《The Connections》Nick


There were three people talking among themselves as Zach walked up. One of them had on a Guard’s uniform, while the other two were in civilian clothing. Zach looked closer at the smaller of the two civilians. He was of average height with short red hair, just the way he held himself told Zach that he was born to be a leader. But the one thing that stood out to Zach was that the guy had a mussel that prevented him from speaking. The one in the Guard uniform noticed Zach and froze, noticing the Guard both of the civilians looked toward Zach.

“You must be Zach. I was told that you would be arriving on a bus.” the taller of the two civilians said.

“The bus attracted too much attention.” Zach said, answering the man’s unasked question.

The Guard stepped forward and stuck out his hand in greeting. “Thank you for accepting this mission Zach.”

Zach takes the outstretched hand and shakes it formally. “No problem, I hope that my skills are enough to be useful.”

The red haired guy looked at the Guard and made a series of unfamiliar movements with his hands. After he was done the Guard nodded.

“I’m Robert Halvin and I would like to introduce you to my son, Nick Halvin. You will be escorting him to the Academy.” The taller guy said.

It was then Zach noticed the resemblance between the two.

“Ok Nick, please answer me with either yes or no.” Zach said looking over to Nick.

Nick nods and Zach continues. “Are you willing to do exactly what I tell you to do, even if you think it is not necessary to do so?” Zach gets a nod from Nick. “Do you have any experience with concealed movement?” Nick shakes his head. “Are these questions really necessary? It is a semi short ride to the Academy.” Robert said with irritation in his voice. Looking at Robert, Zach says, “Sir, these questions are necessary for your son to get to the Academy safely. It is a short ride to the Academy, but we will not be taking the Transports. We will be walking there.” The looks of utter shock on Robert and the Guard’s face was astounding. Nick’s face revealed understanding. “Walking? Why would you be walking when you could have a transport deliver you in less than three hours?” The father asked.


“Like I said before, the bus attracted too much attention. You can trust me, I can and will keep your son safe.” Zach said.

“Safe? You are but a child, how can you keep my son safe?” Robert asked with derision in his voice.

Nick raises his hand to stop his father and makes some more hand movements. Whatever Nick had said seemed to ease his father. “I requested for two cloaks to be made. Do you have them?” Zach asks the Guard. The Guard gives Zach a bag that was hanging from his back.

“There is one other thing I need before we leave.” Zach says. “And what is that?” The Guard asks.

“I need two people to replace us on the bus.” Zach says smiling.

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