《The Human Who Became A Definitive Golem.》Chapter 8: Improving Body.
What are you waiting for? Take the damn monster core of the dire wolf and just give me the monster core of the slime.
- “do you really want to change it?”.
Yes!… I nod my head because they can’t hear me. Good, God! I really need to find a way to talk... which now I remember was my next objective.
- “but... why? Slime monster cores are more common and weaker than the dire wolves ones”.
- “who cares? Even if that core is from a scout wolf, it still belongs to a dire wolf, do you know how great is that for amateur adventurers like us? Even if it’s barely from a monster rank F+, it can be useful to create a weapon to face low-level enemies, not to mention it could give us quite the amount of money”.
- “Hmm… well, It is not like we are not winning with this exchange… I supposed there’s no problem, thank you!”.
No! thank you! This is just what I needed. Now, all I have to do is wait until they fall asleep so I can get myself repaired.
- “hey, with this one, now we have 2 monster cores of dire wolves”.
- “yeah, if we make it back, we might actually have some good rewards”.
- “sadly the price was too much”.
- “don’t worry about my arm… maybe someday I can get a metal arm or find someone with healing magic strong enough to recover my arm”.
… I feel like the talk is getting a little too serious for my taste, I’ll just get up and walk away to my rocks, to let them have some privacy.
- “honestly, it would be cheaper and easier to get you a new arm, adventurers or healers with enough magic power to actually grow a full arm again are all among the highest levels, we would require minimum an A rank adventurer or healer and those are not cheap”.
- “but don’t worry! We will find a way to get you a new arm, together… right!”.
- “of course, we are companions after all, besides, we already decided to become famous adventurers, so eventually we would get either enough money to buy the arm… or, our little healer here will become strong enough to pull this off, aren’t you?”.
- “… I’ll do it! Maybe it will take me some time, but I will do it, it’s a promise!”.
- “hahaha… thanks, guys, I really appreciate it...”.
Hmm… good, they seem like they will be able to deal with whatever comes to them as long as they are together… fuuu… I miss those bastards of my friends.
Several minutes later.
… Freaking finally! Those guys were so tired yet it took them forever to shut up and go to sleep.
- “...”.
Fuuu… it’s time I guess, hopefully, I don’t wake them up so they can’t see what I’m doing, my skill is too unpredictable which means that anything can happen and I don’t want them to see something embarrassing like me rolling on the ground in pain...
has detected a “Monster Core: Slime”.
has detected the material “Rocks”.
can use the material “Rocks” and “Monster Core: Slime” to either repair the current user's body or to create a new one.
- Do you want to use the monster core and materials to repair your “body” or create a new one?
- NO
Yes, please. I wish to repair my old body!
- The user has decided to repair the previous body.
will start the process of repairing “Stone Body”.
- “Stone Body” gives the user the same amount of stats, +20 in defense, once it’s repaired. recommends the user to improve the body after repairing to be more independent of it.
- This modification requires the use of monster cores to repair the user's body.
- Once the cores are used these will disappear forever.
- Do you want to use the monster core and materials to repair your body”?
- NO
… eh? … “Unique skill: Adaptation recommends the user to improve the body after repairing to be more independent of it”… what does that even mean? Ugh!!! I don’t understand how this stupid skill works, damn it!… fuuu… well, for now at least I will focus on repairing my body. Yes! I want to repair my body!
- “…?...!!!”.
AAAGH!!! damn it! Ugh...aaagh… shit! This shit… ugh!!!… bloody hurts… it’s like when… aaagh… like when I choose modification in shape… AAAGH!!! stop it!… ugh… fuuu… I think… aaagh… I think is done… yes, it is done… hey, look I've got my left hand back!
- “Stone Body” repairing has finished.
- “Golem” is no longer in danger of death.
- It’s recommended to improve “Golem's” body or to change it.
Huh? again with that bullshit of changing bodies, I don’t know what you mean! This crap doesn’t come with rules book, you know?
has analyzed recent events.
has determined that to improve surviving of the user, the user needs to become independent from “Stone Body”.
- Right now “Stone Body” is what keeps the user’s body together and working, the user’s whole body is like a big armor, so if “Stone Body” is destroyed the user could die for lack of a stable body.
has recommendations for the user to improve surviving:
1) By using “Monster Core: Slime”, can realize a “slight modification in shape” to turn the “Monster Core: Slime” in “resistant softer body”. “resistant softer body” is a modification that would increase defense and vitality of the user and would separate the “Stone Body” from the actual “Body of Golem”, with that “Golem” could survive even if the “Stone Body” is destroyed in the future.
2) By using monster cores can realize “reforge” of “Stone Body” which would improve its defensive capacity and improve quality. Quality improvement, as well as improvement of defense, is limited. This “reforge” requires at least 2 different monster cores, one to help give an improved shape to “Stone Body” and the other to help the process of reforging itself. A recommendation is to have at least one “Monster Core: Slime” due to its malleable properties.
3) Look for better materials to create a body. These materials could include metals and monster materials to create bodies strong enough for surviving.
4) Increasing the number of skills, modifications in shape, and the increase of resources would help to improve the user and its survival.
- Do you want to continue giving recommendations in the future if needed?
- NO
This… this is… AWESOME!!! oh my god! Yes! I would love to… oh my god! I don’t even… I don’t even know what to feel right now, I feel kind of mad because where in the hell were these recommendations when I needed them? Or maybe I wasn’t in a situation dangerous enough for the recommendations to appear? I didn’t even understand about the body thing until I read this shit, God, I’m mad, but… at the same time, this is so bloody exciting, now I have a better idea of what I could and should do, at least in the short time… I still want to talk but this thing about separating my stone body from my Golem body seems more urgent... also, apparently that same modification that I didn’t want because I thought would be useless turned out to be needed to save my life, damn it! Karma came just to bite me in the arse with that one.
Name: Golem.
Level: 14. (555/1150)
Race: Golem.
Rank and Title: monster rank F.
- Vitality: 83
- Magic E: 39
- Strength: 60
- Magic P: 24
- Defense: 46 (+10*) (+20)
- Magic D: 25
- Speed: 59
- Luck: 11
- Stone Body (+20 D.)
Definitive and unique.
- Minor Defense level 1*
- Charge level 2
- Quick Step level 1
- Minor Harden level 1
Customized mode.
- “...”.
I've got a stone body again, and 20 more defense thanks to the bonus… but, if what my skill told me is true, then I need to improve this or get better armor, not to mention… now I think about it, since most of my body is made of rocks, I never realized just how the bigger and stronger parts of my body are the armor parts, especially the parts that cover part of my back and most of my chest, also my arms have a big amount, without that my body was crumbling and falling apart, my body lost stability, just like my skill said… it kind of makes sense now that I think about it, I mean, if I see my reflection in the water, my body is more like just a bunch of rocks glued together, I don’t have a really stable shape if any shape at all.
- “…!”.
Okay! The skill said that I better improve myself so, until I find another slime to get its monster core, I’ll use my remaining wolf cores to get stronger. Unique skill, help me!
has identified “Monster Core: Dire Wolf”.
has identified a total of 7 “Monster Core: Dire Wolf” in the user’s possession.
- Identification of “Monster Core: Dire Wolf” gave the result that the dire wolves defeated were “scout dire wolf” which are the weakest kind of dire wolf, yet, they are at the top of “F” rank monsters being themselves “F+” rank, they have higher senses and incredible speed, they usually move in packs.
- Recommendations of uses for the cores:
1) Acquire skills “Wolf Senses level 1”, “Pack Bond level 1”, or “Beast Roar level 1” just one skill per one core.
2) Increase the statistic +18 or +19 in speed, attack, magic E, magic P or vitality per each core.
3) Gain 170 to 190 extra points of experience per each core.
4) Turn the core into a material “wolf fur”, “scout wolf fang”, or “small wolf claw” these materials can be turned into a weapon or objects if the required materials are used with a monster core and .
5) “slight modification in shape” recommended by is to turn the “Monster Core: Dire Wolf” in “predatory stance” or “hunting claws”.
- Do you want to turn the monster core into one of these options?
- NO
Hmm… okay! I need to think about this very carefully… my skill told me to get more skills and modifications, which means that I’ll take the 3 skills and the 2 modifications, of course, but that would only leave me with 2 more monster cores… I could get materials, but I seriously don’t know what I could use the materials that this thing says, I mean, I don’t need the fur so far, the wolf fangs and claws are indeed pretty strong since they pierced my body but I don’t have a use for them, and about using them as a weapon, I’m kind of a big guy, those materials are good but small, what kind of weapon I could do using those materials? Hmm… on the other hand, the stats wouldn’t be that bad, I could improve my speed by using them and that would be very useful... I suppose… but... I should keep them in my storage, maybe use them in the future. Yes! that’s what I’m going to do, so, give me skills and modifications!
- “…!!!”.
- The user has chosen the skill “Wolf Senses level 1”.
- Adaptation activated, the skill “Wolf Senses level 1” will be acquired.
- To acquire this skill 1 “Monster Core: Dire Wolf” will be used.
- Once the cores are used these will disappear forever.
- Do you want to turn the monster core into a new skill?
- NO
- The user has chosen the skill “Pack Bond level 1”.
- Adaptation activated, the skills “Pack Bond level 1” will be acquired.
- To acquire this skill 1 “Monster Core: Dire Wolf” will be used.
- Once the cores are used these will disappear forever.
- Do you want to turn the monster core into a new skill?
- NO
- The user has chosen the skill “Beast Roar level 1”.
- Adaptation activated, the skills “Beast Roar level 1” will be acquired.
- To acquire this skill 1 “Monster Core: Dire Wolf” will be used.
- Once the cores are used these will disappear forever.
- Do you want to turn the monster core into a new skill?
- NO
Yes… to everything!
- “Golem” has obtained the skill “Wolf Senses level 1”. Passive skill “Wolf Senses level 1” gives the user a better perception of its surroundings, it also gives +5 extra speed and +5 extra luck points permanently without the costs of ME.
- “Golem” has obtained the skill “Pack Bond level 1”. Passive skill “Pack Bond level 1” gives the user a better understanding of his pack mates, it also gives +10 extra vitality points permanently without the costs of ME. in team fights it also gives a bonus of +5 vitality, +5 strength, +5 defense, and +5 speed until the end of the fight without the costs of ME.
- “Golem” has obtained the skill “Beast Roar level 1”. Active skill “Beast Roar level 1” lets the user realize a powerful roar which pushes the enemy back and can stun the enemy for about 5 seconds, each use costs 3 M.E. in case of pack mates, it also works as a reinforcements call, only if the user also has “Pack Bond”.
… eh? Really? These skills are fantastic, I mean, they don’t give me much but the extra speed and vitality are very welcomed, and about the active skill… to stun an enemy… I see… if I remember correctly, every time a wolf used this there was a delay in my reaction time, it wasn’t that much but… I always thought that it was just due to their speed, hmm… it’s actually a great combination to kill enemies or to hunt, that thing scares the enemies impeding their movements just for them to use their incredible speed to tear them apart. Also, there’s this thing about the extra effects of pack bond and beast roar… that’s very interesting.
- “…!”.
Okay! Now the physical modifications. Come on baby!
- The user has chosen “slight modification in shape”.
- Adaptation activated, “slight modification in shape” will now modify the user.
- User chosen modification is “predatory stance” and “hunting claws”. For this modification, “Adaptation” will alter and redistribute the current body materials of “Golem”, as a consequence of this modification there will be slight changes in shape, height, weight, and stats could be affected.
- The new stats changes will be fixed unless the user acquires a new body.
- This modification requires the use of monster cores to modify the body.
- Once the cores are used these will disappear forever.
- Do you want to use the monster cores to redistribute body materials and modify your shape?
- NO
Eh? both at the same time… that’s a first, but is not bad, come on! let’s do this!
- “…!!?”
AAAAAH!!! aaagh… ugh!!! BLOODY HELL!!! this shit!… hurts even… UGH!… even more than before… holy hell!!!… I feel like… my body is… aaagh… AAAH!!!… getting smaller… my… my arms… and… UGH! Damn it!!!… AAAGH!!!
- “…!!!”.
I HATE YOU!!!… stupid bullshit of skill!!! AAAGH!!!… why is it not finished yet?… aaagh! Ugh…. Is it… done?… fuuu… it is.
- “Golem” modifications have reduced height by around 75 centimeters, in exchange the legs have gotten stronger as well as the arms, the distribution of the body has improved making the body slimmer but harder and mobility has improved. Hands of “Golem” now have gotten stronger and the fingers sharper, stone claws have been added. The modifications also increased vitality stat +27, speed stat +11, and strength stat +38.
Name: Golem.
Level: 14. (555/1150)
Race: Golem.
Rank and Title: monster rank F.
- Vitality: 110 (+10*)
- Magic E: 39
- Strength: 98
- Magic P: 24
- Defense: 46 (+10*) (+20)
- Magic D: 25
- Speed: 70 (+5*)
- Luck: 11 (+5*)
- Stone Body (+20 D.)
Definitive and unique.
- Minor Defense level 1*
- Wolf Senses level 1*
- Pack Bond level 1*
- Charge level 2
- Quick-Step level 1
- Minor Harden level 1
- Beast Roar level 1
Customized mode.
Ah! perfect! I have gotten stronger once again, although I don’t understand what the modification did exactly to my stats. Hmm… now, what could I do before those people wake up?
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