《The Connections》Fatal Lessons


“What do we have here? It looks like this young lad wanted to play hero. Why don’t we teach him a lesson.” The Leader said.

The leader shoved Zach forward and two Redcaps grabbed his arms to hold him. The leader punched Zach in the gut, letting Zach catch his breath he punched him again and again until Zach was black and blue.

“I have to hand it to you. You put up a great fight, but I can’t have you going around and interfering with my plans.” The leader said to Zach.

“LET HIM GO!!!!!!!!!” The entire Redcap force flew off their feet, so did Zach… well; he flew off his knees. Zach picked himself up and looked over to see Nick on the ground curled up in pain.

The father held Nick back as the Redcap leader was beating Zach. “Stop, you can’t fight them all on your own.” The father said. Nick was getting pissed, praying on the weak and defenseless. Zach could have just walked right by and ignored what was happening, but he didn’t and because of that he is being beaten. The more Nick saw what was happening to Zach the more his anger over boiled. He broke free from the father’s grasp and tore his muzzle off his face. “Let him go” Nick whispered. He felt his neck vibrate and the force behind his voice met his lips. “LET HIM GO!!!!!!!!!” The sound wave threw Nick backwards into the side of a tree, on contact he felt his ribs pop and the pain caused him to curl up barely able to breath.

Bloodied and bruised, Zach still has enough strength in him to stand up. “I see we have a Connected in our midst, tell me boys what do we do with the Connected?” The leader asked as he stood up. The group of Redcaps closest to Nick had taken most of the force applied to them. So the few Redcaps near Zach had only gotten enough to knock them down. There was a chorus of we kill them and we bury them, from the small group of now standing Redcaps. “First let’s get rid of him.” The leader said nodding to Zach. Given the command, the Redcaps swarmed Zach.


Zach was knocked to the ground once more and a volley of kicks harassed him. Once the leader was satisfied, he called his goons off and crouched over Zach and said something in Zach’s ear. “I don’t know or care who you are, but you made one fatal mistake today, you crossed me.” And with that The leader plunged a dagger into Zach’s chest.

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