《The Connections》The First Mission


There was a knock at Zach’s door. Looking at the clock Zach wondered why someone would be visiting him at ten o'clock at night. Opening the door to find Rook.

“I would like to apologize to you for visiting at a late hour. But I got word from the Capital Guard that they have a need for certain skills, they asked for you in particular.” Rook said.

“Wait, the Capital Guard, what do they want with me?” Zach asked.

“They need someone with the skills of combat and stealth. You are to transport an important person from the Capital to this Academy on a very low radar.” Rook replied.

“But why me? There must be hundreds of candidates more suited for this task.” Zach countered.

“Zach, you were picked because no one was able to steal and successfully hide from the Capital Guard before. They saw your potential and are willing to supply you with anything you need to get this job done.” Rook said.

“Ok, fine when do you need me to do this?” Zach asked.

“Tomorrow morning. I have arranged a transport for you to travel to the capital.” Rook said.

Morning dawned as Zach left for the Capital on a bus. He had requested for two replica cloaks to be made just like his. The Guard had looked confused and Zach explained. “If you want this important person to be transported here, I will need him or her to be able to melt into the shadows.” With his confusion and curiosity quenched, the Guard had relayed the request to his superiors as Zach got on the bus

Zach asked the driver to stop the bus before they entered the Capital. “I'm going to climb under the bus and hold on to the frame as you enter. In my experience the best way to keep a low profile while entering an area, is to ‘not’ enter it at all.” Zach said using finger quotes. Understanding the plan, the driver stopped on the side of the road. He even got out to check the tires as a decoy for Zach, as he climbed down a hatch in the floor of the bus.


The drive into the Capital was harsher than he would have liked, but the driver could not hint that something was afoot. Zach waited for the right moment to drop off the bus and roll to the sidewalk unnoticed. Moving into a side ally between two apartments, Zach took off his cloak and rolled it neatly and stored it into his satchel. Confident that the sidewalk was crowded enough, he slipped into the mass of bodies that were living their lives unaware of Zach making his way through the winding streets as if he was at home.

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