《The Exploits of Lilly, the Scoundrel》11. Reception
Scene 1. Delivery
All of Lilly's extended family is standing around her bed in a large hospital maternity ward room. Lilly is lying comfortably on her back, slightly propped up, smiling in satisfaction, with her eyes closed and her fore-hooves across her smaller, but still substantial, belly.
Trish smiles to Lilly, “The doctor said that your delivery went very well, especially for a first timer.” “and everyone is bleating loud, wiggling and healthy.” Everyone?
Lilly smiles up at Trish, “See, it pays to exercise!”
Lilly frowns thinking, and a having very big ‘exit’ doorway down there and strong muscles to boost them out.
I should have warned the doctor to stand across the room, and have a catcher’s glove ready.
Liz impatiently stops her hoof on the tile floor, "Whack!" “Well!” “What is it, a boy or a girl?”Lilly looks out wondering herself, “I don’t know yet.” “I didn’t want to know beforehand.” “I only cared that everything was going okay.” “Which, thank the stars, it was.” “When the time came everything and everyone just popped out.” “Giving birth is really no big deal (way overrated) at least for me.” “And what a relief! She pats her shrunken stomach again. “Pop” “Pop” I thought I was going to explode!” Lilly swallows a roll from her tray.
The doors open and two young Minotaur nurses walk in, each firmly holding a wiggling, bleating, bundle against her chest. The bundles are each held out. Out the top of the bundle are small bleating faces, mouth open and tongue extended, “Maaah!” “Maaah!” toward Lilly. “Lilly, say hello to your new twin daughters!”
The extended family cheers together, “Yay!” Rod: “¡HÍJOLE!”
Lilly, starts bleating in sudden distress, “Baaaaaaah!” “Two!” “Girls?”
Timmy whispers quietly to his mother, Trish, “Little sisters?”
The family is shooshed out by the nurses. Trish is left alone with Lilly in the room so that Lilly can quietly nurse her new family. The two twins suck with audible enthusiasm, “Squish!” “Squish!”...
Lilly, “Its a good thing they’re hungry, these huge ‘milk bags’ weigh a ton!”
Trish smiles at Lilly, “Please take us up on our offer for you and the girls, Roc even, to stay with us in Rod’s large ranch house.” “I don’t think your family will fit in your apartment.”
Lilly frowns, looking down at her still large form, “I don’t fit in my apartment…” “I am turning into a big Minotaur she-monster!”
“Trish?” “You wouldn’t happen to have a pizza on you, would you?” “Grooowwwl”
Scene 2. Cover-Story
Trish pauses and rocks back in her chair. There is a long, awkward, silence… Lilly grunts, “Bah!” “Okay, so now what do I do?” “I get it,” “It wasn’t a ‘virgin’ birth.”
Trish responds as gently as possible, “Once again, you have a decision to make,” “But not really.” “Roc’s best friend is Liz’s brother.” “Roc will discover the situation, eventually,” “Whether you tell him or not.” “But don’t you think he should hear it from you first?”
Lilly frowns, “Tex and Roc already suspect that something is up.” “Liz and I keep making up excuses to hold off their visits.” “Roc thinks it is because I hate him now.” “Nothing could be further from the truth.” “Liz has kept it from her beloved brother and now he is mad at her too.” “He knows something is up.” “I am ruining everyone's relationships!” “Now there are kids to consider, they need a father and Roc would be great.”
“How much worse can I feel about all this?” “How does anyone handle something like this?”
“I would like to ask Tex and Shadow to be godfathers, if they are willing, someday.”
Trish sits quietly, looking pensive. Then she smiles, “I have an idea.” “What do you think about this? “We can have a party celebrating the anniversary of the shootout.” “Shadow keeps calling me, he wants to have an affair to do “something” for us ‘heroes’, and give us all rewards for our help and courage that day.” “We can use this reward ceremony and party as a cover, to introduce your girls to everyone.” “Rod and his family love parties, and we have the restaurant as a party venue.” “We’ll introduce the girls to everyone as ‘orphans’ in our care.” “I’ll make sure we time the party so that Tex and Roc can come, of course.”
Lilly frowns, “Orphans?” “Will that be fair to Roc?” “No one will believe it anyway, as they look just like us!”
Trish is still smiling, confident, “Don’t you worry, there won’t be any paw or hoof pointing.” “Everyone will be busy having fun at the party.” “Rod always sees to that, with his food and singing too.” “And when you see Roc next, just give him one of your famous smiles.” “You have more feminine charm that you think, especially now, with ‘the glow’ of motherhood.”
“Rod's girls and I will make sure that you and your cute little girls look and smell all your best!”
Scene 3. Award Ceremony
A few weeks later, at the Taste of the South, a sign on the door reads ‘Closed for a Private Party’, in three languages. The cars are lined up outside. Each car slowly pulls up and unloads passengers. The valet runs over to each one and parks each car. At the restaurant door is a young weasel in a uniform with a badge that says ‘Security’. He is checking invitations and showing the guests to the hosts inside for seating. The restaurant is at capacity. The party is already a smash hit.
Rod is whirling through the crowd in his best chef's uniform. Trish is at the side assisting guests that need assisting, dressed in what appears to be an antique middle-school uniform. And of course Liz and Lilly are in their best waitress uniforms setting up huge trays of appetizers and drinks. At one side of the room are Rod’s daughters, attending, and standing guard, by a large crib, with a lid, containing two, small, pure white, fluffy, bouncing, crawling, climbing, shapes that periodically emit short, soft bleats. The receiving line crowd slowly passes the crib displaying the bouncing white fluff balls, in fascination.
Shadow, acting as master of ceremonies, takes charge on the makeshift stage set up on top of some stacked tables. “May I have your attention” “Please take your seats as the serving is about to start.” “First up this evening is the long overdue awards ceremony.” “I think you all know about the incident that occurred here two years ago.” For those that don’t know the short version is that a dangerous criminal gang was successfully rounded up and arrested right here in this room, with the essential assistance of brave civilians.” “And for their bravery and cunning in assisting with the apprehension of this slippery gang, I have the following awards.” “Liz and Lilly come on up here.” “Yes, these ladies each disarmed several of the gang, without anything but their natural bodies as weapons, and their martial-arts moves.” “And surprisingly, they didn’t kill anyone.” “For each, I have a Medal of Freedom, our highest civilian award." "You earned it.” “Now for Rod and Trish, the owners of this establishment, and those with the most to lose.” “Even with their lives at stake, they never lost confidence.” “They stood their ground against a very dangerous armed gang.” “Their courage was essential to the successful execution of the plan and the subsequent gang round-up.” “They are each awarded The Medal of Courage and this establishment is now listed as a ‘recommended stop’ for all state police.”
“Let’s have a round of applause for these courageous citizens!”
Scene 4. New Staff
“And now I would like to introduce you to the newest member of my organization.” “He once was with that mob, but has had a change of heart." "He is now on my side, with a year of great service to us all, removing dangerous criminals off the streets, and without killing them.” “Come on up Martin, and tell us your story.”
Martin bounds onto the stage, “Mes really ain’t one for speeches but mes got to tell ya all how mes got converted!”
Lilly thinking, Oh no!
“Yeah mes once was a goon for the mob.” “Mes ain’t never kills no one, but it's just gonna'.” “Mes not care!” “But one day mes was out with the boys doin’ da collection job, right here!” “In dis place!” Martin points down, “And den something happened to mes,” “Mes suddenly confronted by monster, I’s forced to faces dark tunnel of mes life!”
Lilly grimaces again, Oh no, no!“
My gig wern’t so bad at first, it was very cozy, warm and dark.” He holds himself with this arms around himself, looking down. “But then mes realized that mes had no future, mes was chocking, mes was ended!” “Then mes exploded." "I’s blown from da dark tunnel to da bright light of day!” Martin gestures with arms out wide. Something wiggles behind Martin.
There is a small commotion on the stage and Martin suddenly vanishes, as through a trap door. Shadow looks around a little confused by the sudden disappearance of his new man, but quickly fills in. “Thank you Martin for that moving and dynamic story.” “And I want to thank you all for coming this evening.”
"Rod is now going to serenade us with several traditional songs of the Southern Lands."
Scene 5. Role-Model
Lilly is setting in the dark in a small enclosure under the makeshift stage, with Martin in her arms. He is holding his tail. Lilly looking sternly at Martin, “What the hell were you saying up there!” “Were you trying to blow it for us!”
Martin recovers from his surprise exit from the stage, by tail yank, “Hey, Ms Lilly!” “Youse a hoot!
Martin immediately crawls around her arms, wraps his tail around her back. His head pops up between her large breasts. He licks her chin and she embraces him.
Lilly closes her eyes at the smell and feel of the sensuous weasel, “How can I be mad at you when you are so adorable!”
Martin looks around at her expansive breasts, “I loves youse new looks!”
Lilly looks down at Martin, “Am I a giant goddess?” “With one follower?”
Martin continues with a big smile, “Got cute kids!” “I tol ya!” “Bully for yous Ms Lilly!” “Mes ain’t going to rat you out.” “Mes never rats out dames, especially ones showes mes such times.” “Now mes gets to thank ya right up for making mes pitch mes rotten ways.” “Mes knows mes never would have tried it without ya.” “Now look at ya.” “On way up!” “If yous can do it, mes can too!”
Lilly looks down at the sincere Martin, Me! A ‘Role Model’!
Scene 6. Reception
Roc approaches Liz, “Have you seen Lilly? It seems like she just vanished.” Liz frowns at looks back at the stage, “I think I know where she went.” “I’ll be right back.”
Liz sticks her head into the box under the stage. Lilly is lying back on the junk pile with her eyes closed, smiling, clutching the furry weasel tightly to her chest, like a stuffed toy. He is struggling and emitting muffled, distressful, suffocating, crushing noises under her large breasts, “Mmmmmffff!!!”
Liz growls, “Lilly, You are being paged.” “Roc wants to talk to you.” “And Stop! You’re killing that poor guy.” “Man Lilly, are you ever a popular lady! What is your secret?” “Give me some!”
“Here you go!” Lilly places Martin into Liz’s folded fore-legs, “Now Martin you be good and don’t bite Liz,” Lilly cautions. The surprised Martin looks up at Liz, “Hey!” “Youse tat black goat-dame!” “With the hoof moves!”
Liz smiles down at her new furry friend, “That’s me!” She kicks up a rear leg, armed with a sparking black cloven hoof.
Martin cuddles down into Liz’s Fore-legs, “Youse smells reeel gooood!” He looks up at Liz again, “Youse lookin’ for a nice wrap?”
Lilly reappears behind Roc, as magically as she vanished. Roc jumps at her sudden reappearance, “Lilly, I thought I was watching you, but you suddenly weren’t there.”
Lilly smiles, “Yeah, I do that sometimes.” “There were things I needed to attend to,” “You know, those ‘party animals’.”
Lilly smiles and entwines his fore-leg with hers, “Come on, let’s take a walk.” As they walk, Lilly brushes some brown weasel fur off of her chest.
In the garden, Roc, with a slight smile, glances at Lilly, “Those kids... They’re your kids, aren’t they?”
Lilly stops and hoists her large breasts up with her arms, from underneath. That statement would be difficult to deny. Her waitress uniform is much too tight in her chest.
Lilly turns and faces Roc and takes on an uncharacteristically sheepish expression, “Those kids...” “Are our kids....”
Roc gently reaches out to Lilly and the two gently embrace, heads over each other’s shoulders, touching cheeks, “You’re soft and cuddly now,” “What happened to the ‘hard-body’ Lilly?”
“That ‘Lilly’ took the year off.” Hmmm, It doesn’t feel like I am disappointing him.
Lilly moves back and faces Roc, holding his shoulders,
“Come on back inside,”
“And meet your new daughters.”
Scene 7. Wedding
Liz and Tex, dressed in their finest, are talking to Trish at the entrance of the chapel. Liz asks Trish, “Who did you find to do the wedding ceremony?”
Trish responds, “Actually the recommendation came from Lilly, she wanted one of Fendor’s friends.” “I only know him as ‘The Ram of the Lamb’.” “He helped me with Fendor’s final arrangements. He usually doesn’t do weddings, but he spent some time with Lilly when Fendor passed, and they became friends. “He was happy to have an exception in this situation.” “He was happy to see Lilly move on...”
They enter the chapel to see the rows of seats with the many friends that Roc and Lilly have made. Rod is sitting with his girls, Trish moves down to sit next to them, with Timmy. A number of the Roc’s teammates, as well as players from the various other teams of the league, are also present.
The wedding party assembles on the stage, Liz and Elaina are bridesmaids and Tex is best man. Roc walks out to join them. He is wearing a white, long tail tuxedo. The music starts and the main doors open. Lilly walks in with her father, both looking quite sharp, all in white.
Roc and Lilly stand, facing each other. A very large Ram in black clerics walks out, holding The Book of the Lamb. He stands behind them and recites the wedding blessing and steps back.
Roc and Lilly then approach each other. They embrace with big smiles and hold for pictures. Then they kiss, long and proud.
The chapel erupts with cheers and applause. Small pops are heard, and small pieces of colored paper rain down on everyone.
The Ram walks out on the stage once again and shouts over the crowd noise, “You all please join us at Rod’s for the Reception!” “And give our wedding party a few minutes for photographs!”
A reception line forms at Rod’s Taste of the South restaurant. Everyone meets Lilly’s famous world-traveling archaeologist parents for the first time. At the end of the line Rod’s younger daughters, Isabella and Yana, are each holding a wiggling bundle of white fluff, Roc and Lilly’s two new twin daughters.
The reception is catered by Rod’s restaurant. The serving staff is Rod’s usual ex-hood kitchen staff as Liz and Lilly are both busy in the wedding party. The restaurant staff is pretty much Porky’s old gang of hoods, turned straight. Of course Shadow is keeping an eye on them too.
Roc walks up to Lilly. She is talking with her parents that she has not seen in a while, asking them about the head that she and Roc saw at the Museum. Roc greet them, “I am so happy that you both could leave your work abroad and join us on the festive day!” He notes that Lilly’s parents are distracted, each holding a small white, wiggling, bleating, grand-daughter. Roc continues, “Lilly, the team has made the down payment on a family house for us as a wedding gift.”
“We can move in any time.”
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