《DK (Dropped)》Chapter V - New Things


I rose up for the second time, at first I thought it was night, but there was something different.

No moonlight, no stars and no clouds.

It took me a minute to realize that I was inside of some sort of a building.

"I guess this is the wasps work? They sure work fast!" I was surprised at what they did.

While It looked just like a single room, It was a big one, not only compared to the wasps but also my size.

The height of it was three times as tall compared to me, the walls and celling were not exactly straight, they made the room look more like the inside of an egg.

I looked around, behind me, from what I could tell. (Stairs? Did these guys make a second floor?!? Wait, just how much time was I underground?)

Then I faced the front, where the light seemed to be coming from, for the first time, I saw the light of the sun.

"Should I check outside?" I mumbled me while walking to what seemed to be the door.

There was no door. It was simply an entrance, or in this case, an exit.

I kept walking and then stepping my first step into the light while looking down, to the grass, wich looked delighted by the sunlight.

(The outside seems the same? Same hill, same forest...) At that moment of thought, I turned backwards.

(This house, should I call it a house? It looked more like a nest?)

(What the fuck?) I screamed in my mind, (For how fucking long have I been sleeping?) I thought as I gazed the nest from the outside. (Yes, the nest house was like an egg, big, enough for a family of me's.)


But what surprised me was that on the back of this giant nest in form of an egg was smaller ones, all on top of each other.

"So now I know where those stairs lead to! It looks like, some huge tower!" I mumbled while observing.

"Please forgive us!" (???)

The voice came from my back, from the front of the nest, it was the wasp leader.

(Why the apologies?) I wondered the waps's words.

The wasp was trembling, wich was weird, he looked more lively to me on last time we spoke.

Then I saw, the problem wasn't him, it was me.

(What the hell?) I thought as I checked my body.

(My entire body was releasing steam everywhere!) Vapor? Gas? (That god took literally light as in sunlight?) I was concerned and my anger was easy to spot on by the wasp.

The wasp leader was frozen, waiting for my reply.

(I do not feel the pain, but I think if I get too much exposure, it might be dangerous for me? And this wasp's misunderstanding might be useful to me, so its time to kill two birds with one stone!)

"Follow me!" I commanded him, as I turn back, walking into the nest, "My fury is gone..." I slowly told the wasp as the steam disappeared.

(My best weapon for now, is bluffing!) My thought, opinion and the truth.

As I sat down, I pointed him with my right arm, to sit on my front.

The wasp leader immediately took his place.

"Great DK, once again, my apologies!" Voiced the wasp in concern. "We will change anything that you dislike no matter what!"

"No need to change anything." I stated. "I am happy that you built such a structure." I told the wasp while gazing on the walls and ceiling.


(I wanted but I cannot ask how long it has been since I was underground, I am afraid it will show weakness!)

"But I do wish to ask for a report." I paused for a few seconds while looking at the entrance. "It is important to know what happens in my land!"

"Of course! Great DK!" (Wasp Leader), "After you went underground, we rested in the night to recover." He took a breath then continued. "We woke up early in the morning, used the leaves of the nearby trees as material and made this nest for you!" The wasp proudly he announced.

"At lunch, me and the one with the shield went to the forest to clean the bodies, we specifically will use the Arach bodies as future food and we buried our two fallen comrades at the back of the nest!" He reported.

"My brother wasp, the one with the spear spent all morning scouting as he is the only one with functioning wings, he found no Arach nearby, but he found a location that seemed to be a breeding ground for wild bunnies!" The Wasp proudly stated.

(He looks like he loves eating bunnies? Or maybe because theres none of those pesty spider things around, who knows? Probably both?) If skeletons could give a big smile, I would give one right now.

"We are currently storing all the food on the third floor. The weapons are on the fourth floor and the nest currently has six floors!" The wasp stated as he gazed at the ceiling in a good mood.

"The Princess woke up at lunch time right when we returned, fortunately she is in good health!" He sounded happier this time. "She is currently on the second floor!"

"Good to know, I might have to visit her soon. I would be a bad host otherwise!" (DK)

(And I must make sure she is not an enemy!)

"Great DK! I am sure she would be joyful about meeting you!" The wasp cherfully said.

"Oh, my apologies, I forgot, she is not a princess anymore, but our queen!" He reminded himself.

"That is good to ear, but what happened to make such a change?" (DK)

"I am proud to inform you, Great DK! That our new queen has laid eight eggs today already, assuring the survival of our race!" He stupendously, unbelievably, wonderfully replied like the most elite patriotic person.

"Thats wonderful, congratu" I paused my sentence for a second. (Wait a fucking second!) "-lations!"

"I will go see her now, go hunt more bunnies, I am sure you will need them." (DK)

"Indeed a good suggestion, I will immediately go for it!" With a joyful sentence, the wasp left the nest for hunting.

I turned my head to the stairs.

(If she ends up being my enemy...Then am I literally going to let her breed an army on top of me?)

And so, I stood up and walked the stairs.

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