《The Connections》The Beat Down


“Get down and hide in the brush over there, I will come find you after I deal with this.” Zach said, turning to Nick.

Nick did not have to be told twice and he ran off toward a large thicket. Knowing that Nick was now safe, Zach crept closer to the burning cart to get a closer look. There were about a dozen and a half Redcaps attacking the cart. The family were huddled together behind the father who was trying the ward off the attackers with a Pickax. As Zach watched he noticed something about one of the Redcaps, one of them was just standing there watching, It was the leader. Zach unclasped his cloak and left it where he dropped it. Crouch running to the back of the cart he found some assorted farming tools. Most of the wooden handles were too brittle and short to work as a weapon. Testing one out Zach spun it but it just splintered away, the fire damage was too great on that one. On the verge of resorting to his fists, something caught his eye. There was something under the burning cart. Getting lower he saw a gardening hoe with a handle about five feet long. Careful not to burn himself, Zach snatched the tool from under the cart and snapped the head off the handle. With just the handle left Zach spun it in his hands, it was perfect.

Now that he had a weapon to defend himself, he assessed the crowd of Redcaps. Coming to the conclusion that taking out the leader would be the best path to follow, he melded into the swarm. The Redcaps were too busy to notice Zach, they were caught up with the family, one would lash out at the father and retreat. Pissed off Zach quickened his pace. Zach got about ten feet away before the leader noticed Zach. “Hay, where did you come from?” The leader yelled


Zach swung the staff and it caught the leader in the solar plexus, the force drove him to his knees the wind dutifully knocked out of him. As the leader yelled, the group of Redcaps stopped and turned toward Zach then they charged. By the look of the group Zach could tell that they only responded to harsh violence.

The first one that got to Zach came at him head on with a knife in his hand. Zach sidestepped the oncoming combatant and used his hand to chop at the point where his skull met the back of his neck, The force put spots into the redcap’s vision right before he was knocked out by a swift punch from Zach. It was only a second when the next two had reached him. With a fluid motion, Zach caught the arm of the Redcap on the right and used it to stop the other Redcap’s downward slice with his short sword. The guy started to scream when he noticed his severed arm and Zach pushed him aside. Surprised at the severed arm the guy on the left stood there, completely open. Not one to miss an opportunity, Zach used his middle knuckle to crush the adam's apple of the standing Redcap.

As Zach went, Nick couldn't help but watch him in amazement and a little arousal, any person that can take care of themselves in a fight always got Nick’s blood pumping. Putting his personal desires aside, Nick had an idea. He tried to use what Zach had told him about his cloak as he moved around the group toward the family. The father was still trying to fend off three of his attackers. One of them got past his defense and cut his forearm. Groaning in pain he punched the Redcap and used the top of the pickax to bash the second redcap in the face. He turned to the last one and flung himself to the ground just in time, as the blade of a Khopesh met the air where his head had been. The Redcap advanced, but just as he raised his weapon to finish him Nick came up on his side and sucker punched him.


As this all was happening, Zach smiled as he saw Nick try to be stealthy. As he finished off a Redcap, Zach was struck and was grabbed from behind.

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