《Witchcraft Lords》Chapter 6 Fox-Eared Lady: Irina Winsor


"Who are you? Come out! Don't pretend to be a ghost."

Solvay tried to keep himself calm and not be intimidated by the evil, so when he said this, he couldn't help but use an announcing accent because it made him feel righteous.

"Let me guess, you're scared, right? The young woman's voice in the darkness became derisive as if Solvay's reaction amused her.

"Ho! I'm a noble baron, how can I be afraid of a small person hiding in the darkness, come out, don't pretend to be a ghost! Solvay kept himself calm and kept telling himself not to be afraid, but in fact, his feet were shaking so much that he could hardly sit still.

The castle, the void, the other world, the ghosts, the witches ......

These are the keywords that keep rushing into his mind, making him feel scared.

He didn't want to die yet, he didn't have a wife yet!

"But your legs are trembling, Mr. Baron! Hee hee!"

The female voice in the darkness continued to tease, she felt that this nobleman, unlike other nobles, other nobles, would have shouted "guard", this nobleman did not call for help, and was worried, actually thought of her, the assassin, as the devil, very funny.

"Okay! I admit it, I'm scared, come on out!"

I can't help it, the situation is stronger than the person, and he had to admit to the persuasion.

"All right! But you can't call the guards.


"Hee hee."

The female voice in the darkness, seeing Solvay's reaction, was amused that this nobleman had only just thought of calling out for a guard.

Solvay just thought of calling out to the guards, after all, he has just crossed over, officially become a lord noble only a short while, simply not used to the life of a noble lord, he was already very nervous by this horrible atmosphere, he thought of calling for help, but he thought about it, this is the other world, there is no police, and the police can not deal with ghosts, right?


So, the idea of calling for help just flashed through his mind, not even thinking of calling out to the guards.

However, when the female voice in the darkness said so, Solvay's mind was reassured, since the other side is afraid of the guards, then obviously, the other side is not too scared, so he calmed his mind and said: "You come out! Don't worry, I won't call the guards.

Irina Winsor, as an orc fox assassin, usually does not show up in front of people when she is on a mission, but Solvay, a small baron, intrigued her.

She had never seen a nobleman who took the initiative to give a large tax break to his people and called other nobles devils, something that made the uninitiated her instinctively think that Solvay was a good man.

In addition, what had just happened made her feel that Solvay was very interesting, so she decided to show up.

"Then come to the underground wine cellar of the castle!

"The underground wine cellar? Solvay's pupils shrank, and his emotions that had just eased up a bit got tense again, and he said in a low voice: "Are you a human or a ghost?

Well, now there's no need for an announcing voice.

This is scary.

In the underground wine cellar, he read some Western fantasy works, and remember the ghosts like to appear in the basement. And he talked to the other side, it is obvious that the other side can see him, but also hear him.

The body in the underground wine cellar, sight, hearing, and sound but reached the ancient castle above ground.


"I am neither human nor a ghost," laughed Irina, the baron. Irina laughed, the baron was so funny.

"Holy shit!"

Hearing Irina says she was neither human nor a ghost, Solvay's tense mind finally exploded and he fell off his chair and onto the ground.


He said, "Hey, Mr. Baron, you're a coward! I'm an assassin! If you want to see me, come to the underground wine cellar! The uninitiated Irina revealed her identity.


"Nima! This assassin is too scary! It's not possible that there's a modern technology like surveillance in this European medieval setting!

Solvay panicked.

However, human progress is always driven by curiosity, and Solvay panicked, but he wanted to know the truth.

So, his legs stood up uncontrolled by his thoughts, and headed for the entrance of the underground cellar.

Walking deeper into the castle, pushing open a door, Solvay held a torch and followed the stairs leading to the underground cellar, moving down one step at a time.

Finally, and saw a door, this is the underground cellar door, the door is hidden, not locked.

Because Jeffrey the miser not only emptied the cellar, but even the brass lock on the cellar door, was also taken away.

As a result, Solvay's heart has a voice in the extremely resistant to open the cellar door, but the left hand is uncontrollably pushed open, and then, by the light of the fire, Solvay saw the inside of the cellar scene.


Only a figure, sitting in the middle of the cellar, her body, there is a layer of orange fire.


Solvay of course did not believe that she was setting herself on fire the owner of this figure had special powers!

"I knew it! I knew it!"

Solvay, who was scared to death, kept crawling backward, and finally realized that the world he had traveled to was not a medieval European world, but a fantasy world.

A fantasy world!

"Huh! Mr. Baron, you don't know anything about witchcraft, do you? Why are you so scared?"

Irina Winsor was curious, she was just sitting on the ground and using sorcery, and the baron got scared like this, which was hard for her to understand.

So she withdrew her powers, got up, and came forward.

"The first thing you need to do is to get a good idea of what you are doing. You're a vixen or a fox-eared woman!" After being approached by Irina, Solvay finally saw clearly what the owner of the figure in the firelight looked like.

This is a humanoid woman, beautiful, she has a pair of watery lips, a seagull line nose, and a pair of large fox eyes that look charming.

The pupils of her eyes are a slight orange color, transparent and clear, very lively, plus the long, black, straight hair with bangs gives a very pure and lovely feeling.

Feminine and pure two temperaments in her body blend, but there is no sense of incongruity, on the contrary, the two temperaments in her body blend, so that her temperament is more on a layer.

More lovable!

The company's main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to the market.

The above appearance, in the eyes of Solvay, who has only seen ordinary people, is very normal, such a girl, people love.

However, when a pair of black fox ears appeared on Irina's head when Irina spoke a pair of small tiger teeth with a spiky glow, the picture changed, and Solvay also panicked.

"Huh? What vixen? What's a fox-eared woman? I've never heard of it. I'm an orc fox. Hasn't Mr. Baron ever seen us orcs? Don't you noblemen like to capture the women of our orc foxes?

Irina's big fox eyes looked at Solvay curiously, she couldn't understand how this noble baron could be so afraid.

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