《Witchcraft Lords》Chapter 1: The Baron of Winter


Might, Otto City Floral Hotel.

"Mr. Solvay, Mr. Solvay, please wait.

"Mr. Jeffrey, I've already notified you, I'm not thinking about your place, therefore please avoid bother me any longer.

Solvay looked over the philistine old white man before your pet with a burning up gaze and said very seriously.

The particular philistine old guy in front of your pet was obviously a baron who desired to exchange his baronetcy and the place attached to it for the only three bottles of Changyu Cabernet remaining in his hands.

If it was three days back, Solvay, who did not know its value, may have exchanged with this person because he shares the same name with Mr. Jeffrey, the founder of Changyu Cabernet.

But now the problem is different.

Solvay found a case of 6 bottles of Changyu Cabernet dry dark wine, three bottles in the auction kept by the Master of Otto Town for a total of 218 precious metal coins, the other three bottles, Solvay failed to bid for the time being.

But he also knew the value of the 3 bottles of Changyu Cabernet left in his hand.

In accordance to Solvay's query, the value of Jeffrey's baronetcy and the territory connected to the baronetcy was only two hundred gold coins.

Due to the fact his territory, called Winter City, look at the name also know, this place is situated in the cold, very little production, not really worth!

If not for a baronetcy, to become a commendable, in this place, two hundred metallic coins are not even wanted.

Due to the fact it is too poor! Buy at an enormous loss.

Exactly how can Solvay be willing to achieve that? Will he think this individual is an fool who knows absolutely nothing about anything? Even though he comes from the earth that can make the northern wilderness into the northern stockroom.

Solvay may not drop for this old white man's technique again, as this individual had already already been robbed of the two glasses installed with the situation of dry red wine with a silver coin.


"Mr. Solvay, wait a minute, listen to me. The old white man gasped a few breaths and considered to himself, this child, must have noticed about the cost of Winter season City, otherwise, it is impossible to go from the prior glowing eye to the present lack of interest.

"Okay, you say. " The old white man is after all a nobleman, Solvay is currently carrying a huge amount of money is known to it, so also dare not have to get too ruthless, just in case this guy waiting for the chance to get back.

In the end, his identification continues to be only a commoner, in this Western medieval background of the other world, the nobleman desires to kill a commoner, there is no difficulty.

"Mr. Solvay, We are prepared to exchange my baronetcy and place, plus 18 coins, for the wines you are keeping. Jeffrey said, "in good faith".

"No exchange. "

In case you say you're not interested, then if you're not interested. The man's word is his word.

"Twenty coins! Twenty precious metal coins plus a baronetcy and a territory! Jeffrey was too old to note that Solvay's manifestation had eased, so he immediately elevated his price.

"This...... continues to be not changeable!

I said I would keep my term. Besides, Solvay kept in mind which he had already been created by the man.

"Twenty-one! Twenty-one or not? inch Jeffrey's fist dangling in the outter tightened, this price is near to the limit of his sincerity.

"Twenty-one? inch

Solvay was relocated. Although he experienced been robbed of a "valuable" cup by Jeffrey, the old man experienced now lowered the cost of the barony and the territory to less than two hundred coins.

1 hundred and ninety-seven gold coins.

The particular baronetcy and the territory are really worth 200 coins.

The particular difference was 3 coins.

Solvay thought that even if the two eyeglasses were taken for crystal by these ignorant people, they would still be worth about 3 or four precious metal coins, so Solvay said: "Twenty-two!


"Twenty-two! If you will give me twenty two gold coins, your baronetcy, and your territory, I will exchange them.

Twenty two gold coins, so the loss of the glass could be made up.

"Deal! " A happy smile appeared on Jeffrey's face.

"Shit! I believe I've dropped for this again. inch I believe I've already been fooled again. inch Looking at Jeffrey's happy smile, Solvay's heart thumped and knew he might have been misled again.

Solvay did not dare to go back on his word, otherwise, this guy could bring in the Otto City guards for "cheating a nobleman" and put themselves in jail.

"Mr. Solvay, here are the Baron's honor and the comarcal documents, as well as 22 precious metal coins, please take a count. Jeffrey is actually "sincere", this individual first took away a money handbag from his clothes pocket and passed it to Solvay.

The main thing is, that this individual is not concerned about Solvay's challenge to embezzle his belongings. The Otto City guards are not vegetarians, besides, Solvay, a tender-skinned ordinary man, is not very likely to be able to defeat his son.

Which right, Jeffrey's child Jacob has was behind Jeffrey.

Solvay couldn't believe this philistine old white man. He required the money handbag from Jeffrey, measured, and checked it carefully before heading returning to the hotel room and giving Jeffrey the rest of the 3 bottles of Changyu Cabernet, then smiled "friendly": "Mr. Jeffrey, good cooperation. Yet then you have to send me personally to Winterfell to announce to the people, otherwise, they will not know me.

"Yes! Yes! We'll leave in the mid-day, and if we do not get delayed, we'll be there by midday the day after tomorrow. " Jeffrey's face also demonstrated a "charitable" grin.

"I'll go get ready.

"Yeah. inch


"Father, why is it necessary to be generous to such a girl, we can just arrange for someone to rob your pet? After Solvay remaining, Jacob asked Jeffrey about his uncertainties.

About his boy's doubts, Jeffrey is not angry, his expression leisurely, filled with emotion, explained: "That boy is not as you think, " he said.

"I have looked into him, he made an appearance in this Enorme City as all of a sudden as he do, and is transporting a treasure, this individual must have something to rely on, and you see his clothes, although strange, the material, not ordinary people can have, therefore, be careful. Apart from, we have been good people, aren't we?

"So are we heading to deal with him like we treated his former lords? inch Jacob asked again.

"Of course! inch Jeffrey said with certainty, "When it comes to slowly destroying Winterfell, it's the horse thieves, not us, so even if the people behind him know the truth, they won't be able to say something. After all, having been thrown into this bitter chilly place, certainly to train him.

Furthermore, we do not hurt his life, it is his inability to protect the useful the territory, who are able to be blamed?

Three containers of wine are worth more than 222 gold cash if you take these to the boundary capital.

That child is new to the world, this individual does not know this kind of exotic, exquisitely designed, can store wines ink crystal container, can be much more valuable than the white amazingly cup!

Once the time comes, we change the container for the wine, the ink crystal container alone to sell, more profit, absolutely no loss.

Dad and son, just like a pair of shameless groundhogs.

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