《Acolyte》Chapter 3 - Hunting Dog


Edmund darts out of his house like an arrow that was let loose. He moves to the backyard garden and continues to dart through, past the back gate and into the bush, flashing forwards faster and faster. Once he was out in the bush, the warrior spirit like a fish that was released into the sea; he began to jog on, as if he was floating among the greenery. As he got deeper and deeper into the forest, his pace slowed as his nose caught a scent and he began to observe the surroundings. There were various tracks in the surroundings, but his eyes were drawn to the fat, paw imprints he saw among the foliage.

“Hey, young warrior. Are you there?” The warrior’s spirit asks.

Yes! Yes! I’m here! Please release my body, spirit! I implore you! Edmund calls out in his mind.

“That’s the spirit, young warrior! Take charge of your body, and perform the hunt personally! I admire your spirit, young warrior! As expected of a servant of Galladril, the Mountain Spear!” The warrior’s spirit calls out as he releases his hold on Edmund’s body.

Edmund immediately feels as if his soul hit the ground and with some impact, he lands back to his body. Edmund’s eyes open wide as he processes the spirit’s words. “No, no, no. I’m not a hunter, sir! I’m just a normal 15 year old boy! My father is somewhat well-off with his fishing boat, but otherwise I’m a normal boy!” Edmund calls out anxiously.

Ha! No need to hide your spirit, young warrior! As a servant of Galladril, you naturally have what it takes to be a hunter! Ease your mind, young warrior. I will show you the way of the hunt. Grab hold of your knife, and I will teach you. The warrior’s spirit calls out.


Edmund begins to swear once again. He looks to the knife in his hand and he gulps. Oh man, oh man. I really don’t want to do this. Edmund thinks with worry.

Take note, young warrior, of how a man strikes out with a knife. It’s all in the spirit of the decision! The circumstances will gather, and the pressure will build; that is where the tension is, and that is where the power is. When it builds to that point, it demands release! That is when the decision calls out and the arrow is loosened! With all your power, your knife will strike out, and it will not stop. No, young warrior. When you strike out, with all your intent and willpower, not much can stop it. For the blood to ease, your blade will demand a sacrifice, it demands to feel the resistance of flesh! The warrior spirit calls out, its burning spirit beginning to affect Edmund’s mind, causing his face to feel hot.

Edmund begins to breathe raggedly. “Spirit! Please! I’m just a boy!” Edmund calls out.

Step by step, young warrior. Do you see those tracks before you? Kneel down and take a whiff. Gather the scent of your prey. Then, like a wolf, hunt it down relentlessly. The warrior spirit calls out again.

Edmund looks to the boar tracks before him and frowns. Damn! I don’t think I’m getting out of this! He thinks frantically. Edmund takes a few deep breaths and calms himself before slapping his face. Alright! Since we’re here, we might as well follow through! They can’t complain if I fail after trying it! He thinks.

Edmund kneels down and begins to sniff the air. As he sniffs the air, he couldn’t help but shake his head with shame. What am I doing? I’m not a hunting dog! There’s no way I can pick up the scent of a boar! He thinks in doubt.

But unexpectedly, as Edmund continues to sniff the air, a familiarity overcomes him, and the scents around him begin to gather into something he could recognize. Edmund opens his eyes wide. Damn. I think I can smell the boar. He thinks with surprise.

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