《Evil God》Chapter 6: Those Who Live Between The Cracks


Mitchel was a real monster now, his [Total Overdrive] boosted his strength to massive proportions.

Though there are some other problems popping up now.

The loss of charisma and his [Noble] skills has severely affected his ability to convince people that the city is fine, the mysterious disappearances of an increasingly large amount of people are starting to paralyze the city with fear.

His appetite has grown rather large since he gained his new class and people are already starting to connect the dots, which is not surprising considering that a large portion of those people were the retainers of Mitchel.

The Saintess is also doing... something.

I guess that she plans to attack in a week at the annual meeting where the execution of a city official that Mitchel is going to blame for the disappearances will be declared.

That official is actually a member of an organization that calls itself the Orion Shroud which is a particularly nasty cancer within Eyre.

Their Assassination Division, Thief Division, Slavery Division, Drug Divison, Mercenary Division, and Illegal Magic Research Division are what make them an eyesore in the eyes of the nobles not affiliated with them.

Mitchel has had evidence of his wrongdoings for a while but has left him alone for an instance just like this one.

It would be incredibly easy to blame everything on a member of the Orion Shroud's Slavery Division, no matter what he says nobody would believe him.

This might actually make it so the Saintess can't attack, though considering rumors of the Saintess that Mitchel has heard she might decide to attack regardless.


I decided that Mitchel should start adopting orphans to train them into worthy believers and in a pinch, so he can have hostages to use if the church brings too many powerful individuals.


Regardless of his strength, Mitchel would be unlikely to survive an encounter with one of the church's Archbishops.

Especially considering they have about the same stat gains as Saintess but have lived for hundreds of years longer.

I personally suspect that they have levels within the 200s which will certainly be a problem.

Accelerating my plans for the creation of a powerful monster species for my believers to have command over seemed like the best option to make both in terms of a short and long-term perspective.

My direct creations will have unswerving loyalty and immense might.

My requirements are a species that can adapt to anything, can cause immense fear, has the ability to control their lesser brethren.

The Slivers came to mind.

They could adapt to anything thrown at them at a fast rate and possessed the ability to share their mutations with other nearby Slivers.

The choice was made.

They would be to me what the Angels are to the Goddess of Light.!

What the Nature Elementals are to the Goddess of Life!

What the Beast Lords are to the God of the Hunt!

What the Mountain Golems are to the God of the Forge!

What the Field Wardens are to the God of the Journey!

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