《The Skies of Aurora (To be rewritten in the future)》B1 | Chapter 1 - Magic



"We have been searching through this forest for over an hour now, so where is that stupid dungeon!" Hank suddenly shouts while we navigate our way through the forest.

"We know, but shouting isn't going to help," I point out to the human while continuing forward.

Hank has always been rather loud, but does he always have to complain so much?

I wish he could be more like Varthurg.

Speaking of Varthurg, I glance at Varthurg and find the orc just as quiet as always while he plants a recon flag.

It does seem a little out of the norm for an orc though. A quiet orc I mean.

Most of the orcs I meet are rather loud.

Anyways, Hank does have a point though.

How long is it going to take for us to find the stupid dungeon anyways?

"Maybe we should have brought someone with a search-type magic with us," I faintly hear John whisper to Elizabeth.

"We couldn't find one, remember?" My sister, Amber, startles them by answering his question.

"Oh yeah," John sullenly replies.

We continue walking in silence through the snow and trees.

Okay, maybe we could have spared some more time in finding a search-type magic user.

This is taking way too long.


After walking through the forest for about an hour, I finally make it back to my hut.

I briefly look up at the sun again before heading inside.

It looks to be around midday right now.

I guess a short nap won't hurt anything.

First though, I am starving.

Time to eat!

I walk over towards my food pantry to begin preparing my lunch.

My lunch, like always, is a soup made up of ingredients local to this island.

I glance at my reflection in the window and look at my pitch-black eyes before touching a few strands of my hair.


After all, I can't risk being seen by someone while going to another island for more ingredients.

"Although, it would probably be fine if I covered up my hair and eyes," I mutter before finishing up making my soup.

I grab a wooden spoon from a nearby counter before chowing down on my not-so-good soup.

While I eat my soup, I walk across the cabin and take my scabbard off before setting it up against my bed.


I stare at my status screen as I eat my soup.

I do like the look of those red letters on my race, but I wish that I didn't have to avoid every sapient being because of it.

Anyways, I wonder if I will ever be able to get my second star?

I doubt I will be able to, seeing as I am stuck on an island with only one dungeon, but one can dream, right?

Unless I somehow manage to find and defeat a 2-star dungeon all by myself, then I won't ever be getting that star.

I soon finish my soup and get up to go wash out the bowl with some water I had gotten from a nearby river.

As soon as I finish doing that, I walk back over to my bed again and lay down before training in my magic a little bit.

First, let's do some training in my miasma manipulation.

Soon enough, a black mist appears from my hands as I stretch them outwards in front of me.

The mist then starts to float above me into different shapes as I control it.

If I am being honest, miasma looks pretty safe when used in this way.

You would never have thought that it could eat through and corrupt a person on contact when you look at this mist of miasma in the shape of a snowflake.


I guess I have my draugr side to thank for this ability, so thank you dad.

Soon enough though, I get bored training only my miasma manipulation, so I start to manipulate my shadow along with it.

The second I manipulate my shadow into a wolf, I realize that I never really have much to do on this island aside from training, eating, and sleeping.

It's kind of sad if you ask me.

Anyways, time for a nap!


"Finally! It's the dungeon!" Hank shouts as we step into a clearing with a single door surrounded by several pillars.

I would have to agree with that sentiment, and judging by the smile on Amber's face, she would too.

"Alright, Varthurg," I call out to Varthurg.

"Yeah?" He replies while looking up from the recon flag he had just finished placing.

"Follow the recon flags back and sprinkle the arachnaefila blood to stop anything from messing with the flags. We wouldn't want to lose the way here and have to find it again if we ever have to come back to this island," I order him before turning to the dungeon entrance.

"Okay," I hear him say as I observe the area around the dungeon entrance.

"We haven't seen any signs of a village or city on the island yet, but we should check the rest of the island just to be sure," I tell Amber.

"Sounds good," Amber says while ignoring the unhappy grunt from Hank at the idea of searching the entire island.

They wait for me for a few minutes as I survey the surroundings of the dungeon.

"It doesn't seem like there is anythi-" Amber starts.

"Wait a second," I stop Amber before pointing at the ground outside of the circle of pillars and continuing, "Is it just me, or are these humanoid footprints?"

"Footprints?" Amber and John ask at the same time.

"Yeah, these look like footprints, and although the snow seems to have filled them in a little bit since they were made, they should have only been there for a few hours at most," I tell them as they walk towards me to look at the footprints.

Amber bends down to look at the footprints before saying, "Yeah, they do look like footprints."

I glance at John and see him nodding his head before he asks, "Am I to assume that we are going to go find out who made these?"

I smile as I answer, "Yep."

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