《Acolyte》Chapter 2 - Warrior's Fire


Young Edmund went out into the garden and kneels down to look at the spinach. He grabs a leaf and immediately feels the aphids crawl on his hand. Edmund frowns. Damn aphids! Why can't they stay in the forest! There's tons of food there! He exclaims with frustration. Something has to be done about these. I can't just watch as these pests eat my livelihood! He thinks, determined to have something done.

Suddenly, a voice calls out to Edmund, the voice echoing out in his mind, loud and commanding.

Make an offering to me. Build a pyre and set it aflame. Lay on the pyre a wild boar, it’s stomach cut open, it’s entrails and blood staining the wood. Do so and I shall tend to your garden.

Edmund’s eyes widen. “Ugh… How am I to find a wild boar, sir? Ughmm, I am but a boy. I am no hunter. I have neither the strength nor the ability. Sir.” Edmund says, trying to be careful with his words. In his mind, his mood was fraught with anxiety. Oh no! Oh no! It’s the man from my dreams! He wants a boar! Why does he want a boar!? I don’t know how to catch a boar! He thinks, filled with worry.

I will send a spirit to accompany you. A warrior, both blunt and true! He shall teach you the way of the hunt, of the struggle! He will breathe fire into your lungs and excrete the crap from your body through your pores! You will sweat, you will toil, and you will feel your blood boil! Only warriors may serve me, child. Go forth and enforce your will.

Sweat begins to drip from Edmund’s forehead, wetting his hair. I don’t want to do any of that! He exclaims. The matter sounded both dirty and difficult. I want nothing to do with it! He cries out in his mind. But on Edmund’s face, a wry smile is what appeared. “Yes sir, as you say, sir.” Edmund forces out of his mouth.


Suddenly the presence disappeared and Edmund lets out a breath of relief. But unfortunately, he would have no time to relax. Another presence settled onto Edmund’s body and took possession of his faculties.

Edmund stretches out his hand and gazes at it, his demeanor completely different from before. His gaze was stern and his face seemed sharper. “This body. It’s weak.” He says, his voice low, reverberating throughout the surroundings like a mellow cello.

In the back of Edmund’s mind, Edmund’s consciousness watches on in shock. What happened! What happened! Who’s in my body!? He exclaims frantically.

Edmund puts his hands down and begins to walk to the house. “I guess I must find a weapon first. A good bow or a sword will do. Hopefully there is something acceptable in the house.” He says, thinking aloud.

What! What!? Why do you need a weapon!? Edmund exclaims.

Edmund opens the door and walks into the house.

Edmund’s mother, Heidi, notices him enter and looks up from her knitting. “Well, how’s the garden? You know you have to take care of it well. Your father’s fishing won’t be enough without those vegetables.” She says casually from her seat. “You know, one day, we’ll save up enough for a big plot of land outside the village. Then we’ll be living in luxury! We’ll hire a few farmhands to work the land, some drivers to deliver to the city, and then we’ll sitting on our laurels; it will be the good life!” She says, speaking casually of her dreams and expectations.

Edmund, seeing Heidi, immediately salutes. “Yes, of course, mother. I wish you the best in your future endeavors. May you have good food and wine for the rest of your days!” He says with practiced words before moving to the kitchen.


Heidi raises an eyebrow. “Edmund? Is something wrong? You sound a little funny.” She says, feeling something was off.

Edmund’s eyes spot a knife and he smiles. This will have to do. The warrior spirit thinks. “Everything is fine, mother. I feel the warrior’s fire burning within me. I must seek out some good game to sate my thirst. I shall be back before the sun sets.” Edmund says as he walks to the door and moves to exit the house.

Heidi’s eyes widen. What is this boy talking about? She asks herself.

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