《The Exploits of Lilly, the Scoundrel》12. House
Scene 1. Move-Out
After the party, Trish drives Lilly, Roc and the kids back to Lilly’s apartment, to spend their last night there. Roc carries the twins, already asleep, to their lidded cribs.
With everything that has happened, Lilly is in shock. Roc notices that his new ‘wife’ is standing motionless, except for her shivering, even though the evening is warm. Roc walks up to her side and takes her fore-hooves in his, “Lilly, you have been through a lot today, the kids are in bed, let’s turn in too.”
“Lilly turns and tightly embraces Roc, her head over his shoulder, touching cheeks, weeping, “I truly hope that I can be everything that you want ‘a wife’ to be.” “I need you.” “A ‘rock’ like you, Roc,” “To cling to right now, to keep me ‘above the waves’.” “I keep so much from you, my ‘darker side’.”
Lilly looks up and tries to sound cheerful, “But I will continue to work hard to be a wife that you can at least take out and show your friends!”
Scene 2. Move-In
The next day Trish drives Roc and Lilly to their new house and home. The family’s new house is much bigger than Lilly’s apartment, with a large fenced yard and trees. It is at a convenient location for Lilly. The new house is close to Rod’s restaurant and not too far from the college.
Lilly and Roc exit Trish’s car and stands up in the street, she tilts her head, overwhelmed by the sight of the house, “I cannot believe this is happening to me.” “To us.” “This must be for you, Roc, because everyone loves you so much.”
Roc adds, “They love ‘us’.” “My teammates are just getting to know you and they are already impressed.” “Even the fan-sheep-girls want to meet the sly goat-woman that stole their ‘crush’ away.”
Trish walks up behind them, rattling a box of kitchen utensils, “Take a picture kids, it will last longer…”
“Come-on you lovebirds and see your new nest!” “Moving day is a waistin!”
Scene 3. Living-Room
Rod has the new house opened up. Rod’s kitchen staff are busy moving furniture from his storage spaces and into the house. Rod wants to get done before he has to open his restaurant. His staff is not without comment, “Hey boss, I didn’t have to work this hard when I was a goon for Porky!”
As the other friends appear, the move-in pace quickens. Lilly’s friends, Rod’s family and restaurant kitchen staff and Roc’s teammates have all pitched in on their move-in to the new house.
Lilly’s apartment belongings are mostly her art and art equipment, her clothes, college books, and a few kitchen items. Lilly’s apartment furniture and most of the utility items are left at the apartment as it is used by her parents when they are in the country. Lilly has retained a management company to care for her parent’s apartments, as she has been unable tend to the apartments properly since she had the kids.
Roc only has only a few items, his clothes and uniforms, from his team furnished dorm apartment at the team headquarters.
Rod has loaned them all of the furniture for Roc and Lilly’s new house. Rod had a full household of furniture in storage. Rod’s furniture is quite large, designed to fit Minotaurs even larger than Rod. Rod’s furniture is of a nice antique design, all pieces matching. The furniture includes sofas, easy-chairs, and tables for the living room, bedroom sets and bedding for the master bedroom and the guest bedrooms. Trish again appears with boxes of kitchen items that she claims she had as ‘extras’, although some items appear to be new, still on their retail-store cards.
Roc carries the kids up stairs to their shared bedroom where Rod’s younger daughters, Isabella and Yana have toys to get the young kids acclimated to the new house. Rod’s daughters have already dubbed them the ‘team white’. Rod’s daughters enjoy demonstrating the twins abilities at playing ‘ball’, when the twins are not otherwise engaged in ‘curtain climbing’.
The living room is in chaos with large boxes and furniture in motion. Lilly is standing motionless in a corner of the large living room, staring blankly at one of her old sculptures, freshly moved from storage. Lilly has unwrapped the welded metal sculpture from its packing blanket. Lilly reflects wistfully, Oh, to just be back, welding on my art, in my ‘quiet loneliness’, once again.
Roc again walks up to her side and takes her fore-hooves in his, “Lilly, you have endured so much, once our bed is set up, let’s chase everyone out of our new house and relax together.”
Lilly shudders, then she looks up and smiles at Roc’s concern for her, “That sounds nice Roc,” “Relaxing together, here in our new home.” “But I’m okay today,” “Let’s just squeeze out as much ‘free help’ from our friends as we can.” “They are really enjoying moving us in.” “More so than I am enjoying moving in.” “Let’s see how things go.” “We need to make sure that they have set up our bed before they all leave tonight!”
Roc and Lilly turn to face growing pile of housewarming gifts in the center of the living room.
Timmy walks up to Lilly holding a small plant pot, “I brought you some pants and shrubs for your yard.” “And yes, they might taste a little bitter, but they are all non-toxic.” “So if the twins try to nibble on them.”
Lilly laughs out loud and kneels down to Timmy’s height and embraces him, “Thank you, Timmy,” “You are always cheering me up.” Lilly rubs cheeks with Timmy, and murmurs, “You adorable little ‘furry’.”
Just then Trish walks in to the living room, witnesses the Lilly’s intimate embrace with her son, and scows down at Lilly, “No!” “Lilly!”
Lilly sees Trish’s scowl and releases her hold on Timmy, “I know Trish,” “Hooves off my son.”
But Timmy will not have it. Timmy quickly leans forward and claims Lilly for himself, “No!” “I love my auntie Lilly!”
Trish looks up, resigning herself to the situation, “Of course Timmy loves you, Lilly,” “You brought him Rod and his family.” “Timmy now has a loving father and loving sisters.” “And his mommy has a loving husband, she is not alone anymore.”
Rod’s daughters have brought the kids down to greet the ‘movers’. All of their friends and associates are thrilled with Roc and Lilly’s cute, white, fluffy, jumping, bleating, hungry, daughters, now distracting everyone from with the moving work.
Scene 4. Bedroom
Lilly wanders into the master bedroom. Their new bed is a Minotaur sized bed; complete with a carved hardwood, four post, bed frame and matching night stands. Lilly walks up to a bedpost and pulls on it with her fore-hoof, this post is solid enough to hold the handcuffs and keep all my victims properly restrained, no matter how big and strong they are! Lilly looks over at Roc, who is staring at her wiggling the bedpost, “Don’t worry about me,” “I am a ‘catch-and-release’ type hunter!”
Tex looks into the bedroom and smiles, “We left most of your old furniture in the apartment and picked up some of Rod’s furniture from storage to use instead.” “We figured you would need more sleeping space and storage space.” Lilly looks at the large chest of drawers a desk, table and armiore, all with the same rustic design,
“Rod’s antique furniture’s style looks more appropriate for a classic manor house rather than a suburb track house, like ours, but it all will all do very nicely for now,”
And I don’t fit in any of my old furniture anyway.
“It is so nice of Rod to let us use all of this.” “Why isn’t Rod using this furniture in his house now?
Roc looks up, “Trish tells me that Rod replaced all of his furniture after his wife died.” “He said that all of his furniture smelled like her and reminded him of her, and it made him too sad.” “Rod said that he was glad that we would be replacing the smell!”
Lilly cheers up and laughs, “Rod wants his furniture to have our goat-smell? That’s funny!”
“Are you sure that Rod will ever want his stuff back?”
Lilly looks at the huge bed, “Roc, I don’t think you will be able to find me in this monster bed, even though I am pretty big,” “And maybe that’s a good thing, if I want to finish school?”
Roc laughs, “Lilly,” “You know I will find you, because I will look for you (while I am) very hard!” “Like now!”
Lilly fakes an angry grimace at Roc, “Oh no you don’t!” “Not with everyone here!” “Get that thing away from me!”
“Wait until I finish school!”
Scene 5. Kitchen
Lilly wanders to the kitchen. The cooking pans and utensils are jumbled in open boxes. Trish is folding towels and putting them into drawers, “I don’t know how you want to arrange everything.”
Overwhelmed, Lilly turns around to walks out, seriously considering running away. She then walks straight into Liz, “Come on Lilly, and help us set up your kitchen!” grabbing a fore-leg and dragging the bleating Lilly back to the kitchen, Lilly shudders, “Baaahh!” “MY KITCHEN!?” “Baaahh!”
Liz and Trish seat Lilly at the kitchen table and present her with a box of random tableware. Trish points to the box, “Pick a set,” “We’ll help you sort.” “And look, Tex bought you new kitchen drawer organizers to neatly arrange all of the tableware.” “Keep an extra tableware set, just in case.” “Tex will take the all of the rest back to the team and to the charities.” “Nothing will be thrown away.”
The kitchen drawer sorting and organizing goes smoothly, with Trish and Liz’s help. Peelers, openers carving knives, all get their places. One of Rods large ex-goons walks into the kitchen with a small but heavy table,
“Ms. Lilly,” “The boys and I made this carving board for you and your new house.”
Lilly looks at the heavy, sturdy, carving table. It is constructed with alternating patterns of light and dark hardwood, stained a deep satin. Lilly again seems on the verge of tears, with her foreleg raised to her chest,
“For me?” “It is too nice!” “It is ‘ART’!”
“The boys and I will be sad if you don’t use it, Ms. Lilly”
Lilly places both her fore-hooves down on the top of the board with a, “Clop!”
“Okay!” “I get it!” “I’ll have you all over for dinner, to see me (or Roc) using it.”
Lilly walks back to the side bedrooms. One side bedroom has been set up as ‘the crib’ room. Rod’s daughters are playing with the twins, Lilly thinks, “Rod’s girls should keep them occupied for a while.” Lilly walks back down stairs into the living room to a few remaining furniture items and a mountain of empty moving boxes. She notes that her sculptures have all been carefully unwrapped from their blankets, Likely to keep my sharp metal piles from damaging anything really valuable.
Two of Rod’s kitchen boys, Porky’s ex-hoods, stop piling boxes and smile at Lilly, “Ms. Lilly, we put your welding and electrical stuff in the garage.” “We’ll move it to wherever you would like, if you don’t want it there.” Lilly smiles back, “That’s fine, I’ll build full shop and a darkroom in the garage some day.” Lilly is dazed watching all of the activity, “Do we really have this much stuff?” I guess both Roc and I had storage unit stuff too. We had the boys bring it all over here. I hope at wasn’t a mistake, but those damn storage units are so expensive.
Lilly sniffs back a tear, “But I did like my old apartment.”
Scene 6. Mom
Roc opens the front door and announces, “Hi Lilly! “I’m home.” “I am back from camp for the next few days.” Lilly reaches for Roc, pale and wobbly, “Lilly!” “You don’t look so good, what happened?”
Lilly sighs, “Children happened…” “Did you know that they can climb like spiders?” “Right up the shelves, right up the curtains.” “How is it that they can climb so quick, before they can even walk upright?”
Roc sees his wife’s child rearing stress, “Where are the kids now?”
Lilly exhales, “The kids are locked up in their cages!”
Roc walks into the twins bedroom and he opens the top panel of each crib, and one after the other, his daughters climb up onto his broad shoulders and sit forward each holding a horn, “See how good they are?”
“They are good as gold,” “For you,” “And for Timmy too,” “They love men,” “Look at their little noses wiggling like a rabbit’s, sniffing up the ‘male’ stink!” “It’s the family curse!”
“Rod’s daughters were helping you. Are they still available?”
“Rod needs them at the restaurant and they are going back to school. I don’t want to interfere with their schoolwork. So they won’t be available to help me as much as they did in the summer.” “I got spoiled.” “They took care of everything.”
“So I asked Rod if I could hire his oldest daughter, Elaina, to work for us, part time, as a ‘nanny’. She is old enough to have a part time job and get school credit for it too.” “I am waiting to hear back from them.”
“This ‘nanny’ arrangement has to be okay with you too, Roc.”
Scene 7. Godfathers
A small group of Lilly’s extended family has assembled once again at The Ram’s tiny old chapel. Lilly is facing the handsomely dressed Tex and Shadow, “I am so glad that you both were able to come and join us for the party.” “Oh my, you both look good enough to eat!” “You both totally look like ‘godfathers’!” “My friend, The Ram, has agreed to do ‘The Lambening’ ceremony for the twins.”
The Ram’s chapel is a tiny building, behind several of the large business complex buildings in town. The Ram’s chapel is one of the few remaining original buildings from the founding of the town. The chapel was left standing as the only building from the old city in this area when the town was renovated and the new office buildings were constructed to accommodate the town's growing business commerce.
Most of the spectators are watching from outside the chapel. In the crowd are all of Porky’s old gang, now working for Rod, except Martin who is working for Shadow.
The deep bass voice of The Ram announces, “May the Great Spirit of Abundance bless these new lives.” “May these new lives continue in the Spirit of The Renewal,” "May they provide aid and comfort for all of those in need.” “May they continue The Flow of The Life Force, that is so vital to us all.”
“I now give you our new faithful, Florence and Daphne.” “They are now pronounced, ‘Children of The Lamb’.” Rod, his daughters and his kitchen staff begin to sing traditional hymns, in beautiful voices.
Lilly and Roc walk out of the chapel and into their admiring crowd, each holding a white wiggling bleating daughter. The daughters calm down for attention and petting by all of the extended family.
Lilly is happy that her daughters are so well received, but she worries, I hope that all of this unearned attention and the ‘how cute’ comments don’t turn them into spoiled monsters,
Like it did me.
Scene 8. Dad
Trish is ecstatic and jumping with joy, “A Party!” “A Sports Party!” “This is so much fun with you all!” “To get out and see Roc and Tex play at last!” Rod has Lilly’s daughters high up to see, one on each of his broad shoulders, “Hold on tight girls!”
Lilly looks up at her twins, so tiny and so at home up high on Rod’s shoulders, “I can’t remember ever learning to climb, or ever being afraid of heights or falling,” “Climbing is an instinct of our kind, I guess.”
Rod played sports in school. He met his first wife at a school game and she was his biggest fan. And so daughters were brought up as sports fans. He still takes them to local games as often as he can.
Trish and Timmy are relatively new sports-fans, but the wolves fit right in with the Minotaur daughters. It’s always a party with Rod and his family.
Liz has joins the party too. She loves to see her brother, Tex, play sports of any kind. And, of course, she loves to play doubles tennis with him. Sitting in the stands Liz is thinking, I need to get that Lilly back into shape and play more tennis!
The teams run out on to the field and the crowd cheers. It is difficult to see who is who in the uniforms and protective equipment, but the numbers and names are easily visible.
And, of course, Tex and Roc’s team won the game. Roc and Tex join the ongoing tailgate party after the game. Trish and Rod bought large baskets of yummy food for everyone, along with cold drinks. Lilly is hungry from watching the active game. Lilly tries to restrain herself from gorging down on all of the delicious food, and fails.
Lilly is once again holding her stomach, in pain, for all of the long drive back home.
Scene 9. Home
It has been a hectic week. Roc and Lilly are at last at peace in their new large bedroom alone together. Roc is still unpacking clothes and hanging them in the closet. Lilly walks over behind him bent over a box and she embraces him, holding his chest and pressing his back against her full chest from behind, “Roc, please tell me that you love me.” “You don’t even have to mean it.” “I just need to hear those words from you,” “This night.”
Roc takes her fore-legs from his chest, loosens her hold and turns around to face her, “Lilly, I lack the words to describe how happy that you have made me, and continue to make me,” “And how much I love you,” “And only you.”
“Before I met you I was totally immersed in my sport and my team,” “That was my entire world.” “Yes, there were girls,” “Fan girls.” “Tex even talked me into dating a few of them.” “They were all nice, attractive, people,” “But none of them worked out for me.” “I didn’t want to live in their worlds and I didn’t want to force them to live in my world.” “I don’t know how to put it exactly,” “They all lacked your ‘spark’.” “I find your ‘other worldly’ spirit fascinating, even if you find it frightening.” “I will always be here when you come back.” “I know that as long as I am with you I will never have to face what I fear the most,” “Living out a life that is just a boring, generic existence.”“My days since meeting you have been a continuous joy.” “I cannot pick any one day over the other or imagine how I could ever be any more pleased than I am with my bond to you,” “Even if it wasn’t completely by free choice.”
Lilly looks up into Roc’s eyes, her eyes streaming tears. Lilly launches herself up on her toes and into his face. She kisses him passionately. She then pulls her head back and with a broad smile she loudly bleats,
“Weellcoome hoomeehh!” "Baaahh!"
Scene 10. Rain
Lilly rises from her sleep. It is near dawn and the sounds of a summer thunderstorm can be heard outside. She listens to the rain falling on the roof of the house, punctuated periodically by a bright flash and a loud echoing booming sound of the thunder. Lilly rises to watch the dramatic morning summer rainstorm from her bedroom window, facing the back yard. The sheets of rain appear as moving curtains of a dark fog. As if in a trance, she walks down the stairs into the kitchen, dropping her night clothes as she walks. She opens the back door of the kitchen, walking naked onto the patio raising her forelegs in awe to the flashes of lightening, the delay of the resulting thunder. She continues to walk from the covered patio and into the backyard. She feels the warm summer rain falling on her head and over body. Lilly smiles, closes her eyes, raises her fore-hooves to her face, worshiping the rainfall, like the Rain Goddess. She slowly proceeds to the center of the large back yard. The showery rainfall has her completely covered with running warm water. She raises her forelegs over her head as if performing a solemn, silent, ceremony to the rain. The water is streaming down and off of her slightly water resistant white pelt. She looks up at the clouds in the sky and opens her mouth wide, to taste the rain, her streaming tears add to the runoff,
If only this rain could wash away all of my filth,
my sins,
my infidelity,
my guilt,
my demons,
my nightmares,
my obsessions,
my gluttony,
my insanity…
If only I was a pure white angel, as Roc sees me...
Lilly watches as the dark gray storm clouds assume the form of a large flying dragon, swirling around in the rain. The dragon visage opens its large mouth emitting huge bolts of sheet lightening that cover the entire sky with a blinding bright flash and a deafening, earth shaking, loud roar of thunder.
Lilly is overwhelmed by the dragon’s display and collapses, down on her knees, onto the wet grass, into a quadruped couch. She ignores the discomfort to her large milk-filled breasts pressed against the soft grass,
No wonder the quads put these things in the back!
And I haven’t fed the kids this morning either…
She sets her saturated head down to rest on her forelegs. Lilly closes her eyes and quietly sighs, “baaahhh,”
This grass, this rain, it all feels and smells so familiar to me, But why?
Lilly, with tears streaming, softly bleats, to no one,
“I am leaving this world,” “I can feel it,” “Baaahh.”
“This world, My World, is slipping away from me.”
Scene 11. Welcome
Roc is awakened by the thunder and bleating of his hungry frightened kids in the bedroom down the hall. Roc looks around but Lilly is not upstairs. He pulls on a robe and checks the kitchen, no Lilly. The kitchen back door is slightly ajar, he walks to the door and opens it. He looks out into the back yard and sees the white Lilly, naked, hunkered down, motionless, in a puddle at the center of the yard, out in the, now receding, rain.
Roc’s ears go straight up in a panic, “Eeeek!” Oh no! Lilly’s dead!
Roc bounds out into the yard, on all four legs, and up to Lilly’s motionless white wet body. Roc sees that Lilly is breathing. Roc shakes Lilly a little to have her open her eyes and look up at him. Roc pulls Lilly up to stand. He then attempts to cover her wet naked body with his bathrobe.
Lilly pushes Roc’s robe away, “No Roc,” “I need to feel that I am still alive by feeling this wetness, this rain.” “This is my last chance for ‘renewal’,” “And I can now tell this world ‘goodbye’.”
Roc, still holding Lilly up, does not react. Roc just stares at the saturated, naked, Lilly, as he considers the strange statements from his strange wife, “Lilly, please come back inside the house, your daughters are calling for you.”
Lilly stands still, looking up at the bright summer sunlight that is breaking through the clouds, still sprinkling rain. On the far horizon, a complete rainbow is visible, in shimmering colors.
Lilly, stands up tall, reaching up high into the air with her right fore-leg, in a dramatic display of her wet, voluptuous, post-pregnancy body, in exhibition of her naked glory. She points her right fore-toe up at the rainbow, smiling,
“And it is out there!” “You can see It!” “It is 'The Omen'!” “Sent to me by 'The Founders'!”
“'The Founders' are welcoming me, to their world, 'The World of The Founders'!”
End of Chapter 12.
End of Volume 1.
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