《God of Shinobi - A Naruto SI》Meanwhile in the Leaf
Meanwhile in the Leaf
As he flew through a tree and narrowly avoided doing the same with another one by using a well-timed wind jutsu, Kakashi had to admit that hadn't been the most well-thought-out plan he'd ever had. Perhaps the earlier blow to the head was to blame?
If head on taijutsu wouldn't work, then it's time he attempted something different.
Landing on a tree branch, his keen senses easily detected the sounds of water slowly moving within a river, so he leapt in that direction. After creating a mud clone to deceive the opponent of course. Such a tactic would have worked perfectly a few years ago.
Too bad his cute little genin had turned into a right terror behind his back.
Kakashi landed on the surface of the water with barely a ripple. Not too long afterwards special jonin Naruto appeared a few meters from the riverbank but by then, half the needed hand seals were complete. Feeding his chakra into the jutsu, a dragon materialized from the river and started growing at a rapid rate. At the same time, the second level to his plan showed itself as the mud clone revealed it had circled back around and attacked Naruto from his blindside. It didn't last longer than two seconds but that was all Kakashi needed as the water dragon had grown large enough to pose a threat and he went to have it target the blonde.
And yet, a distant part of his mind commented on how content Naruto seemed to just stand there. Not at all compliant with the blonde's displayed fighting style so far.
That brief moment of forewarning was the only thing that allowed him to use a chakra reinforced jump and avoid the explosion of water as the dragon flew into the area he had evacuated. Reaching the apex of his jump, he flung several lightning-laced shuriken downwards and multiplied them with a jutsu of the Third's creation. The projectiles functioned as a smoke screen as he landed on the opposite side of the river and used an earth jutsu to slip underground.
Jiraiya-sama's analysis of the blonde had included primary affinities of wind and water, but he had left out just how far along his pupil was. It took an extraordinary level of control and a not substantial amount of chakra to commandeer another's jutsu like Naruto just did. Traits that not many obtained so early in life, not during these times of relative peace.
Despite the current situation he was in, Kakashi felt a sense of pride run through him. Should have expected nothing less from his sensei's son.
Navigating his way through the earth, Kakashi looped around and resurfaced in the field they had initially started. He saw no point in turning this into a long, drawn out affair when the Uzumaki had more chakra and stamina than he did.
He'd rather spend that time with his new book. Truly, Jiraiya-sama was a blessing from Kami herself.
"Giving up already Kakashi?" Of course he'd be there waiting.
Pulling two kunai from his pouch, the Copy Ninja's lone sharingan gained a dangerous glint.
His signed edition of 'Make out Paradise: What the Heart Wants' could wait while he humbled his junior.
"Your skill as a sensor makes me envious." He commented idly as he leaned his back against a tree. His poor, humbled back.
"Really? I know you have your dog summons for tracking, but I assumed you had some type of sensory technique as well." Naruto replied as he unsealed a bento from his vambrace, something that was quickly becoming as customary to the blonde as the old orange outfit had been. They were certainly more functional than those eyesores.
"I do but it isn't my main method." He happily took the proffered stick of pocky. "Thanks. Hmm, not bad. Anyways, I'm not a natural sensor so I can't use it to easily distinguish between clones or track someone using the headhunter jutsu like you can."
"Shame. I for one can attest to how useful it is. It's like a byakugan with how I can observe people outside my range of sight." He took a bite out of his snack. "To be honest however, my technique is different from others you might run across."
"How so?" Kakashi took another piece without shame. Maybe he and Naruto should spar more often if he'd get fed like this. "Did you create it yourself?" Like the rasengan variant used on the mission to retrieve the kazekage.
"In a way. Over the years I was gone, I made a lot of progress in using the power inside me." Naruto started. Kakashi sat up somewhat, not expecting Naruto's tenant to be part of this story. "Don't worry, it went well. So long story short, I got a few abilities from that training and one of them is the ability to sense negative emotions."
That's… new. A great tool to have, especially when dealing with shinobi, but it could also alienate certain people. Shinobi pride themselves on both keeping a tight rein on their visible emotions and also being able to read others; those traits helped one survive longer in a treacherous world after all. So it stood to reason that abilities that could negate or enhance those traits were taken note of. Sensing emotions might not be as invasive as Yamanaka mind techniques, but it could certainly prove more alarming if it's usage couldn't be detected.
Kakashi suddenly became more self-conscious about what he was feeling at the moment. Were they negative enough to be felt? What about moments where he was stuck in the past? Was melancholy a negative emotion?
He blinked and pushed those thoughts away. They wouldn't lead to a good place.
"Through the nine-tails' power you say?" He asked instead. The source of the most malevolent chakra he'd ever felt in his life had an ability to sense negative emotions? Made sense in a twisted way.
"Not what one would assume right? Anyway, I created a method where I could use that ability without having to enter the full chakra shroud it came with. For the price of lesser physical boosts, I can sense emotions like fear, anger, or rage within my range."
"Interesting. I would assume clones don't feel emotions like a normal person due to being temporary constructs. Am I correct?"
"Yup. I've only sensed anything resembling emotions from shadow clones and even then, it's a muted thing." Naruto explained. "Unlike normal sensory techniques which skilled nin can hide from, my empathy sense is fail-proof for the time being."
"So as long as your target is feeling the appropriate emotion, they can never hide within your range? Like I said, your skill as a sensor makes me envious."
"Says the guy who knows over a thousand jutsu. Although… I have yet to see you use thirty different techniques."
"Eh, one thousand is somewhat of an exaggeration. More of a ploy to build reputation for client purposes." He shrugged lazily. "And to be honest, I can't use a number of the jutsu I've copied over the years for one reason or another."
As talented as Kakashi was, he wasn't on the level of the Professor as he had yet to master all the basic elemental affinities. This meant certain jutsu couldn't be performed without rigorous training and others while he could do them, they weren't comparable to someone who had a trained affinity. While he could reasonably train to meet those requirements, other techniques simply called for too high a chakra expenditure or a special blood-limit.
"I know, just wanted to hear you admit that out loud." The blonde smiled before turning serious. "That's not exactly common knowledge so I'd appreciate you keeping it to yourself for now. No one can counter it if no one knows about it."
"Your secret is safe with me." Kakashi nodded. Every nin should have a technique or two to give them an edge over opponents. Speaking of secret jutsu. "You know, you're not the only one who used the last two years to get stronger. I have a new technique myself."
"Really?" Naruto sat up. His blue eyes scanning for something. "Did you finally add shape transformation to your chidori?"
"Ahhh… no." He answered, some of the wind leaving his sails. A good guess but his continued failure to succeed at that particular endeavor rankled him. "Not that. Something better." And before the blonde could attack his pride again he uncovered his left eye and applied chakra to it. To be honest, he still wasn't quite comfortable with the sensation as the eye transformed.
"The mangekyou? Since when have you had that?"
"Years ago. But I didn't know about it and thus couldn't activate it until recently." Well, seems he was coming off as a real idiot today.
"Hmm. I remember you saying Itachi's advanced eyes really strained his body. With that being an implant, can you actually use it?" Naruto asked him with a hard look.
"Even though I'm not the same person who faced Zabuza and collapsed right afterward, I'll admit this new form does come with high demands. It requires a staggering amount of chakra and Tsunade-sama warns me the eye could deteriorate with over-use. I've only used it while training, and sparsely at that." One never knows when a technique could be useful so he'd rather develop it to an adequate level instead of regretting not having it should a danger present itself.
"A good safety measure. Have you figured out what it does? Seems Itachi had two different techniques so assuming each eye had one, you should have a single ability. What is it?"
"It's a time and space technique from what I've observed. It takes something within my line of sight and warps it away." Kakashi explained. "And before you ask, I do not know where they go, and I can't recall them. It's a one-way journey to elsewhere."
"I need to have a direct visual on it. Mass is somewhat proportional with chakra cost. Works on all states of matter. And there is a focal point where the warping begins and once started, I can't move that point until I stop the jutsu."
"You didn't say anything about what happens if the medium the focal point is on moves." Naruto pointed out.
"I would assume something moving fast enough to escape my line of sight would be able to get away. Same for teleportation techniques and substituting, I would assume."
"Sounds like a useful tool for desperate situations then. The last part is because it's chakra intensive and hurts your eye." Naruto finally said after a moment of deliberation. "So I won't ask you to demonstrate it for my benefit, but I would like to be present next time you train."
"Odds of a clone actually surviving the process are likely low." Kakashi pointed out having guessed what his old student had in mind. "It would disperse before seeing anything. If there is anything to see that is."
"Remember the chakra shroud I mentioned, well I'm pretty sure it should make the clone durable enough. Especially if you're careful when casting the jutsu." Naruto argued.
The silver-haired jonin saw no reason to oppose such an experiment. No one would get hurt, the sharingan was debatable, and he certainly wanted to know where he was sending all those test dummies. If Naruto wanted to help, then he would accept.
"Sure. I'll invite you to the next training session." As he said that he took the final piece of pocky. As payment of course.
"It's more than just that," Ino complains as she moves about tidying the flowers on display. "I feel like there's something they're not telling us. Something only those at the top know."
From her position leaning against the counter, Sakura rolls her eyes in amusement. "Well if it's that high up, why make such a big deal out of it? Maybe it doesn't concern us."
"But that's just it! I've been working with my dad in the Analysis department and he's usually open about things or at least lets me know what it's about. But lately they've been doing something and won't let the junior analysts be around."
"Still don't see why you of all people should be involved. Even if your father is in charge of that division." She laughs.
"Because there's only one entrance to the branch and I've seen Naruto walk in with no issue!"
"Naruto? You sure?"
"Yeah." The blonde sends her a smirk over her shoulder, "He's not wearing orange anymore but that doesn't make him any less noticeable."
Ignoring her best friends antics, Sakura focuses on what she just said. "What would Naruto be doing in there anyway? He's never showed any aptitude in interrogation."
"Well he also didn't use to fight S-ranks by himself so maybe he picked it up while away." The blonde shrugs before casting an eye around the flower shop and nodding to herself. She then moves behind the counter to drop off the work apron and then joins the pinkette at the register. "Have you noticed anything while with Tsunade-sama?"
"Not about this I don't think." Sakura answers. Her sensei had asked her and Shizune to study a cadaver brought in from the Akatsuki mission a couple weeks ago but that didn't really explain anything. As far as she knew, no prisoners had been taken alive from that mission so they wouldn't bring a dead body to the Analysis Team. Plus, Tsunade-sama had sworn them to secrecy about the cadaver due to it's composition. DNA from the First.
"Shame. From the way I see it, they must be investigating something or someone from inside the village. That's the only way it could be kept so quiet."
At that comment, realization came to Sakura.
'From up here, the village might present a unified front but don't let that fool you. Not every Leaf nin is on our side… It's the rogue aspects within our command structure.'
Naruto had said that! To her! Did that mean Tsunade-sama was in the process of eliminating the traitors within the Leaf? Yeah, that could explain it. One or more of them must have been apprehended and was now being interrogated for intel on the rest perhaps? Maybe they were just being quiet about it so any conspirators wouldn't realize the hokage was on to them.
"Hey, I know that look! You know something about this?" Ino asked her, pupil-less eyes, or just eye with one covered by her hair, drilling into her. "What is it Sakura?"
"I, uh, I just remembered something Naruto said to me a little after he got back." She responded hesitantly. Would it hurt to tell Ino?
"Well? I'm all ears here." Her friend prompted making her sigh.
"Look, Ino, Naruto told me about something because he felt I should know about it. That it could have something to do with our old team and therefore involve me. He didn't want me going in blind." She tried to explain to her inquisitive friend without going into too much detail.
"If you're in some kind of danger…"
"No, I don't think that's the case. In fact, I think this is a good thing if I'm reading it correctly. We should probably just leave it alone." No need to tip off the enemy. Or risk it.
"If you say so." Ino reluctantly backs off, "But are you sure you can't tell me?"
"Sorry. It's probably best if I don't. And besides, Naruto has been tight-lipped about most things regarding his abilities and his plans, if he found out I told you when he warned me in secret… He might never confide in me again." Sakura shrugged helplessly. She would say her old teammate was being overly paranoid, but this conversation was making it clear that there were indeed threats close to home.
"Ugh. I guess. But it's not like he would have found out from me that you shared."
"Sure, it's not like you've been trying to get his attention recently." She remarked dryly.
"No I haven't. But if we did somehow - randomly and purely on coincidence - bump into each other, I'm sure we'd have other things to talk about." Ino denied to which Sakura scoffed.
"Don't believe you. And he's a lot more perceptive now so even then, it wouldn't be too surprising if he saw through you." In more ways than one.
"I've been meaning to ask about that actually, what's up with Naruto these days? Like, he went off with Jiraiya-sama for a couple years and came back a completely different person. There has to be a story behind it all."
"You know, looking back I would say the changes started even before the trip. Right after Sasuke left." Sakura felt the familiar pang in her chest as she mentioned the desertion of her crush. To this day, she still had feelings for him.
To her credit, Ino noticed, and her tone became softer, "I hadn't realized. You think…"
"Yeah. That changed him I think." She made an effort to brush away the uncomfortable atmosphere. "He became more distant after he got out of the hospital. Started training more is what Tsunade-sensei tells me."
"I can't really blame him. If Shika or Chouji had left the village, I don't know what I would do with myself. Probably wouldn't handle it as well as you two did." Ino confessed.
"Yeah." She blinked. "When you factor in the Akatsuki and how they're after him, it's no surprise that he became so focused. It could be the difference between life and death."
"He's done well so far is all I can say." Ino said in an upbeat manner. It wasn't necessarily faked either. "Almost half their number has been eliminated and even though some people are thinking Jiraiya-sama did it, I think Naruto was also involved in taking out Orochimaru."
"Most likely." An increasing number of people knew about the death of the sannin but almost no one knew how it happened, so they attributed it to another sannin since it made the most sense. Jiraiya-sama was both in the public eye and yet also worked covertly enough that he fit the perfect mold for such a surprise operation. With Naruto's newfound strength, it wasn't improbable that Jiraiya would take his student along when he faced his rogue teammate. Beyond that, the timing of when Naruto started working in the hokage's office was somewhat fishy. Ino was actually on the right track then, something was going on and Naruto had a role in it.
"That's it? Just 'most likely?'"
"What more can I say? You made a good point and I happen to agree with it." She defended.
"I expected to hear more details, something that no one else would know sense you two hang out sometimes. Don't tell me all you do is train." Her tone made it obvious she wouldn't take that for an answer, but Sakura really had nothing else to add. Naruto certainly hadn't fessed up to anything.
"Are you asking me to lie to you?" She wondered.
"Tch, come on Sakura. You're the only one of us besides Shika who actually knows anything, and he won't share."
Sakura turned away from the pouting blonde. "Maybe there's a reason for that. Actually, why don't you just ask Naruto himself? Better than asking someone who doesn't have concrete answers."
"I don't know where he lives." Ino shrugged.
"You know where to find him when he's not at home." It was common knowledge that Naruto could be found in the hokage's office during the day.
"And risk making Tsunade-sama angry? There's only one blonde she has a soft spot for, and we both know it's not me."
"You won't know until you try…" Sakura said sweetly. Perhaps a one-way trip through a wall would get her to calm down.
"I bet Hinata knows where Naruto lives. Think she'd tell me?" Ino asked instead, completely ignoring her and likely plotting something.
Hinata? Give the location of her crushes residence to another girl? As if!
Maybe Ino really does want to be put through a wall?
The kunoichi behind the desk eyed her ninja registration information for a quick second before handing the card back. Giving her a nod, Anko briskly walked by her.
Entering the Intelligence Division building was always a tedious process regardless of identity. Perhaps the reigning hokage was permitted some leeway but for everyone else, verification was required for every visit. The main hub was where most of the security was focused but each individual branch had their own lesser measures meant to verify purpose and clearance level. She worked with the Torture and Interrogation branch but right now she was making her way down the corridors of the Analysis Team branch.
Her path soon led her to a large circular room where a strange structure was the sole decoration. It was made in two parts, the one in front being a semi-circle with a notch and an opening near the flat side while the second part was a crescent of sorts hugging the round portion of the semi-circle. Both were covered in an assortment of seals, but Anko couldn't begin to make head or tails of it; all she knew was that it was used in conjunction with Inoichi's psyche invasion jutsu.
It wasn't in use at the moment, but she knew the traitor Danzo had been attached to it within the previous hour and would be subjected to it again until he had no secrets to disclose. The thought of the disgraced elder brought a frown to her face, so she pushed that away as he wasn't the reason for her trip down here. No, the reason was solely due to one of the two individuals conversing in the room. She didn't know how long their dialogue would last so she took a few steps back and found a comfortable spot to lean against the wall.
A quarter of an hour later and the two separated with one heading her way to leave while the one she'd came looking for stayed put. This was her chance.
"Hello there Anko-chan." The last male sannin greeted her as he approached. "I suppose you wish to speak to my student and not me?"
"Yes, Jiraiya-sama. As long as I am not interrupting." She bowed. Being polite was not a habit of hers, an open coat was the only thing keeping her mesh-covered breasts decent after all, but sometimes it was called for. Speaking to one such as the Toad summoner was one of those instances. Especially when he looked as serious as he currently did; there was no trace of the perverted persona she had witnessed on previous occasions.
"Of course not, he's all yours." With a nod he made his exit leaving her to make her way over to the blonde.
"Anko. Anko Mitarashi, right?" Was the first thing he said to her since the chunin exams all those years ago. He certainly had grown since then; they were around the same height now.
"Yes. And you're Naruto Uzumaki. The one who finally killed Orochimaru." She responded looking into his cool blue eyes. She found herself explaining before she even realized it. "I was given clearance to work on the Danzo case."
"I thought so, there's a lot to deal with regarding his situation so I'm sure multiple heads were brought in. What do you think of it so far?" She did not hesitate.
"The village is better off without him." After what happened with her sensei, the one thing she hated above all else was a traitor. A close second was one who abused a position of power and made their underlings suffer. Danzo, the scum, met both of those criteria.
When news of Orochimaru's true colors had been publicized, she'd been placed under a lot of negative scrutiny by those who'd never known her. Because she'd been his student, many thought she'd been compromised. That she'd known of and supported his cruelty. They thought the seal on her was a sign of his favor rather than the curse it truly was. If they'd bothered to look deeper they'd have seen she was just a little girl who was abandoned by someone she'd trusted and had no one to support her. That Orochimaru had fooled her even worse than he'd fooled the village! Despite being proven innocent and forming bonds with those around her, there were some who still doubted her to this day. Danzo had been one of those people. He hadn't kept his distaste for her a secret believing her to be a liability.
And now the truth was out.
Not to everyone but the select dozen or so with clearance knew about Danzo's treachery and his schemes. He was the liability and security risk that she'd enjoyed being able to work on beside Ibiki. He deserved all that and more. It wouldn't be long until he was executed. She was looking forward to it.
"I completely agree with you. Only wish he'd been found out earlier." The blonde nodded. "But he'll get what's due to him soon and hopefully his agents can be freed."
"It shouldn't be too long until they are rehabilitated. A couple months maybe." She actually had no idea because although psychological programming was something she had experience in, genjutsu that could permanently re-write someone's personality was new to her. Luckily, that sorry excuse for a human had had the forethought to compel his agents to be loyal to the Leaf rather than him personally. No doubt he thought impersonating a village would be more difficult than doing the same for one individual and thus making it harder for his agents to be led astray. Whatever the reason, it left only the results of their harsh training regime to be altered after which the Leaf would gain a few dozen fiercely loyal nin.
"Anyways Uzumaki, the reason why I came to talk to you was to say thank you," She started, "Not just because you discovered the traitor but for finally killing Orochimaru."
"No, please," She didn't want to cut him off, but she also couldn't let him interject here, she needed this. "Please let me say this. Get it off my chest… He was my sensei a long time ago, before he was driven out, and even after the fact, his shadow always loomed over me. People looked at me different just for being associated with him and I won't say the person I am today is a mask, but I know for a fact that their opinions shaped me. Shaped me because of him and what he represents to everyone. A monster."
She took a deep breath to try and calm herself down. This was not going how she had practiced but at least he was giving her the moment to vent. As a jinchuriki, he probably understood what she'd gone through better than anyone else ever could.
"For a long time, my fondest dream was to one day kill him. To stand above his corpse and to know he wouldn't be allowed to haunt me anymore. But in the end," Her jaw clenched before slowly loosening as she shook her head, "In that forest, he showed me the truth. Little 'Anko-chan' would never be able to kill her sensei. He wouldn't allow it." A hand moved to rub her left shoulder. Just the memory brought up phantom pain. "My dreams were stomped on that day. Torn to shreds as I realized I didn't have the power to take down a sannin. Not on my own. My only hope was for someone else to kill him. That was the only way for me to be free of him, so I prayed for that person. And then you did it." She was staring into his soul at this point, "You killed Orochimaru where the Third and so many others had failed. I never considered it would be you, I don't think anyone did, but you did it, so if you can take anything from my rambling then I want it to be this: thank you Naruto Uzumaki. Thank you for freeing me from a nightmare."
His eyes held hers for a long moment before he nodded. "You're welcome Mitarashi. Just like I told Jiraiya, I didn't off the snake with anyone else in mind, but I'm happy to hear my action brought you some peace. Since we're on this topic, were you allowed access to the documents I took from his bases?"
"If you're talking about his notes regarding my curse mark then yes. I do know about them. Hokage-sama felt that I should know; although the science of it all went above my head." She admitted. All she really got from that discussion was that her sensei was dead and that her seal was a potential method for him to be resurrected. A method she was essentially safeguarding. The irony.
"Yeah, I just skimmed it all myself, so I don't understand it either." Uzumaki shrugged. "It's good that you were told though, was worried I would have to break it to you."
"Hmph," She felt a smirk come over her face, "Worried I would break down and do something stupid?" She asked jokingly. Although, the scene where she attempted to do a suicide technique to take out her sensei came back to her mind. Perhaps it wasn't merely a joke.
"Mostly the breakdown part. Strangers crying to me isn't something I'm really equipped to handle." His lips twitched in a smile.
If she'd been looking for a que, then that was it right there.
"How about we fix that then?" She offered with her own smile. "The stranger part. I would like to hear the tale of Orochimaru's last stand and seeing as how you had the best vantage point, you're the man to ask. A good meal and an even better story, sounds like the start of a great friendship, don't you think?"
"… I suppose you do deserve that story more than anyone…" The smile that had been struggling to come out finally made a full appearance.
"That I do. My treat?" She sweetened the deal.
"Okay." Lead the way."
He faintly chuckled to himself as he made himself scarce. Even outside his writings, his godson seemed to have the luck of a protagonist.
Now if only some of that luck would come his way.
Exiting the building, Jiraiya took note of the gloomy evening sky that synched with his current mood quite well. His mind once again turned to the north-west. To the war-torn village of Ame.
He'd been a fool to leave them back there. Really, why hadn't he just brought them to the Leaf? They were orphans with no connection to the village besides unpleasant memories so ultimately, the decision would have fallen to them if he'd made the offer. Even if he did have a war to continue fighting in, he should have gone back for them afterwards. It would have been the smart thing to do, the humane thing.
But as of now, it might be too late.
No. He shouldn't entertain that thought. It could very well be that they needed him now more than ever.
Konan. Nagato. Yahiko.
Innocent children turned into S-category criminals. Orochimaru believed them to be in the upper echelon of the Akatsuki. Leaders even. Jiraiya couldn't begin to imagine just what they'd experienced behind his back to lead to such an outcome however, the reports of 'Pain' having Yahiko's appearance paired with Nagato's eyes did not sit well with him.
If one of them died…
Taking a steadying breath, he forced down all the anger and anxiety. Decisions made under the influence of those emotions would only lead to disaster. It's for the best that hime and Naruto talked him down into waiting for a good window to infiltrate Ame as even he had to admit taking on numerous opponents of that caliber would not have been feasible.
Alone that is.
With a solid plan and Naruto beside him he would attempt to do right by his old students.
That was later however, until then he had an important package to deliver to the toads and overdue contacts to see as it was becoming obvious Danzo would be a tough one to fully crack.
He decided to go see hime before departing. Maybe the protagonist luck would work in his favor this time.
Shorter chapter today all from different perspectives. Another bit of calm before the storm - foreshadowing? - and mainly to address some things that happened earlier in the story. Not sure how authentic the characters felt but at least now you all have some idea of what occurred with Danzo, his Root, and the fallout from killing Orochimaru.
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8 105 - In Serial18 Chapters
Redemption: a Pokemon story
Celeste Faye has a problem that only she can solve. She has 10 years to completely change history, literally. With over 982 million lives on the line, she has to save the city from impending war with other cities, a civil war as triads wrestle for control, overcome type racism and prevent the systematic purge of over 40 different species of pokemon. Trouble is, she can't get directly involved, or so she thinks and to make matters worse, she only knows the result, not the cause of the cities destruction. Her plan? Change the lives of key pokemon that have some role to play in the original history and hope that causes a domino effect to change things for the better. Her targets? A city leader that is way over his head, a special forces police recruit struggling to live up to his father, a student with a dangerous obsession with a taboo relationship and a trainee doctor turn gang leader. What actually happens? She changes more then she could ever imagine. Prosperity city is getting a second chance at survival, no wait, a third chance. She didn't manage it the first time she tried. Good thing she is a Celebi.
8 103 - In Serial48 Chapters
Missing Moments
"You bailed on Piper, and you weren't there for her. You know who was? Me." - Finn to Amy in 7x04 | All the times Finn was there for Piper (and the times he wasn't). Or, missing moments between Piper and Finn in seasons 6 and 7 of The Next Step.
8 106