《Royal Blood Online》Chapter 14 - Fame
Author Note : Hi, guys. I am sorry for not posting a chapter for a while. I was quite busy in real life. So I tried to write a long chapter to make up for it. It didn't turn out to bel as long as I planned. However it is still a long chapter. I hope you enjoy it.
Chapter 14 - Fame
‘Damn it! Damn it! It doesn’t seem like he is gonna die. How can he slay them so easily?! I don’t remember seeing his name among the top 50. The lowest level at Top 50 was 12. So he shouldn’t be more than level 11. He first slayed the top player with one hit and now he is hunting level 15 monsters easily. I guess it wasn’t really a good idea to leave the party. I had thought that he was just a stupid brat who overestimates his power. I should have at least given him a chance. Damn it!’ Golden Boss was in mixed emotions. He was envious and regretful at the same time. It had been more than an hour now. And it didn’t seem like he would die anytime soon. There was no point in waiting anymore. Even though he was frustrated because he missed a chance to gain enormous amount of experience, there was no turning back anymore. He wouldn’t just go and apologize. His pride wouldn’t allow that. He had to move on.
“I am sorry. Because of me, you lost a chance to grind on a rich spot.” Golden Boss told Gizem with an apologetic tone. Gizem just stared at him with a face as if saying
Golden Boss figured out what Gizem was thinking and continued. “There is no helping in dwelling in the past. I promise I will make it up for you. Now let’s go back to the woods and look for a party.” Gizem nodded. However there were not any ray of hope and expectation in her eyes. She just followed him since she had no choice. She could go and beg to Metehan to take her to the party, however she was too embarrassed to do and in case of him refusing her, she could lose her only friend in the game so far.
As they were walking in the woods with hopeless eyes, they heard screams of two girls running towards them with two Rabid Dogs behind them.
“Help! Please help uıs! Somebody help!”
Rabid Dogs were normally had ash-grey furs and black eyes but the ones in front of them had dark red furs and dark red eyes and they were quite far away from their designated spots. Monsters normally can’t go far away from their designated spots unless they were in Enraged State. Which was the case right now.
When the HP of a monster, player or NPC dropped under 10%, they fall under one of the two states. First one is Frightened State. While under the Frightened State, their appearances go pale and the attack and defence decreases by %50, however the movement speed and HP recovery rate increases by 60%. Which allows the ones to run for their lives. Most of the time, they fall under this state.
The second one is Enraged State. While under the Enraged State, their appearances go red or dark red depending on how enraged they were, and the attack and defence increases by 50%, however the movement speed and HP recovery rate decreases by 50%. Which they lose their logic and start to attack everything in the sight. This state occurs quite rarely.
Golden Boss and Gizem looked each other for a second and nodded. They had literally communicated with their eyes. Golden Boss grasp his sword and started to run towards the Rabid Dogs as Gizem took out her bow and started to bathe them with rain of arrows. Golden Boss swiftly passed by the girls and reached to the Rabid Dogs. He raised his sword over his head grasping it tightly with his two hand and landed it with a vertical slash on the head of the Rabid Dog in front of him. The blood started to gush out of its head. The Rabid Dog moaned in pain like a puppy.
+Critical hit. You inflicted 200% damage.
As the blood was gushing out of one of the Rabid Dog's head, the other Rabid Dog had bitten the right shoulder of Golden Boss which cost of 25% HP for him. He quickly turned towards other Rabid Dog and landed a vertical slash on its head however it wasn't a critical hit this time. Meanwhile other Rabid Dog had stood up and jumped towards his left shoulder with its mouth wide open, revealing its yellowish huge fangs. Just about to stab them on his shoulder, an arrow sank into its eye and the monster fell on the ground, as its dark red fur and eyes turned into ash-grey and its lifeless body disappeared dropping a few Copper Coins. Gizem had landed the killing blow.
After the other Rabid Dog died, Golden Boss immediately turned to the remaining one and landed constant slashes on it. With the help of Gizem, it was dead with a few seconds with no chance to fight back.
Golden Boss sheathed his sword and turned to two frightened girls. One of them was a Mage around late thirties with long straight red hairs and emerald eyes. Her bright white skin and features were very smooth. She was a beauty. No, she was a Goddess. The ages could not have stolen her beauty one bit. The other one was a Cleric with the same long straight long red hairs and emerald eyes. She was also a beauty just like the other woman except she was a teenager. They were definitely related somehow.
“T-Thank you very much for saving us.” The Mage said with a hesitant voice. She had a very sweet voice just like her appearance.
“N-Not at all. I-I did what everybody else would do. H-Helping two be-beautiful ladies in trouble is the duty of a gentleman. “ Golden Boss answered with a trembling voice.
‘What? Why is my voice trembling? And why do I feel so nervous? Don’t tell me I have fallen for her.’ Golden Boss was a little confused because of his own behaviors. He couldn’t make sense of what he was experiencing right now.
‘Don’t be stupid. This is not real. This is a virtual reality. She must have customized her appearance. There is no way such a Goddess would exist in the world. Wait! What am I saying?!’ He was in complicated feelings. Meanwhile the Mage was staring at him with a curious expression. It seems that his expression during his inner conflict was amusing and piqued her interest in him.
When Golden Boss realized her expression, his white cheeks had turned into red and he was at his wits end. Which piqued her interest in him even more.There was a dead silence now. As the Mage watching his amusing behaviors, holding herself not to giggle, Gizem and the Cleric were also watching him with puzzled expressions. This continued for a few seconds which felt like eternity for Golden Boss. Finally the Mage broke the silence.
“My name is Scarlet Light and this is my daughter, Scarlet Mercy. “ She said with a sweet voice.
“Hello, nice to meet you.” Scarlet Mercy greeted them. And Scarlet Light continued with the same sweet voice.
“We were hunting in a party with four people on Rabid Dogs, however other two Warriors died letting two of the Rabid Dogs in Enraged State. We tried to kill them at first since their HPs were quite low, however they attacked us without giving a chance to cast a spell, so we started to run for our lives. And just before our staminas were about to be depleted, we saw you. Thank you very much for helping us again. Otherwise we would definitely be dead.”
Golden Boss had felt a pain in his heart when he heard that the Cleric was her daughter. It meant that she was already taken.
‘Of course she would be married. There was no way such a beauty would be single, begin with. Stupid. What did you expect? Hey, wait! What am I saying?! This is not REAL!!’ He had an inner conflict again. However he had to get himself together and answer back.
“Ah, I see. My name is Golden Boss and this is Gizem. We were also looking for party members. Since you lost your party members, would you like to j-join our p-party?” Golden Boss had calmed down a little. However at the end of his sentence, his voice had started to tremble again.
“We would be glad if you let us join.” Scarlet Light answered with a smile. She seemed quite glad to be invited to their party which had calmed Golden Boss down. He was a little worried about that she might refuse. That’s why his voice had trembled while asking it. However now he had calmed down again and he was quite happy as well. Even though she was already taken, at least he could be around her for a while.
Now their party had 4 people with different classes. It was quite ideal to hunt now. Their party had become quite balanced now after all. Golden Boss suggested to continue to hunt Rabid Dogs. And the party agreed.
Golden Boss was tanking, while Gizem and Scarlet Light was attacking with ranged attacks from a safe distance. And Scarlet Mercy was skillfully healing him. Her skill level was quite high. She even had a buff, Protective Boost, which increases his defense and speed by 20%. Their overall levels were also high as well. They were both level 6. So they could easily hunt Rabid Dogs. Golden Boss was frequently stealing glances on her when she wasn’t looking at him during their hunt. His heart was skipping a beat and aching tremendously each time he did. She was someone so close and so far away at the same time. It was the first time he was in such feelings. She was her first love even though he was 45 years old. He had many relationships however he couldn’t find the woman he was looking for until now. That was why he was still single. However the love of his life was out of his reach. Was there anything more devastating than that in this world?
Their hunt continued for 8 hours until they decided to take a break for eating and other needs. They had gotten quite exhausted and hungry. They were playing for hours even before they started to hunt together.
“Okay then. Let’s meet 1 hour later here again.” Golden Boss said with a calm voice. Everybody nodded and logged out.
“This is indeed wonderful. Good job, Miss. Yurdakul. Mrs. Ceylan, please send this video to the editing department. Tell them to finish it until Royal Blood Online News Bulletin. And make a special trial for it and publish it on our site. Especially the final blow should be in the trial.” Faruk Ozan ordered his assistant with a satisfied face. Gizem was also quite glad. She could finally found something. She could earn some money for it.
“Well, how much will I get for it?” Gizem asked with a nervous voice. She didn’t want to look like a avaricious person. However she needed money. So she was quite curious about it.
“Ah, right. That one was the best video among the freelancers so far. I guess 250 TL would be appropriate for it. And 50 TL for the other video. So it is totally 300 TL. You can take your money from Cashier’s Office.” Faruk Ozan said with calm tone. Gizem was a little disappointed. It wasn’t so low for Turkey standards. It was ⅓ of her mother’s pension however her videos were very good so she was expecting to get more money.
“Isn’t it a little too low? That video was a scoop. A non-ranking player slayed the top-ranking player. And moreover with only one hit. Shouldn’t its value be higher than this?” Gizem answered with a demanding voice. Faruk Ozan seemed a little annoyed. However the video was quite good and he might get more of them in the future from her. So he eased down his annoyance and answer with a calm voice.
“I see your point, Miss. Yurdakul. However this is the standard pricing policy for our freelancer employees. The amount I offered you is already quite high for a freelancer employee. I didn’t know you were such a greedy person.”
“No, you misunderstood me. I am not trying to being greedy. It is just that I need money to support my mother. I have been a burden to her for the last year. And I thought they were quite good videos. So I was expecting to get more than what you offered.” Gizem answered with a defending voice.
“I understand. However you just recently started to work with us. So I recommend you not to get your hopes so high at the beginning. On the other hand, if you keep up the work, it is possible to earn the money you desired.” Faruk Ozan said with a comforting voice. Gizem had no choice to submit it. It didn’t seem like she could get more than he offered. So she better accept the money. It was still better than nothing.
“I understand. Then I shall excuse myself.” Gizem said with a weak voice.
“Sure. I wish to see your wonderful videos again.” Faruk Ozan answered with a smile on his face. Gizem left the room and headed towards Cashier’s Office to get her money. She got her money and after she had a quick meal, she connected Royal Blood Online again.
“WHAT THE HELL?! WHAT THE HELL?! HOW DID I, THE GREAT ME, GET KILLED BY SOME PEASANT?! AND MOREOVER WITH A SINGLE HIT?! CHEATED! HE MUST HAVE CHEATED! THERE IS NO OTHER WAY! THERE IS NO FUCKING OTHER WAY?! “ A man with golden hairs was shouting in anger in his room now. His name was Sezgin Zengin. He was the son of the richest man in Turkey. And he was just killed by some player in Royal Blood Online. That was the reason why he was so angry right now. He was kicking the game unit with anger while shouting. After a few minutes of fit of anger, his sister Leyla had got into his room and tried to calm him down.
“Brother, please calm down. You will break the game unit.” She said with a soft voice. However his brother was still quite angry.
“I DON’T CARE! I WILL KILL HIM! I WILL ERASE HIM FROM THE ROYAL BLOOD ONLINE AND THIS WORLD! HE WILL REGRET BIG TIME FOR EVER OPPOSING ME! DO YOU UNDERSTAND?!” He answered without calming down a bit. Leyla just sighed. She was quite used to the tantrums of his brother. Once he started, he wouldn’t calm down for a few hours.
‘However I can’t still believe it. How could he kill my brother with a single hit? Did he really cheat?
No, there is no way he can cheat. They have the most secure system in the world. They had even made a demonstration about it, gathering all of the top hackers in the world and made them tried to hack their system. None of them could hack it. Maybe he got a special OP skill?
However he was quite cute and manly. I wonder I will ever see him again?’ Leyla was in these thoughts with her beautiful cheeks blushing while watching the tantrum of his brother.
James Allan had a quick lunch and now surfing on the Royal Blood Online official site and forums. He was looking for equipments on the auction section. He was level 5 now and was planning to buy good items. However there weren’t any good items for his level yet since the game was online for only 8 days. Sure there was some good items however the level requirements for those items are over 12 which was quite high for him. He could probably find better items when he reached the level 12. So there was no point in buying them now.
‘I guess I will buy Chain Guardian set since they are the best items I can equip with my current level now. So I need money. I heard they were quite expensive so not many players could afford to buy them. And I don’t have much money in my character either. I guess I better buy some Gold Coins.’ James bought 10 Gold Coins since it was enough for now. One Gold Coin was 10 $ now so he only paid 100 $ for it.
‘Come to think of it, was Metehan on the Top 50 rankings? I don’t remember seeing him there. Let’s check it to be sure.’ He checked the weekly Top 50 rankings. Rankings weren’t online. They were being updated weekly. So The Prince was still at the top with Level 15. James checked every player on the rankings however his name wasn’t there. The player at the bottom of the rankings was level 12. And since only the top 50 players were displayed, James couldn’t look for Metehan to learn his actual level either. However he wasn’t more than level 12. That was for sure.
‘That’s incredible. He really isn’t in the Top 50 and he killed the top player with a single hit. Did he learn some special OP skill or what? I still can’t make sense of it. Even though he is playing in the Realistic Mode, still it doesn’t explain it.’ James was quite impressed once again. In the heat of the moment, he couldn’t have comprehend how amazing he was to be able to kill the top player with a single hit. However now he could.
‘Right! The Prince had dropped his sword! It was a limited edition Excellent sword! It seemed like a two-handed sword just like I wanted! And Metehan has it now. I wonder if he would sell it to me.
Come to think of it, he was using dual swords. Right! He will probably sell it! He isn’t someone stupid to add valuable skill points to Two-Handed Sword Master just because he got a good sword.
Although I thought he was stupid for a moment which was a grave mistake, I won’t do the same mistake again! He will definitely sell it! I need to contact him as soon as possible and buy it from him! I can’t miss this chance again!
It was sold for 10000 $ on the official site so he would probably demand double of it. Then I will offer triple and buy it for sure!’ Golden Boss already had reached Sword Mastery Level 2, and he had already unlocked Two-Handed Sword Mastery. His favourite weapon in the games was two-handed swords. Their attack speed was low however their attack power was amazing. It was making up for their lack of speed which Golden Boss was crazy about. So he had unlocked it even though he didn’t have two-handed sword. However he had already made up his mind. There was no way he would use any other type of weapon. It had to be a two-handed sword. Even though he didn’t have it now, he would definitely have one in the near future.
James turned off his pc and got into the game unit in a hurry. He had to contact Metehan as soon as possible and buy that sword no matter what!
Mete had eaten. There was still more than 30 minutes before his Fatigue recovered fully. It was too short to sleep. So he decided to surf on the net for a while. He didn’t use his PC ever since he started to play Royal Blood Online so it was good to get some information about it via forums. He still couldn’t figure out why he was getting more stats points with each level than the others either. So he started to surf on the official forums of Royal Blood Online.
There were many threads about many things posted there. Metehan searched through them for a while. And two threads had piqued his interest.
The first one was about stat points. Their effects on the avatars were different for each classes. For example each Intelligence stat was increasing max MP by 5 for Warrior classes, by 15 for Mage classes and by 10 for other classes, On the other hand, each Vitality stat was increasing max HP by 10 for Warrior and Cleric classes, by 5 for other classes. There were many differences like that.
And what piqued his interest most was Luck stat. It was effecting anything related luck such as item drop rate, production success and quality of the item that were created via production profession skills, critical hit success rate, evasion success rate and many other things. It was actually a pretty useful stat. He knew why the item drop rate was so low now. However there was no information about why he takes 10 stat points for each level.
The second thread was a hot thread with millions posts. Mete clicked on the thread and there was a video with a few seconds long posted.
“The top player was slayed by some mysterious player.” That was what was written under the video. Mete clicked on the video and started to play it. However as soon as he started to play it, he became dumbfounded. A player was slaying another player with a single hit. And he knew both of the players. One of them was the bully he slayed and other one naturally was him. That was his video! Moreover there were millions posts under the thread.
“What the hell?! Who uploaded this video here?!” Metehan said with a dumbfounded expression. After he stared at the screen for a while, he started to read the posts. Some of them were praising him and some of them don’t believe it.
RisingSun : Woah! Who is this guy?! He slayed that bastard beautifully. I know that bastard called The Prince, he was an ashole. He had Pked me just because I was looking at him. Can you believe that?! Serves him right. That mysterious guy is my hero now! I wish I knew his name.
RagingRebel : Are you guys morons?! This video obviously is fake. There is no way The Prince would be Pked with single hit. He is wearing the limited edition Excellent equipments. And the other guy has noob equipments. He must have edited it to get some attention. What a loser.
RandomGuy : You are the one who is moron here, RagingRebel. This video is taken from the TDT Media official site. This is the trial of a news that will be broadcast during Royal Blood Online News Bulletin. So it is a genuine video. There is no way such a big media corporation would broadcast a fake video.
Those three posts had made Mete more dumbfounded.
“My video will be broadcasted on TV? On the top of that, on the TDT Media? Oh my God!” Mete was in complicated emotions. He was nervous and happy at the same time. He was nervous because he would be center of the other people’s attentions. And he was happy because he would get Sevgi’s attention as well.
When he decided to start to play Royal Blood Online, he had also decided to be famous so that he could get Sevgi’s attention. He had made his resolution for getting other people’s attention as well. He was going to be strong. This was all for Sevgi. However when he was actually at the center of other people’s attention, it was different. He felt extremely nervous by just thinking about it.
“No, I can’t give up now. I can’t stay this way forever. I have to change. What is there to be nervous anyway? It is not like they will eat me. Stay strong, Mete. Stay strong.” He tried to motivate himself.
“Anyway my Fatigue should be recovered by now. I better connect the game. I can think about this later. Still I better try to avoid other people for now.”
Metehan turned off his computer and connected the Royal Blood Online.
Author Note: I hope you enjoy it. And if you enjoy it, you can support me by rating, following or commenting. I am open to the criticisms. I know I am lacking on many fields however I want to improve myself. So feel free to comment. Have fun.
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