《Crystal High》Chapter 11: The End Battle


▌│█║▌║▌║Chapter 11║▌║▌║█│▌

I immediately got to work on my part of the plan. I slammed a stick into the ground just on the outskirts of the Forest section. The stick went about halfway into the earth which made it plenty sturdy for the plan. I then tied the vine around it near the bottom, and ran straight across the border of the forest section. When I was finally at the end of the rope, it was just in time. While I was doing this, Via went around to the six people fighting on this side, and individually hit every single one of them to get their attention. She was too fast for them to catch her, so she easily completed this task. Once she did that, she ran over near the border of the forest, and mocked them. She flipped then the bird and exclaimed, "All of you are all bark and no bite. None of you can catch me, and if you did you would al just fight each other instead. Honestly you are all pathetic losers. You should all just quit now to be honest because you'll never make it at this school."

This got all of the riled up, and one even shouted back, "We'll show you how strong we are bitch! We won't even have to waste a lot of time beating you, so we won't miss out on much time of getting points. Cone on guys! First one to get her, gets all the points for themselves!"

They all started moving as one unit toward her. They spread out, and ran side by side to cover the most ground. I have to say I'm pretty impressed. I didn't think that they would be this wiling to work together. I guess the power of bruising egos works on high levels. I laid the vine one the ground, so it was unnoticeable. Via went of the vine with no problem, and when the group of six got there I pulled it up. Five out of six of them went tumbling down. This was the moment it all came down to. I figured some would be slower than the others, and they wouldn't fall down. This was all about speed. Via immediately went superspeed, and started tying up those on the ground with the vines. The one still standing started to aim an attack toward Via, but he didn't notice me. I quietly stood up from my position with a large stick in hand. I gripped the stick like a spear, and threw it at the one standing. The stick nailed him in the side of the head and knocked him out.


This also served as a distraction for Via because even she wasn't fast enough to tie up everyone before they reacted. She got to the first three, but the other two started to react. They paused and turned around when they saw their fallen comrade go down by me though. Those few precious seconds of hesitation was all Via needed to knock them out, and tie them up. I then ran over and knocked one of the first three out with a stick, and she knocked the other two out. We were now even in the amount of knockouts we have in the exam. I went over the one that didn't fall for the trap and started tying him up. Via looked at me with a curious gaze and asked, "How did you know this would work?"

Continuing to tie, I answered, "I didn't. There were a lot of ways this could have gone wrong. More than one person could have not fallen for the trap, making it way more difficult for us to get them all. The two that you didn't initially tie up could have not gotten distracted by me either, which means that you would have gotten hit by one of their powers. I made a gamble based on my entire life experience of being underestimated. No one expects a Sagaru to be able to do anything. Maybe they did notice me, and didn't think they should worry about me. You never really know until you ask them, but I have to admit one thing. The part where I knocked the guy standing up out. That was completely improvisation. I just through it and hoped for the best."

She continued to look at me in bewilderment. Just then I felt an immense pressure come over me. Via and I both went to the ground. I managed to look my head up, and there was Drazen smiling down on us. He smiled as he gloated, "I have to admit I'm impressed Khan. You managed to get someone to do the work for you. I would've never thought someone would work with a piece of shit like you."


I looked at where he and the earthquake guy was fighting. It seemed he used his gravity to flatten the earth as soon as it would become uneven. It was only a matter of time before he got within range of Mr. Rock Your World and knocked him out.

How could it end like this. I worked too damn hard for it to end like this. I looked at Drazen with hate in my eyes. All my life I was always beaten by High levels like him. They always thought they were better than me, and now that I have a chance to prove them all wrong it was going to be taken away from me!? No fucking way I'm going to let this happen. As Drazen got closer and closer to me I could hear Via shout out, "BASTARD!"

He stopped and looked over at her. He gave her a little smirk as he said, "Don't worry babe. I'll get to you after I finish playing with him."

He then continued to walk to me. My anger grew the closer he got. When he was right up on me I think I could see some faint blue flames come out of my fingers, but I couldn't be sure. Just as he got there a wall of ice shot out from the ground at a monumental force, knocking him away. I looked in the direction it came from, and there was Zen standing on the edge of the city district. Drazen looked at her and mumbled, "Bitch."

Just when I thought everything was about to go to hell. Mr. Shadowfox shouted out, "Time! That's the end of the physical part of the exams, and the exams in general. You can all go home now. We will let you know if you won or not by this time next week at least. I'll show you out, and get those who have been knocked out to the health department don't worry."

The thirty minutes was already up. I tried to give Via a hopeful look, but the truth is I don't know if we made it. Was four knockouts enough to pass? It was a long walk home after that. I couldn't stop worrying about the exams, and was I hallucinating when I saw blue flames?

▌│█║▌║▌║To be Continued║▌║▌║█│▌

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