《Witchcraft Lords》Chapter 5: Ghosts in the Old Castle?


"Mr. Delin, you get up first, I can't even figure out what taxes there are in Winterland, how can I suddenly want to raise taxes, you have to let me figure out the situation first!

Solvay was kneeling in front of an old man, Solvay's face is a little embarrassed, so rushed forward to help Delin Kvothe to get up.

He continued to cry, "Baron, please don't raise the tax, we really can't live any longer!

"I don't know what the taxes are yet, you have to let me know first!

The taxation of this winter territory is the same as that of the European medieval world, and the taxation is determined and collected by the lords and nobles of each region.

Solvay is also worried about the extreme situation of extremely low taxes in the winter collar, although looking at the numbed starving people of Winterfell also knows that it is impossible, but what if?

If Jeffrey the bad guy before selling his title and territory to himself, set himself up to adjust the taxes to extremely low, and then with Delin? The old man, Kvothe, is being cheated by this old man's misrepresentation, and that's a big deal.

Unreasonable taxation, whether extremely high or extremely low, is not conducive to the development of the territory.

He Solvay can't just sit on his ass! The construction of the territory must spend money!

Where does the money come from? From taxes.

Therefore, Solvay would not agree easily without knowing the situation.

"Mr. Deling, the Baron has asked you to rise first. Gust, who was standing by the side, saw that Dealing Kvothe was playing a trick on him, so he gripped the hilt of his sword, which was stuck upside down, with his left hand, and waited for Solvay to give him further instructions.

If Solvay let him do it, Gust would take the sword against Delin, he has the spirit of a knight, and loyalty is ranked before mercy.


The first time I saw Gust's little gesture, Delin's body had a slight tremor, he was also afraid.

However, for the sake of the people of Winterland, he still chose to kneel on the ground to plead and did not get up.

"Solvay waved his hand at Gust, signaling him not to move, then looked at Delin and sighed: "Mr. Delin, you get up first, I can promise you that if the tax is unreasonable and very harsh, I will not only not increase the tax, but also reduce it.

"Uh ...... remission?

The word "remission", this word, Delin Kvothe never dared to think, but now, he heard the word remission from the mouth of the new lord, this instant, let his already numb, dead heart, active up.

This old man is not subtle, he stood up directly and giggled.

Although this smile is a silly, very warm heart as if the future is full of longing, full of hope.

Solvay was also infected by his smile, which originally had a trace of unhappiness, his face also blossomed with a trace of a smile, he opened his mouth and asked: "Mr. Delin, tell me, what taxation winter collar has now.

"There are many taxes!" Delin Kvothe sighed, and then began to remember, while saying: "Every year, we have to plant for the lord, not only no income, bad planting and compensation, and then, there are agricultural tax, commercial tax, industrial tax, population tax, learning tax, into and out of the city tax, survival tax, death tax, wife and children tax, clothing tax, breathing air tax, food, and water tax, to make the lord happy tax ......"

"Fuckin' hell! This shit!"

Listen to Delin Kvothe's statement, Solvay out of anger, I heard before that the tyranny is fiercer than a tiger, Jeffrey this beast, this is not a tyranny is fiercer than a tiger ah, this is completely eating people without spitting out the bones, do not treat people as the human devil!


Breathing air tax, food, and water tax, to make the lord happy tax is coming, this can not be more outrageous?

Anyway, Solvay can't think of anything more outrageous than this.

There is also the entry and exit tax, no wonder this winter collar has a medium county city size, the city but only more than 2,000 people, it turns out that the city will have to pay a copper coin, this time, a few people dare to enter and exit the winter city at will.

You know, in Otto City, many people work hard for a month, but only earn a dozen coins ah!

"The first thing you can do is to stop talking, Mr. Delin.

Solvay interrupted Delin Kwot's speech, and then, with a wave of his hand, he said to Delin Kwot, "Tell the people that from today onwards, all but a few basic taxes will be waived.

"Huh?" He had just dared to think that Solvay would waive some of the most unreasonable taxes, but he did not think that Solvay would waive only a few of the basic taxes.

Solvay did not care about him, but picked up a piece of parchment from the table, dipped a goose feather pen into the ink, and wrote on it, which was the notice of removing all kinds of outrageous taxes and keeping only a few basic taxes.

When he had finished, Solvay handed it to Derin Kvothe, and then commanded, "Read it to the people. Give it to Gust after reading it."

Solvay then looked at Gust and said, "Mr. Gust, go out with Mr. Deling and prove his identity, tell the people that he is the new temporary administrator, and then after Mr. Deling has read the notice, pin it to the gates of Winterfell for all who enter and leave Winterfell.

"Yes, Baron."

But instead of pulling, he saw Deryn Kvothe kneel with gratitude and said to Solvay, "Thank you! Lord! Thank you! Thank you ......".

At this moment, Delin Kvothe truly recognized Solvay as a lord, and his title also changed from Baron to Lord.

For the first time in his life, Gust, who was pulling the old tattered clothes of Delin Kvothe, was also slightly moved, and frankly, Solvay was such a good nobleman.

However, due to the integrity of the knight's spirit, he well collected his emotions, and then with a push of his arm, he pulled Delin Kvothe towards the outside of the castle.

"I don't understand how the people who returned the titles and territories to Jeffrey are managing, is there something else I don't know?

Seeing Gust and Delin Kvothe walking out, Solvay muttered to himself, looking, rather distressed.

This time, he also realized that this winter city may have some hidden secrets that he did not know, so his predecessors, sold the title and territory, and finally returned to Jeffrey.

"The company's main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to the market.

A young woman's voice suddenly appeared in the empty castle.


The old castle, the emptiness, the otherworldliness.

Even though Solvay had some guts, he was scared when he thought of these keywords, and at first, he suspected that the castle was haunted.

Didn't the other side say?

The devil.

For a moment, Solvay's body trembled slightly.

"Mr. Baron, it seems that your courage is not so big!

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