《Evil God》Chapter 5: Rising Sun, Growing Shadows


Lots of interesting things are happening eh?

Leria's Saintess has noticed Mitchell's aura of bloodlust and is planning to attack him.

I̶͓̠͖͊̑̏́̊̿̂͌̌ş̴̣̝̺̝̫̝̏̿̾̐̐͆̍̚n̶̡̮̖͕̣̼̉̓́̏̓̾'̸̧̗̏̄̓̏͆̚͘͝͝ͅṱ̷͖̬̦͕̫͍͉͈̀̽̀̕ ̶̢̖̹̲͉̣̪̎̾͂̀̂͊̂͘͝t̶̠̤͇͇̟͕̰͊̅̊̑͑͑͂̓̍̕͜͜h̷̡̡̙̻̗̩̝͕̹̓̃͘ͅi̸͇̳͆s̵͇̥͚̯̺̼̻͎͆͑̄ ̴̢̨̻̳̺̲͙̙̒̑A̷̩̦̙̭͋̋m̵̛͔̺̑̊̐̀̕u̷͇̮̖̳̔̂s̸̨̜̝̜̯̗̤̱͓͋̐͗̉̆̐̓ḯ̶̛͉n̸̮̖̠̲̈́̉͌̅̀͘ͅg̸̨̩̩̘̳̬̊̾̓̈́̇̇̀͋?̷̧̝̫͠

There is a large difference in strength between Mitchel and the Saintess, and an even larger difference in skill so Mitchell would not have much trouble if his only opponent was her.

The man next to her was stronger, and his dark golden eyes had a gleam to them that spoke of experience.

He was unable to see through Mitchel's [Unknown Presence] though so that's something, the skill's passive effects are pitifully weak. They are probably a pure battle specialist, a Paladin?

Mitchel will need a bit more to take them on.

So it's time to see if level transfer will work then, though, in theory, it should work.

"Mitchel, return to the basement." I had managed to speak in a way that doesn't slowly melt his brain, harder than you would think, it's like trying to hold a bubble but with a grip that can crush a planet.

Mitchel's [Noble] Class is basically useless, it provides only charisma and skills that are easily replaceable. It would be possible to transfer the levels so they can actually give him a boost but what to transfer them to is the question.

None of his classes are that great so it would be a waste to put levels into them.

Which means I have to make him a class.

My idea is this.


[Desperate Berserker] +10 VIT

Passive Skill: [Total Overdrive]


Despite how great the class looks it is actually lethal to anyone who doesn't have high stamina and regenerative abilities.

The passive skill [Total Overdrive] triples all physical stats which sounds good but it doesn't provide nearly enough stats to make it survivable.

It also converts anything it can within the body to stamina constantly, even if that would kill the owner.


Luckily for Mitchel, he does have regeneration and with the skill will not run out of stamina unless he is completely out of RC cells.

The only downside is that he will have an equally large increase in appetite, though if you ask me that isn't much of a downside and it is totally eclipsed by the benefits.

Forming a black crystal before Mitchel's eyes I order him to eat it, I call it a class crystal.

Simultaneously while he eats the crystal I urge my strength and activate the level transfer formation that I had prepared.

I could imagine that if I was a mortal then I would be smiling at the moment as I watched my proud creation become even more perfect.

The despair of the Saintess would be wonderful, a truly amazing thing that would surely upset the Goddess of Light who viewed her fondly.

The Gods who made this world boring and unentertaining would have no choice but to join in on the fun, especially when the only other choice is the absolute destruction of their 'children'.

That will be fantasic~

Name: Mitchel Ravenlaude Race: Half-Human, Half-Elf, Ghoul Racial Classes:

[Human] - lvl 5 (Maxed)

[Elf] - lvl 5 (Maxed)

[Ghoul - Shell Red] - lvl 10 (Maxed)

Character Classes:

[Head Cultist] - lvl 36

[Executioner] - lv 29

[Swordsman] - lvl 31

[Desperate Berserker] - lvl 40

Total Level: 156 Stats

STR - 210

AGI - 163

VIT - 180 --> 580

END - 204

INT - 133

WIS - 133

CHA - 288 --> 128

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