《Witchcraft Lords》Chapter 2: My Colleagues


Following two days and two nights of non-stop boat travel, finally, a wheat or grain field appeared in front of Solvay's eyes, there are few people speckled about it, winter city territory is here.

"Mr. Solvay, see the river standard bank this piece of wheat, there is no, in another month, this great wheat can be harvested, so you buy the winter territory, absolutely no loss.

The winter city, although name winter is not particularly cold, the top is similar to the next thunderstorm in Binzhou the physical environment is not too much a whole lot worse.

This winter city is located on the north standard bank of the courant river, is the border collar exposed up a fresh location.

Originally, you cannot find any regal fiefdom north of the Blizzard Riv, because this world is very weird, once across the Blizzard River, the weather may become frigid, and the earth's means of security against the freezing is exceedingly limited, the noble body does indeed not want to come.

In addition, there is also a blizzard riv blocking the way, the traffic is extremely inconvenient, together with north of the blizzard river is chaotic, the original orc territory, once the orc incursion, it is troublesome to involve help, so no hobereau are willing to visit this site.

Of course, Solvay would not know about the existence of orcs yet, but when he seems at the great wheat waves, he / she can't help but sigh with enjoyment: "What a good way!

However, Solvay examine be unreasonable to indicate his enjoyment, he replied with a snort.

"Mr. Zhang Bishi, you and I both know the situation of the Winter weather Kingdom, so there is no need that you can boast, take a look at move away from the vessel and enter the city. My mercenaries have already recently been down to metropolis to see the people.

Solvay, naturally, could not come alongside with Zhang Bishi's team, he recognized that Zhang Bishi, the philistine old man is bad, and he is carrying a whole lot of money, in case something happens on the way, he's an standard man to ask help is difficult, so before causing, he hired twenty mercenaries to take him all the way here.


A bunch of folks got off of the ship, walking for around half an hour or so, finally, a dilapidated so-called city came out in front of Solvay.

Really is the so-called city, this winter city, before in the sevyloyr fish seeker 360 lookout, Solvay predicted, winter city is also an equivalent to the size of a tiny town on the other side of planet earth, and now closer, low filth wall patchy, only about three yards high.

Above the gate of the earthen wall, installed a wooden back plate, with the words of this world written in several words - Winter weather City.

Solvay knows these three words, a few days and nights ago when he / she crossed over, Jesus allowed him to learn this earth's language and writing instantly.

This is also the reason why they can quickly and seamlessly combine into our entire world.

At the access of the city, one of Solvay's mercenaries was patiently waiting here for a very long time, and when the group arrived, he / she led the way.

A lot like medieval The european union, our planet is very common to urinate and excrete anywhere.

Therefore, Solvay entered the winter city and immediately picked up a handkerchief for their mouth and nasal. This place is worse over a pigsty, the stench is overwhelming.

Though Solvay had been in Otto City stay and had already seen this kind of dirty, smelly city, he still couldn't stand it.

After walking for another ten minutes or so, the group reached a tiny square before the fort, where about two thousand everyone was now standing quietly.

"This must be my people. " Typically the eyes these 2, 000 people, all of whom were thin and slender, dressed in tattered clothes, were filled up with negative thoughts such as pins and needles, disgust, hatred, and fear.

The particular negative emotion of rebellion was not visible.

"This is also a attribute of the Eu medieval background! That they didn't shout the actual words of Chen Sheng and Wu Guang, the hobereau oppressed the commoners and slaves, require people didn't are brave enough to resist, how poor bunch of people. Solvay thought to himself.

"But you are blessed that I i am here.


The expression "benevolence" is almost imprinted on the soul of the Chinese people, and since Solvay was obviously a modern educated man, he / she would not whatever it takes to oppress the individuals and be cruel and unkind.

Although, this type of person not of the same race as him , nor have the three common characteristics of dark-colored hair, black sight, and yellow skin area, no matter what, if they come, then they will be safe, leading these poor people to prosperity is Solvay's rightful job as a head of the family.

At least, Solvay is thinking so.

Because everyone is good, is good! Since ancient times, eating alone is guaranteed of constrained success.

"Mr. Zhang Bishi, let's start off! " Solvay said softly.

"Ahem. inches He cleared his throat and said, "People, I'm Philip Chang, you need to understand us, I've summoned you here today to let your people know: from now on, Baron Solvay will take over the winter area.

The square is still silent, the eyes of the 2 main thousand people remain numb, disgusted, hateful, fearful, and other negative emotions, their eyes, can not see any thoughts of welcome, there is merely the damage of hope for life.

"This Zhang Bishi is not a good man, and his oppression these people is too harsh.

Solvay let out a sigh.

"But they have good, if Zhang Bishi gets the hearts of the people, I can not control it, and I will be hollowed out.

He / she also cleared his throat and said, "People, I i am the new lord, Markis Solvay, from now on, you are my people, Let me lead you to a new and happy life, I am hoping you can interact personally.

The stage remains to be silent, these people, to Solvay's words, no response.

Solvay saw this situation, a sigh, and then not any longer razón, he turned his words and expected: "Which one of you is in charge of helping god to deal with federal officials, please come to the the front.

If you want to control the winter collar, you first have to understand the situation of the winter collar, Solvay chose to get started on with the officials of the winter collar.

His or her idea is right.

"Ahem, Baron Solvay, there are no appointed officials in Winterfell. The person standing at the bottom of the stage, Zhang Bishi, reminded in a tiny voice.

"Uh...... inches

Solvay paused.

"The first thing you should do is to get the money for the appointment of some officials.

Solvay is not dumb, he guessed that there are no officers in the winter kingdom, it must be because Zhang Bishi can not afford to spend money as it costs money to recruit officers.

This kind of type of person not going to rebel, they are widely-used to being oppressed, and Zhang Bishi usually would not stay in the winter city, so there is no massive difference between having officials or not.

The genuine people are not only the main and also the most important.

"This is how it is! Considering there are no officials in Winter weather Rising, I, as the new head of the family, will issue the initial decree: to generate prospects six officials to help you the lord in the administration, necessitating literacy and potential, and the salary is tentatively collection at 60 real estate agent coins a calendar month.

Solvay didn't are brave enough to ask too much for these people, it would be nice to find six representatives who could read and write.

Aren't used . also monthly salary of 60 copper gold and silver coins, Solvay thought it was not low. He knew that in the Viscount city of Otto, one copper endroit could buy twenty pounds of food, enough to give a family of four for 3 days.

In Otto City, many people work hard day and night to earn only a dozen coins a month.

Having recently been a conscience.

In addition to, he had made it clear that the wage was temporary.

"I trust everyone will signal up, and take a look at disperse and do everything we need to do.

Before comprehending the territory, Solvay don't reform it chaotically, so as not to generate a chaos.

So, he dispatched these people away first, and he / she then was ready to recruit the ten mercenaries.

Following all, safety first!

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