《Of Myth and Legend (Realistic Pokemon AU in OC Region)》Akundex
1 Charmander(Gu) Fire 2 Charmeleon(Gu) Fire 3 Charizard(Gu) Fire/Dragon 4 Weedle Bug/Poison 5 Kakuna Bug/Poison 6 Beedrill Bug/Poison M-Beedrill Bug/Poison 7 Pichu Electric 8 Pikachu Electric 9 Raichu Electric 10 Nidoran♀(Gu) Poison 11 Nidorina(Gu) Poison 12 Nidoqueen(Gu) Poison/Steel 13 Nidoran♂(Gu) Poison 14 Nidorino(Gu) Poison 15 Nidoking(Gu) Poison/Steel 16 Cleffa Fairy 17 Clefairy Fairy 18 Clefable Fairy 19 Oddish Grass/Poison 20 Gloom Gras/Poison 21 Vileplume Grass/Poison 22 Bellosom Grass 23 Mankey Fighting 24 Primeape Fighting 25 Poliwag Water 26 Poliwhirl Water 27 Poliwrath Water/Fighting 28 Politoad Water 29 Abra Psychic 30 Kadabra Psychic 31 Alakazam Psychic M-Alakazam Psychic 32 Machop Fighting 33 Machoke Fighting 34 Machamp Fighting 35 Tentacool Water/Poison 36 Tentacruel Water/Poison 37 Ponyta(Ga) Psychic 38 Rapidash(Ga) Psychic/Fairy 39 Slowpoke Water/Psychic 40 Slowbro Water/Psychic M-Slowbro Water/Psychic 41 Slowking Water/Psychic 42 Magnemite Electric/Steel 43 Magneton Electric/Steel 44 Magnezone Electric/Steel 45 Grimer Poison 46 Muk Poison 47 Gastly Ghost/Poison 48 Haunter Ghost/Poison 49 Gengar Ghost/Poison M-Gengar Ghost/Poison 50 Krabby Water 51 Kingler Water 52 Voltorb(H) Electric/Grass 53 Electrode(H) Electric/Grass 54 Koffing(Ga) Poison 55 Weezing(Ga) Poison/Fairy 56 Happiny Normal 57 Chansey Normal 58 Blissey Normal 59 Tangella Grass 60 Tangrowth Grass 61 Horsea Water 62 Seadra Water 63 Kingdra Water/Dragon 64 Mime .Jr Psychic/Fairy 65 Mr.Mime Ice/Psychic 66 Mr.Rime Ice/Psychic 67 Scyther Bug/Flying 68 Scizor Bug/Steel M-Scizor Bug/Steel 69 Kleavor Bug/Rock 70 Elekid(Gu) Electric/Fighting 71 Electabuzz(Gu) Electric/Fighting 72 Electivire(Gu) Electric/Fighting 73 Magby Fire 74 Magmar Fire 75 Magmortar Fire 76 Pinsir Bug M-Pinsir Bug/Flying 77 Magikarp(Gu) Water 78 Gyarados(Gu) Water/Dragon 79 Lapras Water/Ice 80 Ditto Normal 81 Omanyte Rock/Water 82 Omastar Rock/Water 83 Kabuto(Gu) Bug/Water 84 Kabutops(Gu) Bug/Water 85 Aerodactyl(Gu) Rock/Flying 86 Munchlax Normal 87 Snorlax Normal 88 Dratini(Gu) Dragon 89 Dragonair(Gu) Dragon 90 Dragonite(Gu) Dragon/Flying 91 Cyndaquil(H) Fire 92 Quilava(H) Fire 93 Typhlosion(H) Fire/Ghost 94 Chinchou Water/Electric 95 Lanturn Water/Electric 96 Bonsly Rock 97 Sudowoodo Rock 98 Aipom Normal 99 Ambipom Normal 100 Murkrow Dark/Flying 101 Honchkrow Dark/Flying 102 Misdreavus Ghost 103 Mismagius Ghost 104 Unown Psychic 105 Wynaut Psychic 106 Wobbeffet Psychic 107 Heracross Bug/Fighting M-Heracross Bug/Fighting 108 Sneasel Dark/Ice 109 Weavile Dark/Ice 110 Swinub Ice/Ground 111 Piloswine Ice/Ground 112 Mamoswine Ice/Ground 113 Mantyke Water/Flying 114 Mantine Water/Flying 115 Houndour Dark/Fire 116 Houndoom Dark/Fire M-Houndoom Dark/Fire 117 Larvitar Rock/Ground 118 Pupitar Rock/Ground 119 Tyranitar Rock/Dark M-Tyanritar Rock/Dark 120 Torchic Fire 121 Combusken Fire/Fighting 122 Blaziken Fire/Fighting 123 Mudkip Water 124 Marshtomp Water/Ground 125 Swampert Water/Ground 126 Poochyena Dark 127 Mightyena Dark 128 Wurmple Bug 129 Silcoon Bug 130 Beautifly Bug/Flying 131 Cascoon Bug 132 Dustox Bug/Poison 133 Lotad Water/Grass 134 Lombre Water/Grass 135 Ludicolo Water/Grass 136 Wingull Water/Flying 137 Pelipper Water/Flying 138 Ralts(Gu) Dark/Ghost 139 Kirlia(Gu) Dark/Ghost 140 Gardevoir(Gu) Dark/Ghost 141 Slakoth Normal 142 Vigoroth Normal 143 Slaking Normal 144 Nincada Bug/Ground 145 Ninjask Bug/Flying 146 Shedinja Bug/Ghost 147 Whismur Normal 148 Loudred Normal 149 Exploud Normal 150 Makuhita Fighting 151 Hariyama Fighting 152 Nosepass Rock 153 Probopass Rock/Steel 154 Skitty Normal 155 Delcatty Normal 156 Aron(Gu) Steel/Dark 157 Lairon(Gu) Steel/Dark 158 Aggron(Gu) Steel/Dark 159 Carvanha Water/Dark 160 Sharpedo Water/Dark M-Sharpedo Water/Dark 161 Wailmer Water 162 Wailord Water 163 Torkoal(Gu) Fire/Water 164 Trapinch Ground 165 Vibrava Ground/Dragon 166 Flygon Ground/Dragon 167 Cacnea Grass 168 Cacturne Grass/Dark 169 Zangoose Normal 170 Seviper Poison 171 Barboach Water/Ground 172 Whiscash Water/Ground 173 Baltoy Ground/Psychic 174 Claydol Ground/Psychic 175 Lileep(Gu) Water/Grass 176 Cradily(Gu) Water/Grass 177 Anorith(Gu) Water/Bug 178 Armaldo(Gu) Rock/Bug 179 Feebas(Gu) Water 180 Milotic(Gu) Water/Fairy 181 Shuppet Ghost 182 Banette Ghost M-Banette Ghost 183 Duskull Ghost 184 Dusclops Ghost 185 Dusknoir Ghost 186 Tropius Grass/Flying 187 Absol Dark M-Absol Dark 188 Snorunt Ice 189 Glalie Ice M-Glalie Ice 190 Froslass Ice/Ghost 191 Spheal Water/Ice 192 Sealeo Water/Ice 193 Walrein Water/Ice 194 Relicanth Water/Rock 195 Beldum Steel/Psychic 196 Metang Steel/Psychic 197 Metagross Steel/Psychic M-Metagross Steel/Psychic 198 Starly Normal/Flying 199 Staravia Normal/Flying 200 Staraptor Normal/Flying 201 Shinx Electric 202 Luxio Electric 203 Luxray Electric 204 Cranidos Rock 205 Rampardos Rock 206 Shieldon(Gu) Rock 207 Bastiodon(Gu) Steel 208 Combee Bug/Flying 209 Vespiquen Bug/Flying 210 Bronzor Steel/Psychic 211 Bronzong Steel/Psychic 212 Riolu Fighting 213 Lucario Fighting/Steel M-Lucario Fighting/Steel 214 Hippopotas Ground 215 Hippowdon Ground 216 Skorupi Poison/Bug 217 Drapion Poison/Dark 218 Snover Grass/Ice 219 Abamasnow Grass/Ice 220 Venipede Bug/Poison 221 Whirlipede Bug/Poison 222 Scolipede Bug/Poison 223 Petilil Grass 224 Lilligant Grass 225 Sandile Ground/Dark 226 Krokorok Ground/Dark 227 Krookodile Ground/Dark 228 Maractus Grass 229 Dwebble Bug/Rock 230 Crustle Bug/Rock 231 Yamask(Ga) Ground/Ghost 232 Runerigus Ghost/Ground 233 Tirtouga(Gu) Water/Steel 234 Carracosta(Gu) Water/Steel 235 Archen(Gu) Flying 236 Archeops(Gu) Flying 237 Zorua Dark Zorua(H) Normal/Ghost 238 Zoroark Dark Zoroark(H) Normal/Ghost 239 Ducklett Water/Flying 240 Swanna Water/Flying 241 Vanillite Ice 242 Vanillish Ice 243 Vanilluxe Ice 244 Frillish Water/Ghost 245 Jellicent Water/Ghost 246 Joltik Bug/Electric 247 Galvantula Bug/Electric 248 Litwick Ghost/Fire 249 Lampent Ghost/Fire 250 Chandelure Ghost/Fire 251 Cubchoo Ice 252 Beartic Ice 253 Golett Ground/Ghost 254 Golurk Ground/Ghost 255 Boufalant(Gu) Normal/Water 256 Heatmor Fire 257 Durant Bug/Steel 258 Deino Dark/Dragon 259 Zweilous Dark/Dragon 260 Hydreigon Dark/Dragon M-Hydreigon Dark/Dragon 261 Larvesta Bug/Fire 262 Volcarona Bug/Fire 263
Fairy 264 Floette Fairy 265 Florges Fairy 266 Honedge Steel/Ghost 267 Doublade Steel/Ghost 268 Aegislash Steel/Ghost 269 Inkay Dark/Psychic 270 Malamar Dark/Psychic 271 Skrelp Poison/Water 272 Dragalge Poison/Dragon 273 Tyrunt Rock/Dragon 274 Tyrantrum Rock/Dragon 275 Amaura(Gu) Ice/Steel 276 Auroras(Gu) Ice/Steel 277 Goomy Dragon 278 Sliggoo Dragon 279 Goodra Dragon 280 Phantump Ghost/Grass 281 Trevenant Ghost/Grass 282 Pumpkaboo Ghost/Grass 283 Gourgeist Ghost/Grass 284 Bergmite Ice 285 Avalugg Ice 286 Noibat Flying/Dragon 287 Noivern Flying/Dragon 288 Rowlet Grass/Flying 289 Dartrix Grass/Flying 290 Decidueye Grass/Ghost 291 Popplio Water 292 Brionne Water 293 Primarina Water/Fairy 294 Crabrawler Fighting 295 Crabominable Fighting/Ice 296 Mareanie Poison/Water 297 Toxipex Poison/Water 298 Salandit Poison/Fire 299 Salazzle Poison/Fire 300 Sandygast Ghost/Ground 301 Palossand Ghost/Ground 302 Drampa Normal/Dragon 303 Grookey Grass 304 Thwackey Grass 305 Rillaboom Grass 306 Impidimp Dark/Fairy 307 Morgrem Dark/Fairy 308 Grimmsnarl Dark/Fairy 309 Snom Ice/Bug 310 Frosmoth Bug/Ice 311 Cufant Steel 312 Copperajah Steel 313 Pterazolt Electric 314 Dracomizer Dragon 315 Arctosuar Ice 316 Dunklovish Water 317 Dreepy Dragon/Ghost 318 Drakloak Dragon/Ghost 319 Dragapult Dragon/Ghost
Sinistea in Stardew
Pokemon/Stardew crossover ~ Georgie is a child offered up in the shrine of selfishness by her parents and she can't remember anything in her life other than being a servant to the emerald witch. But she does know who and where her parents are. They just don't know her. So she leaves offerings by their windowsill, wishing them well.
8 73Tails of a Cyborg Fox Girl - A Science Fantasy LitRPG
Six is a hyborg, a human-animal hybrid cyborg designed for one thing and one thing only: pleasure. Or at least, that's what she thought...until a client lays dead at her feet after awakening an ability she never knew she had. Now she's on the run from her owner, the government, and—for some reason—a shadowy cabal of masked occultists, too. The only hope she has of keeping her newfound freedom is to cultivate her unprecedented abilities and solve the mysteries behind them. To learn who really created her...and why.
8 179Purrge
Norsk Battleground, near Ciara Citadel, in Eisenhiem kingdom is the Last bastion of hope for the people of the Upperworld, as they fight against the invading demon forces from the Underworld with their hopes and lives on the line. Brave people, one by one sacrifice themselves to protect their loved ones. The rallying cry made by the Allied Armed Forces commander, the ruler of the Eisenhiem Kingdom, King Nobius made the people to struggle, not give up on hope and to fight back the demons… But with the dwindling resources of the Allied Armed Forces and the appearance of the Demon King Zamareous himself on the battlefield, the whole army came up to the brink of collapse, the king out of desperation then agreed to follow the ‘backup’ plan made by the head mage, which was to summon a Elder dragon on the battlefield to slay the demon king… But something happened during the summoning... *Grrr...oooeeaw* And someone unexpected got summoned instead of an Elder dragon! Will the people of this world survive after the failure of this ‘Backup’ plan?
8 202The Forgotten Universe
In a world of where there are supposedly 10 parallel universes, Only nine remain known. The Capital universe is trying to both find this tenth universe to exploit it, and trying to rid the universes of "rebels". One such "rebel" is Drin, a Drowen, - subspecie of the Drow elves - formerly feared as the strongest knight within the Universal Realms (this whole world). Now, as a fugitive, he too, along with his friends and allies (all of whom are also extremely strong), look for the tenth universe. not to exploit it, but to save it. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Although this series doesn't use the work of other creators, it has plenty of references and homages - both obvious ones and more obscure ones that require you to know the series being referenced. Hope you can find all of them. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ And most importantly, I hope that you enjoy this story and that it brightens your day - even a bit.
8 92Time And Thoughts
This a book is where I freely express and convey emotions and my thoughts about topics. It's a place where I spend my TIME putting my THOUGHTS into words in hopes of helping someone. I've written these poems in such a way, so that my viewers can derive their own meaning from them. For me as a person I tend to feel more comforted, when down, by listen to music or reading poems, in which the poem or song is hopeless and gives off the feeling of the protagonist being bluntly hurt. In my poems I write without words of encouragement, but instead comfort the reader through understanding and allowing them to feel.If you ever feel the need to talk to someone or want to know the meaning of one of my poems or just wanna say something feel free to comment or private message me.Please enjoy and be comforted by my book.Highest ranking:#1 poems#1 poembook#2 poemcollection#2 poem#3 poetry#3 poetrycollection#5 sadpoems#5 thoughts#8 emotions#13 freeverse#17 hopeless#20 feelings#24 sadness#36 depressing #44 updating#56 life#70 sad#87 poet
8 158The Contract ✔
"I know you only care, not because you love me, but because you love what is in me." She said and turned away, afraid of what he was going to say, how he was going to reject her.He hushed her and pulled her to him so they was no space in between, and placed his lips on hers. He pulled away and looked at her, a whirlwind of emotions in his eyes, and then spoke again. "At first, I only cared about the baby, not you. But now I want you. Because I've fallen in love with all of you. It's no longer my baby; it's now our baby."Then she pulled him back to her, to finish what he started. ...Tobi Ademi, the third richest man in Nigeria has everything an average guy wants: wealth, fame and of course, an endless supply of women.A total control freak, he prefers to be in charge of everything; even the way he gets an heir to his empire. He decides to hire beautiful but uncontrollable, Abena Omotosho, or rather, he rents her womb. He gradually moves from his daily routine of life, to something much more worthwhile. Something called, 'living in the moment'.And then he realizes, that he can't control everything, especially not love, because once love chooses you, there are only three words for you: out of control....It's a contract: simply business and no strings attached, but no business deal is that easy, and especially not this one....Highest Rank Achieved : #220 in Romance...> Blessed and Black Special Awards Winner 2017
8 143