《Skydrift: A Steampunk Fantasy (edited version)》Afterward


Thank you for reading Skydrift. This was the very first novel I ever wrote. Before that, I wasn’t much of a reader, and I definitely wasn’t a writer. I never expected that writing fiction would be something I’d become interested in doing. A few years prior, my brother was writing fiction, and at that time I had asked him why he was doing it—like no one would want to do such a thing.

It all started when I had a craving to watch some futuristic science fiction horror movies. I ran out of movies to watch, so I went online and asked if there were any novels I could read to fill that need. I was recommended Revelation Space by Alestair Reynolds. Great books. I’ve since moved over to fantasy from that time. But I still like space opera.

I don’t know if I’m a good story-teller. I’m probably just “okay” but writing itself is definitely a learnable craft. Before studying creative writing, I had no clue about the craft. I still remember a rather atrocious short story I wrote before I started reading up on all this creative writing stuff.

I’m still learning with every single project.

Anyway, I hope you’ve enjoyed the read. Don’t forget to give it an honest rating, and if you can, maybe a short review—even just a sentence or two is fine.

See you with the next one!


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