《Seize The Stars》5. No food, water or sleep!!!


"Long Youfu first I will teach you to feel martial energy." "Focus on the middle of your lower abdomen. Focus on your meridians. Can you feel them?" I nodded in return.

"Good, now focus on drawing power from heaven and earth, focus on drawing power from your surroundings."

I was astounded at what was around me, this time I was literally seeing this world for the first time. Unbeknownst to me my eyes were glowing.

"Long Youfu your eyes are glowing!!" Exclaimed my father. What!!! Why are my eyes glowing? "Why are my eyes glowing?" I asked.

"I don't know. But whatever it is, you need to learn to control it because no one else can find out about this." My father explained, well as much as he could anyways.

"Okay then." My father said with an awkward expression. It was clear to me that he did not know much about why I'm like this but I was pretty sure that probably no one did. He looked at me with renewed excitement.

"Let's pick out your weapon." Just as I was about to reach for a sword that looked really cool my father interjected. "By weapon resonance." He explained. "Weapon resonance is when your spirit and the weapons spirit are naturally attracted. What I want you to do is focus on your will, focus on portraying your will without speaking." He further explained.

As I did so one sword shook. It was made of jade and it had runes engraved on it. This time I recognized some of the runes. Then it flew towards me, I was startled. I got up and tried to dodge but failed, luckily it hit me with its hands and not the blade.

I was so pissed for a second. "What the heck!" I yelled. "Hahaha haha." My dad burst out laughing.

"What is your problem!" I was talking to the sword. The sword flew around me a couple of times like an annoying fly. I tried to grab it yet every time I thought I was about to get it, it went even faster.

Eventually I just stopped and so did the sword. I sat back down to calm myself."Don't worry about it your just four years old today. The sword treating you that way just means it doesn't fully think you are worthy of welding it yet. You'll have to prove yourself to it." My dad was trying to hold in a laugh, yet he was half failing. Guess it was thaaat funny huh?


"Now my work here is done. Go back to you room and get some rest tomorrow you have class with your new master." My dad said half demandingly, half advisingly.

But what!! Go to sleep now!! I was like on drugs or something I was high on a different level tonight. But I did'nt tell my dad because it would ruin my plan.

"Oh yeah right I have something else for you." My dad bringing something out from his storage ring. It was a book. No a martial technique.

"Since the weapon you have now is a sword I will give you this." As I reached for it I saw the words Fury Waves enscribed on it. "This is a rather common technique, here in our Azurite KIngdom." I examined the book.

"Yawn, I am going to call this a night now. Goodnight.". "Goodnight" I replied.

As I walked into my room the first thing I thought about was my sight. I could see the world in two ways one I saw the same thing everyone else saw and the other I saw Martial energy. I concentrated on my eyes.

I tried to draw power from heaven and earth, and from my surroundings like I did the last time. My eyes once again showed me another view of the world but this time I saw more than that.

I saw the jasper swords spirit!! It looked like a humans. "Why does your spirit look like a humans?" I asked. "Y-y-y-you can see me?" It found me stranger and stranger. "Yes." I replied.

"Hmmmm, your eyes are amazing. With eyes like those you are definitely going to be worthy to wield me. Haha, but not yet." It teased. I was annoyed again.

So I sat down on my bed and started to cultivate.

While I was cultivating for a second my dantian did something weird. Somehow my cultivation was sped up for a couple of breaths. I focused on doing it again with my dantian and so I did.

!!!!! My dantian was purifying heaven and earth energy for me!!! No doubt something others aren't capable of doing. I started to ponder why my body was so different. But suddenly "BOOM!!". "I broke through.".


The sword's spirit stared at me in awe once more. But I had other things to worry about, like what if someone thought we were being attacked. I was panicking, suddenly the sword's spirit spoke "Don't worry I sealed off all sound from the inside so you can hear everything outside but. They cant hear whats going on inside.".

Releived. "How?" I asked. "My runes, the previous master had put these on me just in case he ever needed them in time of need." He answered.

I took a deep breath and continued to cultivate. I did'nt sleep the entire night. I cultivated, and I broke through to the 4th stage of the Neophyte realm. Finally, about an hour before sunrise.

I reached out to the jasper sword and it flew into my hand. "Do you have a name?" I thought it might be a little inappropriate if I just kept calling something with a spirit "jasper sword"."Yes, my name is Ephemral Incandescence." Speechless I asked "What kind of name is that? And what does it mean.".

"It is a very fitting name because of my runes." It answered seemingly offended. It sighed then said what his name means. "Ephemeral means lasting for a very short time and incandescence means light from heat." Ephemeral Incandescence suddenly started glowing. "Ouch!!! What the heck.".

"See why my name is Ephemeral Incandescence now." It was being a little too smug.

"It's a very useful technique to have in fighting so you should either learn a technique to protect your hands or buy equipment that will." I agreed that could cut someone's head clean off no matter how thick skinned they were.

I giggled a little at my own thoughts and then reached for the martial arts technique "Fury Waves".

I opened the book to the first page and read through the entire thing. "Ephemeral Incandescence is too long a name how about I call EI." "It would be lighter on the tongue."

"I think that that is a great idea." It agreed. "You ready?" I asked EI. "Yes." He responded.

I executed the technique but unfortunately I hadn't the brain to think of doing it outside and had to stop myself in between. I stumbled while I was trying to stop myself and ended up breaking my bed.

Oops, this was going to be hard to explain. I realized the less they knew about my talents the better.

I suddenly had a thought. I was soo tired and hungry from staying up all night and cultivating so what if I ate the power of heaven and earth as a food instead of cultivation. After a few seconds of trying I finally got it.

I ate till I was full. Now it was definitely impossible for anyone else to do something like that but apparently I was a unique case. Then I focused on healing my mind because it felt like I would fall asleep any second.

I drew power from heaven and earth again and my mind became fresh and clear. "Wow, a cultivator who doesn't actually need food, water or sleep." It was clearly speechless yet it probably felt like it had to say something after witnessing a scene like that.

"Oh boy you have to get an excuse for what happened to your room or else this might be a bit troublesome." "My excuse will be that you went on a little rampage." I interjected.

"What! I have truly never seen a youngster such as yourself." EI was clearly not happy about me putting all the blame on it. "Don't worry it'll be fine. In all honesty this is the best excuse we have." But it was a very strong excuse, my father had seen what had happened with the sword and me in the courtyard, he would definitely believe it.

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