《Crystal High》Chapter 10: The Plan


▌│█║▌║▌║Chapter 10 ║▌║▌║█│▌

I looked at the girl and explained to her, "We need more KO points for both of us to make it into the top 30, so we should go to the middle of the arena to get those. From there we'll be able to see where the most explosions are coming from and go in that direction. Does that sound good?"

She looked in the direction of the center of the arena and told me, "I was in the center fighting when those two teamed up on me. Most of the strong people are there fighting it out. The strong ones felt they didn't have to run from anybody, so they just stayed there to fight it out. I thought I could outrun everybody with my super speed, and steal some easy KOs. Those two messed that up for me though. They were doing pretty good there until they got KO thirsty and followed me in here."

This makes things interesting since most of the stronger ones are in the center. I stood there pondering the situation for a minute before an idea popped into my head. I looked back at her and proclaimed with a smirk, "I think we can get a lot of KOs then. Listen to this carefully... "

I explained the idea I had to her, and a surprise look popped onto her face. I guess she was a little shocked that I came up with the idea. She thought about it for a moment and stated, "I guess it could work. It will be a gamble though, but I guess a gamble is better than being a guaranteed to lose. Let's do it."

I smiled and let out a sigh of relief that she agreed to it. I responded to her by saying, "Great! What's your name by the way?"


She looked back at me as she went out to gather the vines, and she told me, "You can call me Via. That’s what everyone calls me except for my parents and grandparents."

After that, she superspeeded off to gather more vines for ropes. I shouted back at her in courtesy, "You can call me Khan if you like!"

With that I was off to get some sticks and a good view of the center on top of a tree. After I got the sticks, I immediately went to the top of a tree to see the center. The trees in the forest were tall, but I stilld struggled to get a good look at the center of the arena.

I could barely get a glimpse of one half of the center from the tree. There were two people fighting there in that small area. In fact, it seemed like Drazen and some guy shaking the earth beneath him were the ones that were fighting.

He seemed to try and shake the earth beneath Drazen’s feet to knock him off balance, but he couldn't get close enough. Drazen's power range was farther than his. There were three people laying around them. They seemed to be the losers of previous fights.

I started to look around those two that were fighting, and I could see explosions and dust from the other half I couldn't get a good look at. From the different explosions there seemed to be at least 3 more people still active in the fights. We need to get there fast to pick up some KOs before they are already gone.

I jumped back down from the tree. Via was there with the vines ready. I told her the situation, and that we need to get there fast. She seemed to grasp the situation, and right when I was about to run with the sticks in hand. She picked me up and ran at superspeed there. My head flew back from the shock of it as I howled out, “Ohhhhh myyyyy Goooodddd!”


My lips curled away from my teeth at the speed, and when we finally stopped, I wasn’t surprised to find out we covered about 400 yards in 10 seconds. When we got there, I could see the things I couldn't in the tree. The three people still in the game on the other half happened to be 6. There was also about 10 people lying on the ground already KOed. They all seemed oblivious that we were there watching them because they were too caught up in their separate fights. “This may actually work.” I thought to myself.

I quickly turned to Via and told her, "This should work with these six people here. Whatever you do though, don't go near Drazen and Mr. Rock your world over there. This won't go over well with them."

She nodded, and handed me the one vine I needed. Then she was off, executing the plan. I hope this all goes well.

▌│█║▌║▌║To be Continued ║▌║▌║█│▌

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