《DK (Dropped)》Chapter XV - The Cube


Several hours passed and there was still no sign of enemies.

Ragnar was sleeping while Caesar and Leonidas stood guard at the entrance, It was the third time that they had changed shifts.

(Judging by the position of the moon and the fact that they changed guard 3 times. The sun should rise soon?)

Stared at the warriors until I asked them. "Do the Arach attack during the day?"

Both of them turned to me for a moment, then made a disturbed look at each other.

With a worried voice Leonidas answered "W-We don't know!" as he didn't even look directly at me.

"Neither do I! Not even knowing this, it's shamefull!" Ragnar nervously said.

(Fuck! They look like they are about to commit seppuku!)

"Don't worry, this isn't important, just keep being on guard!" I told them, but it did not had the effect I wanted.

(Well, of course knowing if your enemy only attacks during the night is fucking important, but last thing I need is for these guys to lose morale!)

At that moment an uneasy atmosphere fell at the entrance.

The sky started to turn orange, showing me the sunrise.

(Should be fine as long I am in the shadow? But I cant go away while they are in this situation!)

"The first wasps batch will be born today, shouldn't you be happier?" I spoke to the two wasps, trying to change their minds into a good topic.

"Oh! Thats right! Our hive will grow in strength! And with the White God at our side we wont be defeated!" (Ragnar)

"Y-yes! That is true!" (Leonidas)

"But you are the senior wasps, you will have to teach them to help the hive, by taking care of the queen and the young, you must also teach them how to hunt, train and fight!" (DK)

With a burst, Ragnar shouted. "To teach them to hunt! I will make sure we never starve!"

"G-Great DK! But I cant teach them anything special!" (Leonidas)

"Is the enemy attacking?!" Caesar suddenly shouted from my back, it seemed that our conversation awoke him as he already had his swords ready.

"Don't worry the enemy isn't here, yet." (DK) "But since you are awake, I would like to ask you for a favor..."


Troubled for a moment, Caesar took a breath to calm down.

"What is it that you need?" Caesar inquired as the three warrior wasps stared at me.

"Would you mind giving me that cloth?" (DK)

"This dirty old thing? But! For the White God to use this..." Caesar mumbled.

"I need it, but it isn't for me to wear, I have other plans for it." (DK)

"Very well! Not sure why would you want this, it's just something I found abandoned in the dirt!" Caesar said as he took off the cloth.

It was nothing but a dirty old cloth.

As he put the cloth on my hand, I could see more clear.

(This thing is really dirty, but it's probably the only piece that could be considered as clothes in the valley?)

"Well, the sun rises, hope you add enough sleep?" (DK)

All three nodded, while they probably slept better on the previous night compared to this one, today was different as they knew that the threat wasn't clear and that we were outnumbered.

"Don't worry, after we get more wasps to help, I am sure you guys will have proper sleeping nights in the future!" (DK) "For now, Ragnar, if you don't mind, I want you to take this cloth, travel south until you reach a lake and wash it." I asked the waps as I pointed to the left side of the hive

"It will be done!" Complied Ragnar as he took the cloth.

As Ragnar flied away, the other two remaining wasps were wondering about what I was doing with the cloth-

"Great DK, if you don't mind, could you explain us better about what you want with the cloth?" Caesar inquired while Leonidas nodded in agreement.

"Well... There's a few reasons." (DK) "But first I wanted to test this!"

(Weak Command vision!)

Suddenly a map appeared in front of me.

"Well, seems like my new mini map works!" As I moved my head to check out the sides of the map, I saw it. (Holy fuck! its a 3D Map!)

At first I thought it was like a square paper map, but after testing it, the map was actualy a cube and with my hands, I was able to freely rotate the view and even zoom in.


The map showed almost the entire valley, the hill, the hive, the forest land that surrounded us, the rocky land in the Eest, the lake in south and the bunny hunting grassland ground's of the north.

I could also see a small part of tunnels that was supposed to be of the rabbit warren, the rocky location on the east and the mountains appeared in a black color.

It seemed like I could not zoom out of the valley, but the weirdest thing was that the west part of the valley that lead to the supposed exit, was all gray.

(So there's fog of war? Too bad there isn't a chat, Maybe "Iseedeadpeople" could work on this map?)

"G-Great DK! What magic is that?" (Leonidas)

"Don't you know whats a map?" (DK)

The 2 wasps both nodded to the sides. They had no idea what a map was.

"Uh... I am terrible at explaining things, please come close, listen to what I say but feel free to ask anything!"

The wasps came closer and sat right next to the cube map as I moved it so we could all see from the top.

"See here?" I told them as I pointed to the center, "This is our Hive, all the green dots represent my allies, the black one is me!"

(Well I think the black one is me, after all there's only one black piece and all the rest are green!)

"What about this one?" Caesar inquired, pointing to a green dot on part of the map that showed the lake.

"Thats probably Ragnar!" I answered the wasp, confirming that the map had the power to show all allies in the valley.

"This is where the bunnies live right? What about these tunnels?!" Caesar again inquired, but this time with an excited shout, thinking of how many of them would be available to eat underground.

"Yes, but never go to the tunnels, there is a high risk that they could collapse and I don't think you wish to die by being buried alive." (DK)

"Yes, Great DK..." Caesar mumbled, at thought of being buried alive.

Besides the promise I had with black rabbit, the important thing was to ensure that not all of them were killed so that they could reproduce into giving more food to us.

"Why is this area gray?" Leonidas asked me while pointing at the west forest.

"That... that means that there are high chances of some unknow danger on that area!" (DK) (If they know that the gray area is something I cant see, they will doubt everything I said from being the lord of this land!)

"Great DK! Does this mean that you can see everything? Even our enemies?" (Caesar)

"Unfortunately no, I just made this magic after the previous Arach attack, so it will take some time for me to fully complete its potential." I politely told them.

(While the gray part was a decent lie, afterwards at the end if they find no danger, I can simply say that the enemy moved out, but if the Arach attack now and it didn't show on the map, it could bring me touble!)

"Great DK! You are capable of making such magic in one night!" Caesar shouted as the group stared at me with enjoyment.

At that moment the green dot that represented Ragnar left the lake, heading to our direction wich was caught by the curious eyes of Leonidas.

"It seems Ragnar is returning!" (Leonidas)

"Yes, he is, I am also wondering, at what time does Cleopatra wake up?" (DK)

"Sh-She normally wakes around at this time!" (Leonidas)

"Then, I will go see if she is awake, please guard the entrance well!" I told the wasps as the cube map disappeared.

"Oh! Yeah, we must be on our guard!" Caesar, quickly stood up and resumed to his position.

Leonidas was still sitting there staring at me.

"G-Great DK! What can I teach the new future wasps?" (Leonidas)

(Is he nervous? Disappointed? Sad?)

"Yes, there is, but have patience, I will explain everything when everyone is present." (DK)

"Very Well! I shall move to my position!" The wasp proudly said, happy to know he could be of better use.

I rose up and headed to the second floor, the nest room.

(I sat for an entire night in one position with no pain at all. Is this because I have no muscles? This also probably applies to me when I stand up, walk and run? Ah! The perks of a skeleton!)

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