《God of Shinobi - A Naruto SI》Calm Before the Storm
Calm Before the Storm
It is just him atop the high bluff. Him and the nightmares that drive him.
"My foolish brother…"
His fingers run through seals he's long since memorized. The resulting fireball soars up into the heavens and explodes.
"If you want to kill me… curse me! Hate me!"
Another set of seals and the clouds take the brunt of multiple balls of fire.
"Run away… run away… and cling to your pitiful life."
One more. A stream of flames escape from his lips and finally the heavens can take no more. Clouds darken and thunder roars.
It's time.
These handseals are likewise engraved in his mind. Chakra flares up around his hand pointing to the sky. The urge to bring it down and cast the final judgement is great.
"And then some day, when you have the same eyes as I do, come before me."
The hand drops and the sky is split with a bright flash of lightning.
Sasuke blinks away the spots left in his vision by the overwhelming might of nature. Brought about by him of course. Within seconds his vision clears, and he takes in the sight before him.
Dirt and wildlife within the impact zone had been vaporized leaving behind a burning crater several meters across. He could only nod to himself as a light rain falls and begins putting out some of the wildfires.
It might require clever planning and situational awareness, but his first original technique would certainly live up to expectations. It had to.
"Ugh, I'm really starting to get tired of this place." The purple eyed Suigetsu complains loudly as they amble down a path in the Sky District.
"This is only the second time you've been here you idiot!" Karin snaps back from beside Sasuke.
"Yeah? Well that's one time too many."
"The nerve." She shakes her head and turns her nose up at him, "You should be grateful they provide the supplies we need. Kami knows you're all but useless to us seeing as how you've failed to find any of the swords."
Sasuke grimaces internally knowing what Karin knowingly just instigated.
"Screw you! At least I'm not a waste of space in a fight like you!" Suigetsu explodes.
"Hmph. There's a reason Sasuke-kun came for me first…"
If Orochimaru would've had other shinobi who were as capable as these two yet quieter, Sasuke would have formed a team with them rather than Karin and Suigetsu. Unfortunately, they were the best help he could find.
At least Jugo was different.
Sasuke pushes aside those thoughts as he takes a turn from the main road and heads down a tunnel with visible pipes running through the ceiling.
"Back so soon?" Inquires a small voice near the ground. "Could it be that you've accomplished what you set out to do?"
"Denka." He acknowledges the ninja cat.
"Some of us have while others not so much." Karin responds to the question while aiming another barb at Suigetsu which gets the result one would expect.
"Enough you two." They fall silent. "Denka, we're here to see her before we set out."
"No problem, she's been expecting you for a good while." The clothed cat turns to lead the way. The four shinobi follow and soon find themselves in a little room where an old lady, a teenage girl, and a multitude of cats are sitting in wait.
With a passive scan of the room, Sasuke walks over to the carpet and kneels before the elder. "Granny."
"Sasuke-chan." He looks up to her wrinkled face. She has a dark, cat-like nose and wears a band in her gray hair with ears on them; his younger self hadn't been wrong in addressing her as Granny Cat. A pipe in her right hand creates a faint aroma in the room. "I suppose the time has come? You are ready to fight your brother?"
"Yes." The displeasure is evident in her tone, but he pays that no mind. She doesn't understand. It has to be done. "We will need more supplies before we leave. Please."
"And you will have them. Tamaki-chan." The brunette flits around gathering a few pouches and laying them in front of him and then grabbing a large cleaver-like sword which she hands to Suigetsu. "It's hardly a legendary blade but if you are to fight one of the Seven then better that than nothing. Your friend can keep it."
"Really?" The young swordsman did not waste a second in grabbing the blade and swinging it around, sword arm bulging with artificial mass. "I take back what I said earlier, this place isn't so bad!"
"Such an idiot." Karin mutters under her breath. The water user sends her a sharp smile.
That's one issue down.
When he'd recruited Suigetsu the Hozuki had expressed an interest in finding the seven legendary swords from the Mist and making them his own. It worked well for Sasuke's intentions seeing as how Itachi's partner Kisame had one of those swords and by joining the Uchiha, Suigetsu would get the opportunity to challenge the tail-less beast. Unfortunately, when Sasuke had led the team of three to take possession of the blade that had featured in his first C turned A-rank mission, they'd ran into a setback. Someone had taken the blade from Zabuza's resting site and then someone else had taken it from the grave robbers. There were no clues as to who has it now but Sasuke would not be surprised to find it with the Leaf. Or Naruto in particular.
His old teammate certainly knew how to complicate matters.
With no executioner's blade to challenge Kisame, Suigetsu and Jugo had dedicated the last month or so to pursuing the other swords not currently in possession of the Mist. As Karin had no issue pointing out, his efforts were not met with much success. It made for high tempers and more vicious arguments whenever the two interacted. Sasuke would have helped but his time was better spent training his body and honing the techniques he would use against Itachi. Now, with the Kirin under his belt and a proper sword for Suigetsu, they were ready. Their next step would be tracking down Itachi.
"I know nothing I say will change your mind and I've accepted that." Granny begins making Sasuke turn back to her, "But I do hope after it is all said and done that you will find some measure of peace Sasuke-chan. In whatever form it may present itself."
He bowed his head, grateful for her aid if not necessarily her words. "Thank you Granny."
Not much else is said before he takes the team and heads out.
Images fly before his eyes as he walks. Memories of his family, his clan, back when they were alive. A father who was stern but loved them just as much as their affectionate mother did. An older brother who was frequently busy yet would play with his sibling from time to time. Just as fast as the memories appear, they turn dark.
So many bodies.
So much blood.
Everyone he knew… all of them dead. Not a single one survived that night.
His eyes narrow in determination.
He'd made a vow then; one he would see through. Nothing would deter him from that. Nothing at all.
Her fingers tap idly on her desk surface as she scans the report in front of her again. Another sighting of Akatsuki members within the Land of Fire except they were named this time: Itachi Uchiha and Kisame Hoshigaki. Skilled individuals with unique traits that made them even more difficult to prepare for, but she had faith in her ninja.
Tsunade did consider sending out the Suppression Platoon once more before deciding otherwise. The presence of Fugaku's boy complicated matters given the nature of his last assignment from the Leaf. After having him wipe out his whole clan, integrating him back into the village would be difficult bordering on impossible and yet, the thought of simply eliminating him left a bad taste in her mouth. She'd had to make hard choices back when she was a foot soldier and even recently as a kage, but this situation is different from previous ones, and she would never be able to forgive herself for making a rash decision here.
For now, capturing Itachi alive is the best plan of action and the best way to achieve that is with a strong yet covert strike force.
"My lady, they're all here." Said Shizune before stepping aside and letting the members of Team Kakashi walk in. She then closes the door and moves over to stand behind Tsunade who is taking the time to observe the trio. They all look healthy and aside from Kakashi, they're primarily in civilian wear.
"You're probably wondering why I called you three in here since your team is yet to be re-activated. The reason for that is this report I just received." A hand gestures down to her desk, "Sightings of red clouds in the Land of Fire. More specifically, sightings of Itachi."
Amusingly enough, it is her apprentice who shows the most outward reaction. She doesn't doubt the other two's ability to connect the dots but neither of them display the same anticipation that Sakura does after doing so.
"You're all aware of this, Itachi is currently the one identified member of the Akatsuki who defected from the Leaf and is no weakling. Between him and his partner, the tail-less beast, Itachi is without doubt more dangerous." She meets the eyes of Team Kakashi one by one before cutting to the chase. "I want him captured and brought in alive."
Aside from a nod, the second blonde in the room takes the news quite well. As he should; being part of the task force to incapacitate the elder Danzo and his subsequent interrogations, Naruto knew exactly why she would want Itachi brought in. That's part of why she wanted this team for the upcoming mission.
Kakashi's lone eye narrows. Tsunade imagines the shinobi is expressing multiple emotions with that reaction. From confidential mission reports she knows the two had history together having served in the same anbu squad, yet Itachi was also the one who'd left Kakashi bedridden using a powerful illusion technique. That experience fighting with and against the Uchiha should be beneficial.
As for Sakura, her reservations about such a task are plain to her sensei's eyes. Capturing powerful shinobi alive is always harder than simply killing them but needs must. Her ability as a medic-nin and fine chakra control would be a boon.
"This team is being selected for this mission for two reasons. First, I have faith in the ability of this team to perform. Secondly, it is possible that by pursuing Itachi, you may very well come across your wayward team member, Sasuke Uchiha. It is not guaranteed but the chance of it happening means this team has a vested interest in this mission succeeding. That being said, if either of you would prefer not to be part of this mission then speak up."
Like she was expecting, no one objects.
"Now that we are on the same page, we can discuss the mission outline. The reports came through Jiraiya's network and established their location to be south of the Leaf as of two days ago. It's not very precise meaning the first part of the mission will be to find them. Naruto and Kakashi, both of you possess abilities that lend themselves to tracking, for the sake of keeping the assembled squad to a manageable size, do you believe you need further assistance in finding the Akatsuki?"
Kakashi and Naruto share a look before the first nods and turns back to her, "No hokage-sama. You can rely on us to track them down."
Not surprising. Kakashi and his dog summons already made for a formidable tracking unit so when combined with Naruto's Senjutsu-provided sensing ability along with his emotion sensing, the two had everything they needed regarding that aspect.
"Very well. That leaves only one subject to be accounted for which is Itachi's partner Kisame. Due to his special chakra consuming sword and a previous encounter, I am assigning Team Gai to this mission. They will provide the needed firepower to engage with shinobi of this caliber while also keeping the assembled squad from being cumbersome. Aside from you Naruto, Team Kakashi should be familiar with working alongside Team Gai which is another point in their favor. Are there any objections to this?"
As the team voices their assent with the chosen personnel, Tsunade nods to herself. An eight-man team is the largest she would have considered for the mission so it's a good thing Team Kakashi has the required skillset to carry out the first part of the mission. It meant that she doesn't have to assign a tracking team but instead focus on making sure whoever she picked would be able to contend with Kisame. Team Gai should be capable.
"That's good to hear. Shizune, if you would." The brunette bows and leaves the room. "While we wait for Gai and his team to be brought in, I want to emphasize that Itachi is the priority. If you encounter Sasuke and can bring him in as well then that's fine, otherwise, I expect the older brother brought before me." Her voice gains a measure of softness, "For what it's worth however, knowing Itachi is being held here will likely compel your teammate to return."
After what seemed like hours' worth of strategizing, Tsunade finally called it a day and we were able to leave. Kakashi and Gai went off together, so it was just us five youngsters.
"It seems we've gotten another mission together Naruto-san." Neji comments as we exit the building.
"Yes. Let's make sure it doesn't end the same way as our last one." I respond and catch an expression flit across his face. Probably remembering being used as a living pincushion.
"Indeed." Is all he says.
"Do not worry my comrades! This team is most youthful and will surely succeed." Lee declares with the utmost confidence. Got to agree with that part; the eight of us are more than enough. He likely won't need it, but I'm hoping to see Gai and the inner gates in action.
"Got to agree with Lee on this one." Tenten casts an eye over the group, "You've all gotten stronger since that last mission, so your odds have improved. And better yet, I'm coming along on this one."
She still hasn't let that go yet? Not like we're the ones who picked that team years ago.
"And me too." Sakura affirms. She seems a little off though. "We'll get Sasuke back together."
"Do keep in mind the primary objective." The byakugan user cautions while coming to a stop at an intersection. "This might be an opportunity to redeem ourselves but only if Sasuke Uchiha makes himself present. Hokage-sama warned against undue risks."
"Don't worry about that Neji, we all know what takes priority." Tenten waves it off. "I live down that way so I'll see you all at the gate tomorrow. Bye everyone."
"I must go as well, goodbye Naruto, Sakura-chan."
Waiting until they're gone, I turn to Sakura to study her. She'd originally been excited when hearing of this mission but now there's something else mixed in.
"Join me for dinner?" I offer her to which she nods and joins me as I walk towards my place.
"Huh? You're not heading to Ichiraku's?" Sakura asks with a finger pointing in their direction. Guess the unexpected turn I took drew her out of the auto-pilot mode she'd been on.
"No, I had lunch with them earlier and I'm in the mood for something different." Even though delicious and prepared by people who have always been nice to Naruto and now me, eating ramen twice a day is a stretch. "I'm going to make something myself back at home. You still want to come?"
"Yeah, why not? I haven't seen your new apartment yet. It's near the shinobi district isn't it?" I give her a look before she explains her question, "I asked sensei once and that's what she told me."
"Well it is. Come on." She's unusually quiet for the handful of minutes it takes to get there and soon, I'm unlocking the door and beckoning her inside, "This is it. Welcome Sakura Haruno, to Uzumaki Palace."
"Hmm," Sakura took her shoes off near the door as was custom before looking around the living room and the connected kitchen, "It's definitely new, and clean. Fits with the current you, I think."
"I know. Could use some more decorations but I haven't gotten around to doing that yet." I smile faintly at her expert breakdown of my pad.
"Don't get me wrong, you have a good start here but some personal touches would really enhance everything. Show that someone lives here." She offers.
"I'll do that eventually," Give it a few more months. No need to spend time on stuff like that when they're not insured against almighty pushes. "So, you were promised food, I could get it done much faster if you give me a hand?" Clones were the usual option, but my senses tell me she has something on her mind and cooking usually helps me work out my thoughts.
"What do you need me to do?" She follows me into the kitchen and watches as I pull out pots and other materials. "Actually, what are we making?"
"I put out some meat there in the sink, so if you can prepare the vegetables while I work on that, we can have stir fry for dinner."
"Leave it to me." Sakura rolls up her metaphorical sleeves and gets to slicing. As for me I start in on the boneless lamb.
This really brings up old memories. Not because I was some cooking expert back on Earth, far from it actually, but because stuff like this had never appealed to me. Preparing meat had always been something my parents did while I was growing up and when I went off for college I had a meal plan so there was no reason to ever learn how to do this. Somewhat embarrassing but since I never got the chance to move and get a place of my own, it doesn't really matter. As a young orphan however, Naruto had picked up some experience in this field and joining Team Seven had built on it so I had a good foundation to work with while traveling with Jiraiya.
As we prepare the ingredients and then get around to frying everything, I glance periodically at my helper who's expression faintly hints at the turmoil going on inside. With what we were talking about earlier, I have an idea as to what's bothering her, but I ask anyways while opening a cupboard where the plates are kept.
"Ryo for your thoughts?"
"Ryo? For my thoughts?" She pauses, face a picture of confusion.
"What's worrying you?" I explain. Thought that one would be easy to translate.
"It's not… okay, maybe it is worry. I-I've been looking forward to this opportunity for so long, a chance to finally make things right. Make Team Seven whole again… or as much as possible." She trails off.
It's good that she realizes the team won't be what it used to be. Too much has changed; Sasuke went rogue which is really frowned upon in shinobi society, I don't see it within me to create that bond of pseudo-brotherhood the two eventually had, and honestly just a bunch of other reasons that will make themselves apparent when the time comes.
"And now?" I ask leadingly.
"It's just… how do you think he will respond?" I raise an eyebrow in prompt. "Sasuke. His dream ever since that day has been to avenge his clan by killing Itachi. He left us, left the village, because he thought Orochimaru could help him do that. That's the most important thing to him." I can tell it pains her to say something like that out loud. "The plan is to use Itachi to get to Sasuke so say we succeed in capturing them both, or maybe even just Itachi. How would Sasuke react to that when he wants to personally kill Itachi? Would he hate us?"
I find myself humming. There it is. The question I can't really answer because she's not allowed to know certain things just yet. I gesture with my head to move everything to the table giving myself a few extra moments to think this over.
Sasuke wants to kill Itachi while Itachi wants Sasuke to kill him. Neither want outsiders butting in so each will bring backup to ensure that. And then you have us, the Leaf, who want to go against what the brothers want. Even worse, it's the same Leaf that gave Itachi the task of killing his people.
Yeah. Either way you look at it, Sasuke will eventually have plenty of reason to be angry with us. But I don't want to depress her further.
"Honestly Sakura, you're right. We are absolutely interfering with Sasuke's mission in life and he will definitely be mad if we succeed." Keyword there. If. Apologies in advance Tsunade. "But I don't think it will be unsalvageable. This mission is just part of Tsunade's overarching plan and I'm sure that if we handle it and any blowout accordingly, then the final outcome will be something we're all happy with. So it's a good thing that we are the ones assigned to it rather than a team with no connection to Sasuke. I won't tell you not to worry, I can't predict the future after all, but I'm certain that we'll be able to overcome whatever happens."
She's silent for a while and once again I acknowledge that comforting people isn't my strongest point.
"Maybe you're right," She nods hesitantly. "Of course Tsunade-sensei would have considered that issue. Instead of the negative, I should be looking at the positives. We'll deal with any problems as a team."
"Exactly. That's the attitude we need heading into this mission. Now, try the food and tell me if we did a good job."
Smiling, she does just that. "It's good. Taste it."
"I will. Just going to wait a few minutes in case you start feeling sick or some- I'm joking!" I catch a piece of veggie that had suddenly decided to become a missile and pop it into my mouth. "Hmm, it is pretty good. Well done."
Turns out letting Sakura help in the kitchen isn't a bad idea.
Her specially crafted medicine pills are still disgusting, however.
The time has come. We head out today.
I calmly raise my hands over my head so the two clones can lower the connected chest and back plates. When the shoulder straps find their place I lower my arms to be parallel to the floor while the side straps are adjusted for a snug fit. The high collared shoulder piece comes next and they make quick work fastening it.
I go about testing my range of movement and after finding it satisfactory move onto the various seals on my armor. Privacy seals protecting against dojutsu users are intact. Trio of storage seals on my chest, two are in standby while the last holds the kusanagi blade. Forearm protector seals are all occupied; took the time last night to create an inventory suited for this mission. As I go through the rest and my clones continue with their preparations, my mind wanders.
This mission is looking to be an interesting one.
In others before this, I had a good idea of what to expect and that functioned as a crutch of sorts. Due to changes caused almost completely by me, certain factors differ from what I saw years ago. Sasuke has been out from the snake's grasp for much longer than the original had. I assume he's gathered his team by now and should be closing in on Itachi much like we are. The avenger also lost out on fighting the snake and the suicide bomber, two experiences which might have shaped how the confrontation with Itachi went down. In fact, if he still needed the snake to help complete his lightning technique then he might have lost his strongest attack…
I regret nothing.
Other things to note is the possible interference of Obito should we close in on Itachi and Sasuke too soon. Progress with the anti-time and space seal is not going very well but I have alternate plans, assuming we encounter him. Even more importantly however, if the Uchiha brothers do fight, Black Zetsu is almost guaranteed to be nearby being the opportunist that he is. As such, despite how dangerous Obito is and how beneficial Project Rinnegan is, Operation Pandora's Box takes priority. For obvious reasons.
I move over to the coffee table where a trio of clones are preparing two scrolls. Near one scroll is a familiar set of medical equipment and miscellaneous items while near the other is a black cube. Roughly thirty centimeter-long sides and covered in intricate seals that are invisible in its inactive state, the thing looks both odd and also not odd enough for it's intended purpose. It doesn't really matter since no one is to interact with it after I hide it.
"Testing." Prompts a clone and I nod.
The box is lifted and placed onto the seal array and quickly vanishes with a small application of chakra. I feel the expected pulse on my chest and channel chakra into the second storage seal there and out comes the box. I put it back into storage and seconds later the clone has it sitting on the scroll in front of him.
"Next." We do the same test with the other scroll and its contents before packing up. Everything seems to be in order.
No one can know about my secondary objectives, doesn't matter if they come about or not, so once again my clones are performing missions on their own while I stay with my squad members. Both to protect them if need be and because between the sharingan and byakugan, leaving a clone in my spot might be discovered. I would have liked to send Kurama, but he has unfinished business with a certain Uchiha. My clones should be capable anyhow.
They're practically three S-ranks at this point.
With one last mental check, I head out the door. Plans to be disrupted and whatnot.
From a throne-like seat in the Uchiha hideout, red eyes narrow minutely as memories from one of the clones fills his mind:
He's been running for several minutes in search of his target, Naruto Uzumaki, who reports say had once been the closest person to his younger brother. At least before he left the village. Such a relation explained why Zetsu's intel included him in the Leaf squad sent to capture him and Sasuke, if found.
His intent is to get a proper reading on the young shinobi to see where he would fit into his plans. Perhaps he could serve as his brother's keeper. He hopes it won't get to that point, but hopes don't always become reality. The kin-slayer would know that best.
From up ahead, a presence catches his attention and as he gets closer he notes that it is the person he's looking. Or rather, a shadow clone. His eyes reveal the truth. This confirms that the Leaf is in the general area but for the conversation he has planned, the original would be the optimal participant.
Gazing down at the approaching clone from a high branch, he makes note of which direction he came from and then recalls the typical patterns Leaf pursuit teams employed in the past. It isn't an exact calculation, the sheer amount of shadow clones the Uzumaki is said to be capable of makes it even more challenging, but he eventually settles on a route that could take him to the other squad members and perhaps the original. With a last glance he turns to move away.
Movement from his peripheral interrupts.
"Leaving so soon?" The seemingly unaware clone now stands in a tree just meters from him.
Impassively, he turns and makes eye contact with eyes that are yellow rather than the expected blue. The pupils are off as well and the serious expression is leagues different from that encounter years previous. Even further, the attempt at a genjutsu fails almost from the onset.
Another surprise.
"Hello, Naruto-kun." He doesn't try for another illusion. That would likely only be a waste of chakra he currently couldn't afford.
"Itachi Uchiha." The clone responds. "I wished to speak with you directly, but I suppose a shadow clone will work for now. How long can you maintain this?"
It would seem seeking the original is no longer feasible. Although, this is not how he foresaw such a discussion to begin. His mind runs through the reasons why the Leaf shinobi would claim to want to talk rather than capture him. To delay perhaps? Regarding the question however, "Long enough I would suppose."
"Good." The blonde looks off to the side momentarily as if in thought. Before he can speak the clone continues, "I'm sure you've heard the news about the snake being killed. Well afterwards, several of his bases were found and searched. In one of them, evidence of dealings between said snake and the elder Danzo was found. The hokage of course had him questioned. He was brought in on multiple charges," The clone gazes at him, "One of which being bloodline theft."
Just those short lines provide him with an idea of where this conversation might head. Danzo was always a wily character. Unscrupulous if it would benefit his village. Hearing this did not surprise him, rather it is the question of why the clone feels the need to tell him this that sets his mind pondering.
Could the elder have done what he is starting to think he did?
"Danzo possessed a sharingan eye in his right eye socket and a right arm composed of tissue cultivated from the first hokage's corpse and ten sharingan orbs embedded in it. The snake's notes detail helping create the limb."
"I see…" The manner in which he says those words do nothing to convey the emotion he feels inside. The sheer anger, frustration, sense of betrayal. Above all, when he finally masters himself again, is the feeling of tiredness. How much more would this world take from him? The deception and secrets, the underhand tactics, he understands the need for it all but, his own village? After everything he did for them? For Danzo?
"I was part of the effort to bring him in. The eye in his head was destroyed while capturing him and the artificial arm was severed. There are discussions to destroy it as well but it is also possible Jiraiya will seal it away with the Toads." After a quick second, Itachi decides both are tolerable options. He stares at the clone who then continues, "His questioning revealed much: his part in the Uchiha Massacre, an attack on Shisui Uchiha to obtain his sharingan, and most importantly, your role in the event."
Itachi takes a breath in and slowly releases it.
At long last he finally knows what brought Shisui before him that night, down one eye and on the verge of death. He supposes it's good to know a part of his best friend is no longer in the hands of a treacherous warmonger. He can only pray Tsunade-sama takes more after the third than the Root commander.
As for the rest, this revelation would have shocked him had it came earlier. But at the moment, it was simply the logical result after interrogating someone who had been involved with the events of that night. It does complicate matters however. He could not guarantee keeping the secret from his little brother if others in the village now know. Long made plans are in need of adjustment.
"Is this why you came seeking me? To bring me back to the village and serve again?" Such would explain why only now the Leaf is making a move against him. Assuming the priority is not Sasuke. Either way, he would have to resist capture. He did not have much longer to do what was required.
"That is the mission, yes. The hokage wants you captured alive." Something told him there was more.
"You have alternate plans?"
"That depends. For so long, you were the villain in this story. You killed your clan and traumatized your little brother. But as life frequently shows us, things are not always what they appear." The clone nods then, "You Itachi Uchiha, did what you believed you had to. Backed into a corner, manipulated by one you should have been able to trust, you still took the burden onto your shoulders because you loved your brother and such was the only path to protect him. Knowing what I do of your sacrifice, the only thing that remains is to hear of your intentions for Sasuke. What will you do when you face him?"
With all pretenses done away with, Itachi finds himself in a situation where he can tell the truth. Has to tell the truth as he can see nothing less would suffice.
And to be honest, he wants to.
The disease doesn't affect the clone like it does the original, but he remembers well the feeling. The knowledge that his body is shutting down on him and that each mission is a step closer to being his last. If he wants Sasuke to kill him and get retribution for the clan he killed then he doesn't have much longer. Fighting the Leaf squad would hasten the process and it is possible he would die without atoning for his actions which he won't accept. He will go out on his terms. And although he had a different picture in mind, coming clean now and later with Sasuke is not necessarily a bad thing. Better he tell his impressionable younger brother the truth rather than someone with malicious intentions.
Yes, if he truly loves Sasuke, dying and leaving him in the dark is not the best way. He has to have faith that his little brother will understand and live a good life. That's all he ever really wanted for him.
"His hand will deliver justice for the innocents I killed." The words lift a weight off his shoulders.
For his part, the clone is silent for a long moment. Eyes narrow as they drill into his, searching for the truth. And then he takes a step back and nods again.
"I will try for time then."
"Naruto-kun," Itachi calls as he feels his chakra waning, "After it is done, bring Sasuke back with you. To the Leaf."
Right before he disperses, he hears it, "Of course."
The original Itachi closes his eyes with a small smile.
He did not anticipate this coming about but perhaps it's for the best.
With a few handseals a crow is brought into existence and with one glance, slowly taken out.
Black flames rage as the crow caws. Staring at him with one blood red eye.
He'll put his trust in his brother.
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Peep in to know.
8 185 - In Serial33 Chapters
Mlp X Reader (Shorts)
Welcome to my book of my little pony x reader shorts!As the title says they are rather short stories!But I want you to find them enjoyable ^w^
8 155 - In Serial9 Chapters
Andrew Kriess is a ghost hunter and is part of a ghost hunting committee in the Lutz town, and meets a ghost named Norton Campbell. At first he wants to kill him, as ordered to kill all ghosts, but decided to spare him, not knowing how attatched he would get to Norton
8 115 - In Serial20 Chapters
Rishton Ka Manjha - MaAn
Anupama is devasted by the betrayal of Vanraj and Kavya. She picks up herself again for her kids and her family. However a storm comes which disrupts her life for good. It was the arrival of Anuj Kapadia. It is his unconditional love and support that makes her Anupama Joshi Kapadia.This is her journey and their blossoming love story. Witness the Saga unfold after 26 years.
8 129