《The Skies of Aurora (To be rewritten in the future)》B1 | Prologue


It was a quiet morning and the skies above the Isle of Fallen Snow are once again covered in grey clouds whilst a light snow falls over the island.

The soft sounds of the birds chirping can be heard everywhere on the island.

Meanwhile, within a little cabin in the center of a forest sleeps a young man who is around twenty years of age, with pitch-black eyes, and hair as white as the falling snow around the cabin.

For some reason, everything seems to be avoiding getting anywhere near this cabin and the young man sleeping inside.

This young man is Shawn Blake, and he is the only sapient being living on this island for reasons of his own.


“Another day, another breakfast,” I mutter as I slowly get up from my bed and reach over to grab a pitcher of water on a nearby table.

I splash a little bit of the water onto my face as a wakeup call, before shivering from the ice cold water.

Okay, that water was a little colder than I had expected.

I wipe my face on my sleeve before taking a sip of the water and putting the pitcher back down on the table.

Looking around the cabin, I spot my black leather armor next to the door along with both of my short swords, so I walk over to put them on.

'Status,' I think as I grab my scabbard.

I read through my stats until I finish putting on my gear, then I get up and head for the door.

"I wonder how long it will take to reach level 5..." I mutter into the cold of the night as I walk out of my cabin and quietly close the door behind me.

I slowly make my way through the snow-covered forest until I arrive at the entrance to the dungeon.


The entrance, like all one-star dungeon entrances, is a single door with a star in the center of it and six stone pillars surrounding it.

With both of my swords drawn, I slowly approach the door.

After reaching it, I stop moving and close my eyes to take a deep breath.

"Alright," I whisper as I open my eyes, "Time to go."

I open the door and walk through, quickly appearing in a dark corridor.

The walls are made out of stone bricks, and the very limited amount of lighting is coming from torches that are spread at even intervals on both sides of the corridor.

I look around the corridor for a little bit before starting down the path with my swords at ready.

Soon enough, I begin to hear rattling from further down the corridor.

A Skeleton? Not a bad first monster for the day I guess.

I continue down the corridor until I find the skeleton.

It is wearing light iron armor with an open visor in the front of the helmet, so I rush it and thrust my blade directly through the visor in the helmet, killing the undead creature on the spot.

The skeleton quickly turns into a flash of light and converges into a coin.

You have gained 3 Exp from the level 2 skeleton

I reach down for the coin before continuing on though the corridor.

The next monster I find is a slime, which is a little bit more annoying to deal with, but still quite easy.

After dodging its attempt at jumping at me, I thrust my sword into its core and jump backwards.

The slime suddenly bursts appart right as I jump backwards, sending slime flying everywhere around it.

Thankfully, none of the slime gets on me upon its death.


The remnants of the slime then converge into another coin, so I reach down and grab it before moving on again.

This pattern repeats itself for half an hour before I come across a door.

Boss room?

I reach for the door and crack it open a little bit as a test.

Unsurprisingly, the door vanishes the moment I touch it.

Yep, definitely a boss room.

I immediately spot the boss of the floor the moment I walk into the room.

It looks like a larger version of the skeletons I had fought up till now, but with better gear.

A skeletal knight?

"Well, time to get to it then," I mutter before rushing at the skeletal knight and clashing with its sword.

"You're definitely stronger than the other monsters, I'll give you that," I grunt while spinning around the skeletal knight and locking one of my swords with its before swinging my other sword at its exposed back.

The skeletal knight stumbles forward and loses its grip on its sword in the process, allowing me to aim a strike directly at its head to finish it off.

You have gained 18 Exp from the level 3 skeletal knight

I sheathe my swords again as the boss converges into a few coins.

Well, that was easy.

I pocket the loot as normal as I turn towards the door to the next floor.

"Time to move on to the next floor," I say to no one in particular before walking towards the door.

Somewhere on the Isle of Fallen Snow

In the middle of a clearing at the center of the island, on the outskirts of the forest, a platform with a circular pattern suddenly starts to glow with a blue light.

Quickly, the blue light rises upwards and begins to form the appearance of several humanoid creatures.

After a few moments, the blue light begins to fade, leaving behind six humanoid creatures in its place.

Of these creatures, three are humans, two are elves, and one is an orc.

A very strange party of adventurers.

"Shit, it's cold!" One of the humans shouts while hugging their arms to their body.

"Deal with it, were here to explore the island," one of the elves says as she rolls her eyes.

"Amber is right, we are here to find out if there is anyone living on this island," the other elf says.

"Fine," the first human says, "Let's just find the stupid dungeon first."

"Good idea," Amber says, "then we can go search the island."

"That sounds good to me," the other elf says.

The six people begin heading towards the forest to search for the dungeon.


I quickly pull my sword out of the head of the goblin chieftain and wipe it on the thing's sleeve before it disappears.

Don't want the gore to dry on my sword after all.

The boss converges into more coins and a sword this time as I sheathe my swords.

You have gained 24 Exp from the level 4 goblin chieftain

After sticking the loot into my storage ring, I check my status while taking the secondary door back to the entrance of the dungeon.


"It shouldn't take long to reach level 5," I mutter as I appear back in the snow-covered forest on the island.

I look up at the sky for a second before beginning the trip back to my cabin.

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