free time here".
"You can't do that"! Naruto yelled out running after the family who was already halfway there.
Naruto was pulled forcefully out of bed the next day by the surprisingly strong hands of the elder and placed before a small table. A cup of ink and a writing quill being the only things aside from a bit of parchment. Looking at the assembled materials set before him then back at the matriarch he could see her eyeing him hotly. Her long, bony fingers typing away on her arm impatiently.
"Do begin, child. I haven't got all day". The woman said with an even tone. At once Naruto began his work but only a second or two later the parchment was taken and replaced by yet another.
"Try again". She said before backing away.
"Try what again? I have no idea what I was even doing before." Naruto replied before getting hit by her cane.
"No backtalk, child. Try again". The woman said before pointing at the awaiting parchment. Naruto accepted his fate and once again resumed working on the parchment yet again. But again it was soon taken, made into a paper ball, and replaced by yet another. Over and over this went until after nearly two whole hours and three cups of ink and a stack of parchment he was allowed to escape his tormentor no more sure what she wanted of him nor why she was forcing him to do so in the first place.
Walking into the kitchen he could see Ino, Ino's mother, Inoichi, and of course little Aki. All of whom were enjoying the meal set before them.
"So Naruto-kun how was your day"? Inoichi asked with but a hint of amusement. Naruto, in turn, eyed the patriarch before turning to face the bowl before him. Inoichi, in turn, could only shake his head in slight amusement. He, of course, already knew that she was training him in the ancient art of calligraphy. An art-form that was slowly dying out due to recent technological advancements. The newest model of typewriter the Kiptto-T was by far the best thing since forever. Unlike older models, it was lighter, less noisy, and best of all it was sealable allowing one to take it on the go. Turning to his own bowl the family ate without a word.
The next day he was once again in the room trying and failing to get more than a word or two before she took it and replaced it with yet another. At this Naruto turned on her and yelled in a rage. She took the angry words in stride before setting him back down and turning him to face the table.
"Never do that again, child. A gentleman never raises his voice to a woman". She said before moving her eyes subtly over to the writing quill in an unspoken command. A few seconds later it was being replaced by yet another.
"Wrong, child try again". She said without raising her voice even an octave. Naruto then asked a question that had been bugging him all day.
"What is it I'm doing"? Naruto asked.
"Calligraphy, child. I'm training you in the art of calligraphy". The elder said.
"So fancy writing"? Naruto asked still not understanding why she was even doing this.
"Yes, child fancy writing". She said with a small laugh that she did her best to hide but failed to contain. Naruto found he enjoyed the sound. It was kind of elegant. It was the kind of sound one would hear from an old-timely fair. It was the kind of sound of an age now long gone. Taking the quill in hand once more he began to slowly write the words half expecting the woman to rip the parchment away from him yet again. But she remained fixed in place. Her eyes moving over his every move. His every movement no matter how slight or subtle it was.
"Good, child you learned how to write your name". The woman said as if he had done some great deed. Naruto however only eyed the woman with a most confused expression. By the sage what was he doing with his time? How was this training? He could be blowing fire or walking on water but no he was sitting in a small, dust-filled room being praised for writing his own bloody name. But in the end, he guessed it was better than being yelled at for merely existing though not by much.
The following days had all passed in a blur. The elder matriarch oversaw his training while Ino and her family were happily playing or walking along the many dirt trails that dotted the vast farmland. A small part of him hated the woman for keeping him trapped inside that small, dust-filled room. But he kept his unhappiness to himself. By the time he would leave the room Ino's family would have returned after yet another fun-filled day. Another day he was unable to enjoy due to his so-called training. It just wasn't fair and try as he may he was feeling less willing to put up with this injustice.
A week later he saw the same thing happen again. Ino and her family had enjoyed yet another day of playing while he was forced to toil away in that small, dusty room. Holding back the rage he felt he sat down and ate without so much as a glance at anybody. Not even as little Aki wished to be held by him. A fact that made the small baby girl cry at being ignored. The next day Inoichi who had up until now allowed his growing hostility to pass as just being upset now stood before his door eyeing the boy with the most unpleased expression on his face.
"Naruto that was uncalled for. You know how much Aki-chan loves you. How could you do that to her? Inoichi asked. Naruto merely pushed past him only to be stopped by the man.
"Naruto". The older of the two said. His voice now laced with a hint of anger. Naruto, however, paid it no mind. A step or two later he found himself locked in place. Trying to free himself only made the man tighten his hold all the more until it became somewhat painful.
"Stop this"! Naruto yelled out but Inoichi held fast. He was going to get answers and he was going to get them now.
"What's the matter with you Naruto-kun? This isn't like you at all". Inoichi said sounding for the first time truly lost. It was this that made Naruto stop and think. He was upset sure but not at Inoichi or his family. Not really. He was more upset at being unable to partake in the fun and games. Being trapped inside that room like he was something to keep hidden away unseen by everybody else. Like he was some vile beast that needed to be caged. Feeling the full weight of what he had done to poor little Aki made the boy start to cry. At once Inoichi rushed over and hugged the boy close rubbing his back in a soothing motion.
"Shh, Naruto-kun it's alright it'll be alright". Inoichi said softly as he allowed the son of one of his best friends to cry on his shoulder. He held the boy close for what felt like forever before Naruto spoke with such softness as to be nearly imperceptible. It was just three little words but to Inoichi it may as well have been a sledgehammer to his chest.
"It's not fair". Naruto had said and at once he understood. The sudden revelation hit him with the force of an S-rank jutsu and for a time he was unable to say a word. Naruto felt abandoned. As a mindwalker, he knew better than most what that could do to a child's psychological mindset. How he of all people failed to notice the clear signs made the man feel a bit of anger at his own carelessness.
"I'm so sorry Naruto-kun I...I didn't realize". Inoichi said as he held Naruto close as hot tears formed in his own eyes at his own failure.
We still have a week left how about we use that time together". Inoichi said pushing Naruto back enough to face him. Naruto for his part asked.
"But my training". Naruto began before Inoichi put a stop to it.
"My wife will see to that my boy". Inoichi said before the two walked back into the living room and played and joked. Naruto, of course, gave little Aki all the love he could and she, in turn, gave Naruto big, wet baby kisses. But the best part of that day was when she uttered her first word.
"Narto". Before falling fast asleep in his arms.
The last week had passed by in a blur and while he still trained in that small, dusty room writing upon the parchment for hours he could now enjoy the many walks he and Ino's family took around the massive farm. But now after a few weeks away he was standing before the elder as she eyed him up and down. Her long, boney fingers moving to and fro over his outfit as she straightened out the wrinkles.
"Better my boy...much better". She said before turning and walking slowly back inside her home. He was of course not surprised by that. She was a bit cold but she cared and that fact made all the difference in the world. Stepping upon the first step of the carriage he couldn't help but feel a sense of loss. This was for all intents and purposes like a second home. Here he didn't have to worry about being attacked. Here he could enjoy a nice walk in the woods or a swim in the river. Now that he was leaving to return to the village he felt saddened. But he knew he must. He was a ninja and while he didn't like how he was treated by the population there it was still his home. It was still the place he had sworn to protect to his last dying breath. The slow ride back was uneventful. He watched as the same trees, rice fields, and hills all passed by in a blur of motion. He watched as the two massive wooden gates opened to reveal the village of Konohagakure. He watched as the carriage moved up the hill and passed the iron gates of the clan and he watched as it stopped before the clan head's home. Stepping off Naruto felt a great pain shoot throughout his whole body. Like his whole being was being ripped asunder. Inoichi at once ran over to his side before taking the boy in his arms.
"Naruto-kun...Naruto-kun what's the matter...Naru...". The rest of the man's cries went unheard as darkness took him. Naruto again found himself before the house only now the man was gone and the house's door lay open.
"Hello...is anybody home"? Naruto asked in the darkness. His voice seemed to echo off the walls. Walking inside he saw photographs of a man with yellow hair and a woman with long blood-red hair. Taking it in hand he felt something. A sense of a deep yet distant remembrance. Like a cracked mirror or of a long-forgotten memory just out of reach. Walking deeper inside he saw many doors lining a long hallway. Walking over to the nearest he found it to be locked. Walking to another he again found it locked. On and on this went until at long last he approached the most distant door. One that looked aged by time and centuries of neglect. Turning the knob the door opened with a deep moaning noise. Inside was a room lined with a sizeable assortment of ninja tools off to one side. A sword lay atop a table while on another a scroll lay partially open as if whoever was last in had forgotten to fully close it. Walking over to it he saw what was written upon it.
"Pocket dimensions". It said near the top. What was all this? What did this all mean? He didn't know and that fact unnerved him greatly. It meant something that much he knew. But for now, he would leave this for later. He could always return to this place later.
Meanwhile, Inoichi stood outside the operating room...again. Hiruzen at once had rushed over upon hearing the news. Now the two stood unmoving as the doctors did their work. But for once the work was more on trying to wake the child than to save his life. The pain was gone. What had caused the pain was a mystery he doubted would ever be solved. So long as he was alright he was fine with that.
"Inoichi-kun what happened just before he fell into this coma"? Hiruzen asked as he looked at the yellow-haired man.
"Nothing lord Hokage we had just returned home. One second he was fine the next he was on the ground...I'm sorry but I have no clue why he's like this". Inoichi said as tears formed in his eyes. In the weeks he had lived with him and his family Inoichi was beginning to view the boy as a son. As his son. To now see him as he was now torn at him like nothing else could.
"I never said you were at fault here I was just asking". Hiruzen said placing his arm around the man. The two said nothing else for the rest of the day.
The first thing Naruto knew was he was laying in a bed. A hospital bed. He knew because he had spent nearly a third of his life in the hospital. So much so that he had been given his own room. He, of course, being who he was had been given a room far away from the: normal patients: so as to not contaminate them. Looking around he saw Inoichi, Ino, Ino's mother, and Hiruzen. Hiruzen being the first to see him awake soon walked over and asked how he was.
"Naruto-kun how are you...are you alright"? The Hokage asked with that kind, grandfatherly like voice of his.
"I'm fine". Naruto replied but he could tell the Hokage wasn't buying that for even a second.
"That's good Naruto-kun. The doctors will need to do a few tests then your free to go". Hiruzen said before he poofed away.
"A clone". Inoichi said to which Naruto nodded. He understood he was a busy man after all. He couldn't worry about him. Still, the fact he left so soon hurt. He knew he didn't mean to hurt him but still, it hurt all the same. Minutes later the tests were done and he was free to go. As he left he saw something. Looking back it was gone. But for a second he swore he had seen a man with yellow hair and the same deep blue eyes. He swore he had seen the fourth Hokage. But that he knew was impossible. The fourth was dead and had been for 13 years. He died the same day he was born. The same day the fox attacked. Walking home Naruto's mind raced. He needed answers and by sage, he was going to get them.
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Heroic Chronicles Volume 2: Dawn of the New Beginning
Volume 2: Dawn of the New Beginning. [A High Fantasy + Non OP MC + Worldbuilding + Harem Novel] [This story is written in a Light Novel style] Heroic Chronicles tells the tale of a 17-years old protagonist, Claude Leonheart, a lowly Initiate of the Brotherhood of the Sun whose whole world became one of many trials, and challenges after saving the Kingdom's only princess. As he becomes a hero, a new world now awaits him. Follow his adventures of epic proportions (maybe not) as he encounters various adventures upon adventures and meeting new people during his journey as his life would then be shaped by these encounters for better or for worse. Take the journey with him as he learns his power and responsibilities that comes with it. Becoming a hero is not just about saving girls and slaying monsters. The cover is commisioned and done by: Artist: FatCatInTheBox ***** Before you lot bashes me up with my English etc., consider this: 1. This is my first novel. First conceptualized and written some 23 years ago. Only until last year that I did some improvisations and improvements to what I had kept in the dusty corner of my room all these while. This story sees the light of the day because I challenged myself, that's all. 2. English is the 6th language that I speak.And in RRL, I'm using British English mostly to write my story. 3. Easier said than done. Rather than subjecting me to subjective comments/reviews about the language, point it out and suggest an alternative. One or two would do just fine. It goes a long way. The Pledge - This story shall continue till it ends properly.
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