《The Demon Child》Naruto's Birthday Party
Today was the worst day of the year. Today was October 10th, better known by Naruto himself as his birthday or The Fox Hunt by the villagers. A day he hated with every fiber of his being. It was the one day of the whole year that the beatings would be at their highest and at their worst. However, he was sure this year would be different in that he was no longer alone. He now had people who really and truly cared about him. Still, his hope would pale in comparison to what awaited him. About as soon as he had entered his living room he saw a letter sitting atop the table. Upon picking up the letter he saw it was the address to Inoichi's main house atop the hill that he had been told weeks before. Having nothing better to do he soon made his way out the door and up the hill. Opening the door to the house as if it was his, which in some ways was true. He did spend alot of his free time inside the house playing or eating with Ino's family. His own home was more for sleeping or training then really anything else. But it was when he entered the living room that a loud chorus of happy birthday's rung out. Atop the table sat a sizeable cake that Choji was eyeing hungrily. Ino stood in the center of the very crowded room and was singing the loudest out of anybody.
"What's going on here"? Naruto asked eyes wide in disbelief. In one corner stood the ramen cooks Teuchi and his daughter Ayame who of course had ramen cooking on a portable stove. Naruto taken aback couldn't help but tear up at the sight before him now. A year before he wouldn't have ever dared dream of such a thing. Now, however, he stood amongst a crowd of people who were all busy laughing and playing or telling idiotic stories. He enjoyed every last second of it as he was pushed and pulled from one thing to the next. Shikamaru, of course, wanted a game of Go. Naruto, of course, accepted the challenge happily and soon after the game began. It wasn't long before a crowd formed around the table and soon bets were being made as to who would win. Choji alongside Ino had picked Naruto to win. A fact that upset the lazy boy greatly but he paid them no mind. He would beat the sun-kissed boy this time of that he was sure.
"You cheated. I don't know how but you cheated"! Shikamaru declared to all in the room. Naruto only eyed the boy before him with a puzzled look.
"How does one cheat at Go"? Naruto asked Shikamaru who could only glare hotly before turning away and disappearing into the kitchen.
"What did I do"? Naruto asked utterly confused at the boy's response.
"Nothing, Naruto-kun. Nothing at all". Ino's mother said before placing a nice big slice of cake before him. Once everybody had eaten the gifts started to be handed out. First came Inoichi's who had gifted him a picture frame depicting them all together. Ino, of course, being right next to him laughing and smiling all the way. He always liked seeing her smile. Every time he heard her laugh his stomach did flips and he would lose the ability to speak coherently. A fact she was more than happy to point out. The next gift or gifts as it turned out was from Choji who had gifted him a dozen BBQ chips. Family-sized BBQ chips. Naruto, not one to upset anybody much less one of his few friends took the bags and placed them off to one side. The gifts just kept on coming and Naruto kept taking them happily until at long last the sun had long since set and the moon and stars ruled the sky. The many small dots of light dotting the night sky made for a picturesque setting for all who still remained in the house.
"I had a great time today Ino-chan". Naruto said after most of the guests had left for their homes to go to bed. Each of them wishing him a good night as they all left one by one over the past few hours. Choji having to be taken home by his father as he was fast asleep after an eating contest that saw him down fifteen bags of chips, four whole pizzas, and nearly half the food set aside for the day.
"It was nothing really Naruto-kun. I was happy to do it". Ino replied happy to see the boy smile on what she knew was the day he hated the most. His own birthday. The mere thought of hating one's own date of birth was a truly upsetting thought. However, the hug she was soon taken into made her face a deep red color that made her all but forget the sad thought she had just had.
"N...Naruto-kun"? Ino asked worried for the boy upon hearing the boy start to cry.
"Ino-chan I...I". Naruto began before Ino put her arms around the crying boy and held him close.
"Shhh...it's alright. I completely understand...it's fine...everything is fine". Ino said softly as she rubbed his back. It wasn't long only a few minutes in fact that the boy began to pull away. The loss of him in her arms made her feel a great sense of loss for some unknown reason.
"I should go Ino-chan". Naruto said before turning to the door. He had only taken a few steps before Ino turned him around and planted a kiss on his lips. Naruto taken aback by the act moved away from her his eyes wide.
"I...Ino-chan w..why did you do that"? Naruto asked the girl before him. She, in turn, could only utter nonsense that he couldn't make out.
"Ino-chan...are you ok"? Naruto asked moving slowly closer to the girl with a look of worry on his face. Ino did her best to not meet his gaze.
I...I shouldn't have done that I'm sorry". Ino said feeling very stupid for even doing that. No matter how nice his lips felt nor the overpowering sense of happiness upon finally doing it.
"No, it's... I...I liked it..it's just". Naruto began before seeing Ino turn to face him after nearly a full minute of her dodging his gaze.
"Just what Naruto-kun"? Ino's voice held a deep need to know the answer.
"That you liked me. Liked me in that way...Ino-chan". Naruto says rubbing the back of his head in much the same way his father did as a kid. She was about to reply when her father walked back inside the room.
"Naruto-kun you're still here? I would've thought you would be gone by now." Inoichi asked the boy. He had come to clean up after the birthday party and didn't at all expect to still see the birthday boy in the house at this late an hour.
"Yeah, Inoichi-san I was just talking to Ino-chan but I should be going. It's getting kind of late but thank you again. I had a great time today". Naruto said before departing the home. As soon as the door had closed behind him Ino eyed her father with utter hate in her eyes before walking out of the room not once looking at her father. Inoichi all the while was at a loss.
"What the hell did I do". He said to himself.
As Naruto, Ino, Shikamaru, and Choji walked into the classroom Naruto could already feel his chest begin to tighten. Today he was either going to pass or fail and try as he may he couldn't help but feel nervous every time this particular day came up. If he failed today that was it, his whole ninja career would end before it had even got started. Iruka Umino stood front and center as each student entered the classroom and took their seats. Naruto liked Iruka-sensei. He wasn't mean to him like all the others had been and while he and the man were by no means close he did like that the man didn't seem to hate him at all.
"Ok everybody you all know what today is. For those of you who have failed this last year today is your chance to pass so do your utmost and soon you will be wearing a leaf headband". Iruka said before handing out the first part of the exams. A paper test. Naruto answered them as best as he could but even so he feared he got most of the questions wrong. Meanwhile, Ino eyed Naruto from the corner of her eye. She could tell right away that he was nervous. His grip upon his pencil told her as much.
"Ino eyes on your test"! Iruka yelled making her jump.
"Sorry, Iruka-sensei it will not happen again". Ino replied embarrassed. She could hear the sounds of suppressed giggles and snickers. She paid them no mind and resumed her work. As each minute passed she would eye Naruto for only a second or two. By the looks of it, he was about done with his test with maybe three or four questions left before he was done. He did at the very least look less nervous. Why that was she didn't know but she was happy all the same regardless.
"Ok kids put your pencils down and please hand over your tests". Iruka asked as one by one the tests were handed in and they all retook their seats.
"Good now when he calls your name please walk calmly inside the room and perform the necessary jutsus". Iruka said before he departed the classroom to start to grade the tests.
"Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze". The second Chunin instructor called out. He held a look of utter disgust upon looking at him as if he was some deceased animal on the side of the road that was unpleasant to look at.
"You know what to do brat". The man said with an edge to his voice. Naruto knew he wanted nothing more than to gut him right then and there. So with practiced ease, Naruto became Iruka then replaced himself with a potted plant. The man only grunted before writing it down. Now was the hardest part of all. The damnable clone jutsu. A jutsu that no matter how much he trained he could never pull off without it looking like some dehydrated mummy with gray-colored skin and sunken eyes. This time was no different as the clone fell upon the floor with a thud. It was entirely useless as anything but a comic routine or a clear display of his complete lack of control over his chakra network.
"You Fail Now Get Out Demon Spawn"! The man yelled but not so loud as to be heard in the next room.
"But if you would just give me a sec...". Naruto began before he was struck hard in the cheek forcing him to the floor. Again and again, he was struck with no end in sight until a shadow blocked the light from overhead.
"Inoichi what the hell are you doing here"? The man demanded in a rage. His hands already pulled back into cuffs by the same dog-masked ANBU that he had met a few weeks before.
"Lord Hokage guessed this may happen so made contingency plans. Once we saw Iruka leave the classroom we knew this would happen. Your house is being torn apart as we speak looking for anything else you may have done". Inoichi said before giving the order and he was taken away. Inoichi then took his place behind the desk.
"The clone jutsu if you will, Naruto-kun". Inoichi asked. At once he formed the handsigns and out popped yet another gray-skinned dehydrated mummy looking clone. Inoichi watched as it flopped about like a fish out of water. It was sort of comical in a sad kind of way.
"Will, Naruto-kun it's a clone but not a very useful one. But the test only asks for a clone so technically you pass. However, I'll ask Lord Hokage for a jutsu more your speed". Inoichi said before handing him a new leaf headband.
"Congratulations, Naruto your now a Genin". Inoichi said before forming a clone of the man and was off. Naruto meanwhile walked out with a brand new Leaf headband.
Naruto was awoken by the sound of heavy banging upon his door the next day.
"I'm coming just give me a minute". Naruto yelled out as he put on his orange-colored jumper and started to make his way to the front door.
"I said I'm coming hold on a minute". Naruto yelled out as he opened the door to come face to face with Inoichi.
"Oh, Inoichi-san what are you doing here. It's like 7:30 in the morn"? Inoichi looked inside the house then back at him.
"You haven't seen Ino-chan have you? I have been looking all over the village for her". Inoichi said.
"No last I saw her was after the exams. She left soon after and I haven't seen her since". Naruto answered before growing worried for her safety. Stepping outside the pair were soon off jumping from one rooftop to the next. From an outsider's perspective, the two looked very much like father and son. But by noon the two had still not found her. Inoichi was about ready to issue a missing person report but Naruto had an idea.
"I may have an idea of where Ino-chan is. Meet me at the base of the Hokage tower in an hour. Inoichi looked unhappy about taking orders from a lowly Genin but it was either that or not finding his daughter at all. So with a nod of his head, Inoichi made his way to the Hokage tower.
Once the man was gone Naruto ran down a side street and into training ground 37. Upon entering the training ground he could see Ino sitting atop a hill picking at the many colorful flowers. Taking a seat next to her he eyed the beautiful scenery than at her. She was crying.
"Ino-chan why are you crying"? Naruto asked as he placed his hand upon her. Ino jumped slightly upon the contact.
"N...Naruto-kun what are you doing here"? She asked now embarrassed at the fact she was crying in front of a boy. In front of Naruto most of all.
"C...can I do this...you know this line of work"? Ino asked looking as lost as he was at this kind of thing.
"You know Ino-chan I'm sure even Lord First was unsure if this village idea would work out but it did. You will be fine I'm sure of it". Naruto said before he got up, dusted himself off, and extended his hand to pull her back to her feet.
"Oh, and Ino you really mustn't cry I really hate seeing you sad". Naruto said before turning away in time to miss the rosy cheeks that had soon formed upon hearing him say that to her. The walk to the Hokage tower was done in silence. Ino because she feared saying anything after hearing him say that and Naruto himself because he had nothing to say. Still, she walked closer than normal. Every time the two would touch Ino would jump away before slowly moving closer once again. As soon as Inoichi saw his daughter he ran up and hugged her. Naruto feeling out of place walked away head downcast. He was happy to help but even so seeing that love hurt. Ino's family were nice. Far nicer than most people in the village but he was an outsider. All the meals he ate with them, all the games he played with them, and all the stories told to him were their stories, not his. He had no real part in any of them he was just there. He was about halfway up the street when Inoichi stopped him and hugged him. An act that took him by surprise seeing as he had never been hugged at all, most of all by a guy of all things.
"Thank you for finding her. Thank you so much". Inoichi said as he released him and walked over to Ino. He was happy she was ok. He wasn't sure why she was doubting herself but he was sure her father could help her deal with her insecurities. But for now, he would leave the two alone. She clearly needed time to talk to her father and work out a few things. He would, of course, be there to help her should she have need of him but until then he would train for what was to come next in his life. He had no way to know that his life was going to change forever in only a few days time.
- In Serial191 Chapters
Just a Bystander
Everyone wants to believe they are the hero of their own story. But in a world where prophecies are real, what happens if you're not the Chosen One? A budding arcanist named Caden enrols in the Academy, entering the same cohort as one of the legendary Chosen Ones, and finds himself caught in a tangle of fate that threatens to unravel the entire Empire. Updates on the last week of each month. Join the Discord community here.Support me on Patreon here. Cover art by Fuyu Dust. "Just a Bystander" is a work of love and I intend to keep posting it for free on RoyalRoad for everyone to enjoy. If you would like to support me, I have a Patreon page for those who would like to make a financial contribution. However, I would like to stress that I am able to continue writing with or without financial support and that you should not feel compelled to put dollars into this. I am happy simply to receive your support as a reader, and would also love for you to join the Discord to hang out and chat with other readers.I've chosen not to offer early chapters because I'd like my readers to keep apace with each other, and there are time constraints that come with my situation.Thank you for reading my work. I hope you continue to enjoy reading it as much as I enjoy writing it. =)
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Patchwork System
Notification (cannot be ignored): For being the first being to kill another of its own species after Sublimation, Lyam Aldren is awarded the Title of Cain’s Successor. Let all fear the Kinslayer!!! Lyam Aldren, killer for hire, was just going about his business when he suddenly received a notification from something called the System. Apparently, the entirety of Earth, its denizens and its matter were transported into the world of the System, planted in 'patches' all throughout the infinite world. The world of the Patchwork System is one of challenges, where life is cheap, power is king, and Classes and levels are a thing. In a brutal world, there is perhaps room for a killer with bloodstained hands to find his own way, free of his past. However, his Title and his inherent nature plague him, his fragmented personality laid bare to those with the eyes to see, and if he doesn't become powerful enough to defeat or escape those who would use or destroy him, he will quickly be devoured by the merciless world created by the System. Compared to my previous work, this is a more 'classic' litrpg setup, with clear (if somewhat complex) progression through levels and skill gains, with a 'system apocalypse' setup. Unlike most system apocalypse story protagonists, Lyam is neither a leader nor is he particularly interested in saving his fellow Earthlings. This is a story of a man who is both endangered and set free by the destruction of his old world, as he finds both power, new discoveries, and adventure in a place where his past matters not at all and power is the only language most speak. Later in the story, there will be harem elements, but the first volume is dedicated to Lyam's first months in the System. For those who are more interested in the Heirs of the Hooded King, I am putting it on hiatus as I rework the setting and future story developments a bit.
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