《The Human Who Became A Definitive Golem.》Chapter 9: Use of materials, a new weapon at hand.
Several hours later.
Hmm… this is… stupid!
- “…?”.
So… to pass the time while those guys were sleeping, I decided to do something I didn’t do before… that’s right! I decided to look for useful materials… which, of course, about an hour after I started it was proven to be a loss of my precious time, to begin with, I didn’t know what is considered as materials, except for the things I can get from the monster cores thanks to my skill… which is translated to me going hunting, and of course, that wouldn’t be bad if it wasn’t for the fact that I had to move away from the “improvised camp” near the cascade not to wake the humans up, and the fact that it was nearly impossible to find monsters to hunt until it was dawn, which happened just a few hours ago. Fuuu… so far I was able to hunt 5 slimes, 7 hares, and apart from that, I got rocks, wood, and water… Yes! You heard right! I get some wood and rocks in my storage, plus water, which by the way, is not easy to get inside my storage because I can’t grab it and I don’t have a bottle or something.
- “…!”.
Literally, hours trying to get something useful and I got nothing, at least I got enough kills to get 4 more levels… ugh! But I still don’t know what to do with the material things, I do want to know how to use materials though, it's supposed to help me improve my body and create weapons, not like I need weapons so far, but it will definitely be useful to know about it in the future.
- “…!”.
Hmm… for what I remember, hare cores are supposed to give me “horn of hare” as a material, however, I have no idea what kind of material does the slime core gives me. Fuuu… I've decided. Unique skill! I desire to use my monster cores!
has identified “Monster Core: Slime”.
has identified a total of 5 “Monster Core: Slime” in the user’s possession.
has identified “Monster Core: Horned Hare”.
has identified a total of 7 “Monster Core: Horned Hare” in the user’s possession.
- Recommendations of uses for the cores:
1) Turn the core into a material “slime body” or “horn of hare”, these materials can be turned into equipment or objects if the required materials are used with a monster core and .
2) Increase the statistic +6 or +7 in speed, attack, defense or vitality per each slime core. Increase the statistic +11, +12 or +13 in speed, attack, magic E, defense or vitality per each hare core.
3) “slight modification in shape” recommended by is to turn the “Monster Core: Slime” in “resistant softer body” or turn the “Monster Core: Horned Hare” in “horned monster”.
- Do you want to turn the monster core into one of these options?
- NO
...Huh? Holy hell! I forgot about those 2 modifications, one of those I need it to… stabilized my body? Something like that, the point is that it will increase my chances of surviving even if my “stone body” is destroyed, and the other one… horned monster?… considering how these modifications work I would guess that it will give me a horn or something, not really something I care or need… but… my skill said that I needed to get more modifications and skills to get stronger, so I supposed I should use one for that… let me see, I have 5 slimes cores, but I need one for my modification, so I will turn 4 into materials, also, I have 7 hare cores, and I need one at least to get another modification, which means I'll have 6 hare cores to turn into materials… all right! First the modifications, then the materials.
- “…!!!”.
- The user has chosen “slight modification in shape”.
- Adaptation activated, “slight modification in shape” will now modify the user.
- User chosen modification is “resistant softer body” and “horned monster”. For this modification, “Adaptation” will alter and redistribute the current body materials of “Golem”, as a consequence of this modification there will be slight changes in shape, and stats could be affected.
- The new stats changes will be fixed unless the user acquires a new body.
- This modification requires the use of monster cores to modify the body.
- Once the cores are used these will disappear forever.
- Do you want to use the monster cores to redistribute body materials and modify your shape?
- NO
- “…!!!”.
… and as the song says, here I go a… aaagh!!!… gain… here I go again!!! UGH!!! HOLY HELL!!! YOU PIECE OF SHIT!!!
- “…!!?…!!!”.
AAAAAH!!! for the love of God! AAARGH…. This shit… ugh… fuuu… aaagh… this shit is getting old… UGH!!! AAARGH!!!… fuuu… bloody hell… damn it… UGH!!! AAAAAH!!!
- “…!!!...”.
- “Golem” modifications have stabilized “Golem” body, now the “Body of Golem” and “Stone Body” have been separated at their base, “Golem” has become independent of “Stone Body” but still is necessary to improve or change body properties and materials. The body has improved getting slightly harder. “Golem” body now has horns, one at the back of each hand and in the head have been added. The modifications also increased vitality stat +11, defense stat +20, and strength stat +10.
Name: Golem.
Level: 18. (210/1350)
Race: Golem.
Rank and Title: monster rank F.
- Vitality: 129 (+10*)
- Magic E: 43
- Strength: 116
- Magic P: 28
- Defense: 70 (+10*) (+20)
- Magic D: 29
- Speed: 78 (+5*)
- Luck: 11 (+5*)
- Stone Body (+20 D.)
Definitive and unique.
- Minor Defense level 1*
- Wolf Senses level 1*
- Pack Bond level 1*
- Charge level 2
- Quick-Step level 1
- Minor Harden level 1
- Beast Roar level 1
Customized mode.
Fuuu… good… it’s finally over. Huh?… so… 2 stat over 100, 2 stats over 50 and 3 stats under 50 without considering luck, I suppose I can consider it good, especially since I barely use any of the other stats… except for magic E since I need it to use my skills. Alright! Now I need to use it…
- “AAAH!!!”.
- “…?”.
What? What is happening? That scream comes in the direction of the guys. After hearing the scream I ran in the direction of the improvised camp.
- “give me the shield and then get behind me!”.
- “are you crazy? The shield won’t be enough to stop these things, and right now I’m the only one that can deal damage in our group!”.
- “he’s right, get back and take cover, I will heal him while he fights, you need to step back”.
- “OOH OOH AH!”.
… are those… monkeys? Holy hell, this is my first time seeing monkeys, 3 red-haired monkeys are standing just a few meters away from the guys, and they seem to be fairly big… were monkeys that big in my world? I don’t think so.
- “Take this, cut!”.
… eh? The sword is slightly glowing… no, it’s wrong to say it’s glowing, it’s more like the sword is being surrounded by almost imperceptible colors that come from the irritating guy… I’ve noticed that monsters sometimes releases this… aura? Energy? Of different colors when using a skill, but it’s my first time watching a human do it since I appeared in this world and by then I couldn’t see very well. The irritating guy just swing is sword vertically trying to cut one of the monkeys, but it quickly evades it and using its tail it hit him in the face. Now the other 2 monkeys are preparing to attack, one of them jumped forward to punch the boy with the sword, but he moved back and tried to slash the monkeys in the middle of the air, yet, the monkey somehow evade it and kick the guy in the face before the other monkey ran forward and punch him in the guts send him back and to the ground.
- “ugh! Damn it!”.
- “heal!”.
- “don’t be reckless, “rabid monkeys” have the passive skill “attack back” even though they are E rank monsters. Think carefully before making a move against them, and never let your guard down”.
- “got it!”.
Hmm… the guy without the arm seems to be more familiar with this kind of monster than his friends. I have to give credit to the guy with the sword, despite being in such disadvantage in a 1v3 fight, he still stands up and is getting ready to fight, probably it’s due to them having one less fighter, if the guy without his right arm could fight somehow then maybe the fight would be more balanced, but… those monkeys seem of a higher level than other monsters I've faced so far, even though they don’t give me the same feeling of danger as the big dire wolf.
The monkeys jumped to attack again, the guy this time waited until the monkeys were close enough, once they were at his reach he swings the sword horizontally and was able to cut one of them, but the other 2 evade in the air, while the one who was hit just moved his tail to hit the guy in the face, he was able to evade the tail but moved one step back giving the monkeys time to fix their stance and one of them used both of his hands to slap the face of the guy before one of the monkeys kicked the guy legs in a swift move and made him stumble back. Just when the guy was knocked down, the 3 monkeys were getting ready to jump over him while screaming when the one without the arm pushed them back using his shield with his good arm and the girl at the back used once again her heal ability. That was dangerous but also showed such a good combination from the guy's side.
- “are you okay?”.
- “I’m okay, but most importantly, what do you think you are doing? You can’t fight properly in your state! even if your shoulder was healed so you won’t bleed to death, you still are too weak to fight”.
- “shut up! How could I just watch my companion being hit constantly by those monsters? you don’t know how dangerous this could get, not to mention she is losing her magic energy faster than we thought due to her having to heal you every time you receive too much damage”.
- “it’s true, even if I don’t like to admit it, you alone against those 3 rabid monkeys are making you lose your vitality too fast so I have to constantly be healing you and my magic energy is not unlimited, if this keeps going on, I’ll run out of ME”.
- “… but… he...”.
- “don’t worry about me, if I can’t fight, then I will be this team shield. You be our sword, I'll be your shield, and we have our reliable healer… even without my right arm, I still can be useful, I’ll receive all their hits until you kill them!”.
- “… alright! let’s do this!”.
… that’s a good resolution, he said that with such passion, his eyes, and that smile, he’s really all for being their shield… and his friends are responding to his will… hahahaha, damn kids, they are at least a few years younger than me, they are teenagers at most, and yet they have such resolution, I have never had such a strong will... when was the last time I had such passion in my eyes? I can’t even remember... I could help, kill those things for them, but… they seem to need this, this fight is what they need to continue their way as adventurers, and that guy, losing his arms is obviously a regret for him, but not only for losing his limb, a part of him, but I feel like he feels less useful, that’s what really pains him, to see his companions worry so much about him and being unable to do anything about it… that’s why I will just watch, I’ll watch the fight and only interfere if I deem it necessary.
The fight now continued, the monkeys seem angry for being stopped so one of them run forward and the guy with the shield blocked the attack, but that didn’t stop the monkey, he just kept punching the shield trying to knock the guy down, yet, he keeps his ground and doesn’t move of his position. The other 2 monkeys seem to be getting irritated at such a display, so one of them jumped over the guy with the shield while the only monkey left started to run around the guys and seem to be trying to go for the healer. The guy with the sword got in front of the healer and she strengthens the grip in her staff and also prepares herself to fight, the fight now is 2v2 and 1v1… this is bad, the guy with the shield can’t attack so he’s just keeping one of the monkeys focused on him, meanwhile the other 2 monkeys are fighting against the guy with the sword and the healer, but the healer obviously is having troubles to actually hit the monkeys, actually she’s not landing any hit while constantly trying to get some distance, which is impossible, it’s obvious she has a lack of experience in close combat, meanwhile the guy with the sword, although he seems to move better than before, he’s only landing 3 out of 5 hits, and yet he’s suffering from constant hits with the tails and punches of the monkeys, besides all that, he’s also trying to get in the middle of the girl and the monkeys so she can get some space for using her healing magic.
- “guys! I can’t keep this one for much longer...”.
- “I’m sorry, but these things are too smart, they keep coming for me, they are not giving me time to cast heal...”.
- “and their stupid counter-attack with their tails keep hitting me, I’m not fast enough to evade all their hits”.
Hmm… this is bad, really bad, they really need more damage power, this would be way easier if they had the guy who could throw fireballs, but without him and without anyone else to deal some damage, this fight will be completely on the monkeys' side… for what I can remember, the guy with the shield, he’s the stronger one… if only, if he had his arm back, or maybe another one, they did talk about artificial arms…
has analyzed objects and materials in the “storage”.
has determined that in order to create an artificial arm, the user needs to turn 3 “Monster Core: Slime” into “Slime Body” to help the mobility and flexibility of the arm, it will also be required to have at least one extra “Monster Core: Slime” due to its malleable properties that will help to keep the arm together and functioning while also helping to adapt better to the user, materials “Wood” will be needed to create the arm, “Rock” to reinforce it and make it stronger and harder, and “Water” for the purification process and to mix with “Slime Body”. It’s also recommended to use at least 2 or 3 “Monster Core: Horned Hare” to turn into “Horn of Hare” and that way create a horn in the back of the hand of the arm for increasing the damage and power of the artificial arm.
requires the user to have a mental image of the materials for the creation of the artificial arm as well as a mental image of the final result of the artificial arm. The artificial arm will be considered a weapon
- Do you want to create an artificial arm with the materials and monster cores indicated.
- NO
… what? So this is how weapon creation works, and just in time, the guys' state is getting worse. YES! Create the arm.
- The user has chosen “weapon creation”.
- Adaptation activated, “weapon creation” will use the materials in storage.
- The user chosen weapon is “Artificial Arm”. With the current materials, the weapon created will be “Basic Reinforced Horned Arm”. For this modification, “Adaptation” will turn 3 “Monster Core: Slime” and 3 “Monster Core: Horned Hare” into materials.
- Due to creating a “Basic” weapon, stats won’t be high, “Quality” will be “Regular”. Due to creating a “Reinforced” weapon, stats will be higher than normal, Quality will be “Irregular”.
- This creation requires the use of a monster core.
- Once the cores are used these will disappear forever.
- Do you want to use the monster cores to create a new weapon using the materials in storage?
- NO
Stupid question, my answer is yes, come on!
- “Basic Reinforced Horned Arm” has been successfully created.
- “Basic Reinforced Horned Arm” has a retractile horn, and the use of “Slime Body” has helped the union of “Wood” and “Rock” to stabilize the artificial arm.
- “Basic Reinforced Horned Arm” is an “Irregular Quality Equipment” due to the method and materials used on its creation.
- Gives +45 in vitality, +40 in strength, +25 in defense, and +10 in speed.
Huh? so much better than my “stone body”, this thing gives a lot of stats bonus.
- “AAAH! Get away from me… cut!”.
- “hold on a little bit more, please, I just need a little space”.
It seems like it is time for me to enter the fight.
- “..!!!”.
- “What?”.
- “Huh? Is not that…?”.
- “It’s the Golem!”.
Yes! It’s me! I jumped with all my strength to get in between the healer, the irritating guy, and the monkeys. The moment they noticed me, the monkeys immediately moved back, including the one who was fighting against the guy without the arm. For some reason, they seem wary of me.
- “wh… what the hell? This thing… isn’t it stronger than last night?”.
- “It looks different, and what is this feeling”.
- “…?”.
... I don’t get it, how did they notice I’m stronger than last night? Can they feel my power or something?... no time for those questions, it’s time to fight, so take this! Behold my creation! Basic Reinforced Horned Arm!!!
- In Serial139 Chapters
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