《Wrath of the chosen (DROPPED)》Chapter 9: but aren't I supposed to be the unbeatable MC?


So after skipping through town, I got a few notifications.

New Title: The Pain Train

Your declaration has struck fear into the hearts of men and perfectly reflects your tendency to rush in and cause massive amounts of collateral damage.


+500 Infamy

+5 endurance

Unstoppable Charge

This cracks me up because of its frightening accuracy.

New Stat(s):Fame/Infamy

These stats reference the spread of you and your actions.

Fame indicates all of the good deeds you have accomplished and will increase your popularity.

Infamy indicates the more questionable decisions you have made and may make people distrust you. (infamy can be granted to any act that doesn’t conform to normal morals, ethics, or local law, and DON’T have to be evil)

+500 Infamy!

Stories of a heavily armored man that carries a boulder and is followed by a huge dust cloud are starting to spread.

The town guard are also curious to investigate as to why the “Pain Train” was coming from the direction of a battle that was rumored to take place. And they wonder if it had anything to do with the earthquake the day before.

This was straight up worrying to the extreme because when they find the crater I’m going to receive a lot of bad infamy.

New Skill: Unstoppable Charge

While sprinting your magic will passively be used to cushion your organs, strengthen your bones, and toughen your skin so you can’t be stopped.

The cost depends on your speed.

Your current max speed is 100KM/hour(without the use of additional magics)

Max cost: 15 mana/sec 15 stamina/sec


The skills Superhero Landing(B+ class), Magic Reinforcement(C+ class), and Unstoppable Charge(B class) can now merge into the A+ class skill: Juggernauts Aura

Juggernauts Aura:

When you exert yourself physically your body will be able to draw the surrounding areas mana into you and burn it to make a near invincible shield of magical energy. However, doing requires a little manna a lot of stamina

Cost:5 mana/sec 15 stamina/sec

Will you merge all four skills?


I, of course, said yes to this because of how epic it sounds

New Merged Skill: Juggernauts Aura

When you exert yourself physically your body will naturally begin to draw the surrounding areas mana into you and burn it to make a near invincible shield of magical energy. However, doing requires a little manna a lot of stamina

Cost:5 mana/sec 15 stamina/sec

I couldn’t help but smile when I read this, and you know why? Because now I can say it.


Aww man, that feels good to say. But that was hours ago and after getting well away from that town I let Renise and Sheamus out of the cart so they could puke and nap.

And they seriously hate me for doing all that….

But anyways let's get back on track. Right now we’re back on the road, and I’ve agreed to only jog from now on I can see a huge city in the distance now.

“Hey, guys We’re almost there!”[me]

“Oh thank the various gods, it’s almost over”[a very woozy Sheamus]

“Mmmmmm.”[a motion sick Renise]

The surrounding area is surrounded by lush fields of tall wild grass and rocky hills. The sun is shining through a blue, slightly cloudy, sky, and is warm on what's left of my face.

The city is closer now and I can clearly see its large stone walls that surround the city. Cannons line it’s top and archer towers are spaced apart every half kilometer or so. There is a town surrounding the city wall and it seems well off as far as I can tell. Houses and farms adorn the area, while a few street vendors haul carts stocked with fabrics and food into the city's front gate.


And now that we’re starting to pass through the surrounding town area I slow myself to a walk.

“Hey, dad look outside! There’s a strange man carrying a pretty lady and some fat hairy guy!”

The voice comes from my right so I have to turn my head all the to see a small boy in overalls and farming boots standing just outside his house.

“Now, now, Henry, haven’t I told you to not to make up stories?”- “But Dad!”- “No buts! now get to the and get the new gad’damn wheelbarrow from Chuck.

I can’t help but laugh at the Henry, which causes him to blush.

“What's wrong kid? You’ve never seen a small group of disgruntled veterans before?”

His eyes widen “you mean that your all that’s left?!”

“That’s right Kid, and if you have the time I would appreciate you guiding us to as far as you can to the Palace that would be amazing.” [me]

“Pay me and we have a deal.”[a grinning Henery]

I stop and turn to Sheamus and notice that he has finally passed out now that we have slowed down again. (great now I have to grab it myself) So I duck under the carriages bar and stand at the side, looking for my bag.(Oh, there it is) Next to the sleeping dwarf is my bag so I reach over and grab the bag strap that dangles off the seat and sling it once again over my shoulder.

“Okay kid, here.” I reach inside the bag(1 gold coin) instantly my fingers brushes against the metal coin and I pick it up.

I walk over to the Henry and hold my hand out palm up so he can see the coin. He gawks at the currency and snatches it away before I can say anything else.

“Okay, mister you’ve got yourself the finest tour guide in all of Orbine!”[Henry]

From that point, Henry led me to the gate guards while talking about his hard-working father and how the farm was struggling to keep up with taxes and food donations for the war. And when I asked him why they struggled, Henry explained that the increase of attacks from the goblins, horned rabbits, and iron wolves due to many of the town guards are being sent to fight in the war.

“Well, that sucks… for now.”[me]

“What do mean?”[Henry]

“Well, it just so happens that I have some pertinent information for the queen that may shape the outcome of the war.”[me]

Henry's eyes widen in surprise and hope but before he can respond he’s interrupted by a large humanoid dog creature wearing armor similar to a guard.

“Oi, you there! State your name and business”.[angry man dog]

“My name is Jon, I’m just a mercenary whose services have been ordered by Miss. Renise Drab to bring her to the queen in order to update the kingdom as to why only three people survived the battle.”

The dog man glances behind me as he measures the validity of my story and then down to my armor, at which point he raises an eyebrow in clear recognition

His face contorts into a mix of rage and shock. “So I guess you got that armor off the captain then?”

“Yes I did, I thought it would be a waste to leave it just lying there attached to someone who could never again make use of her.”[me]

{awww, you didn’t call me an “it”.*sniff* That’s so adorable}

(Yeah, whatever, can you just tell me about this guy?)


{Not much to tell, His name is Sir Chadwick, and he is the first Gnol to have ever reached the distinguished position of captain of the guard. Also please keep in mind that most gnolls are very hot-headed and tribal in nature so he has a lot to prove.}

(got it, he doesn’t want to be associated with the negative stereotypes of his origin. I understand.)

“I see, well my name is Sir.Reginald Chadwick, head of the city guard. You may address me as Sir. Chadwick. I will escort you the castle gates if you'll excuse me for a moment.”[Reggie]

“Um, actually sir I’ve already been paid to escort him to the castle.”[A timid Henry]

Ignoring Henry, Reggie turns to another guard who stands lazily at the gate propping himself up against wall by placing his spear tip down in the dirt. “Hey, Rick you’re in charge until I get back, alright?”

“Sure boss”[Rick...he looks chill]

Regie looks back to me and glances at Henry.

“I’m sorry Henry did you say something?”[Regie]

“Um, this guy paid me one gold to guide him to the castle”[Henry]

“Hmm, I see… Then I guess we’ll just have to guide him together. That way you can keep your end of the bargain while I can get him into the castle, deal?”[a kindly smiling Regie]

“Yeah let's go!” [Henry]

Henry then proceeds to march forward proudly while Regie settled to the left of me and the carriage.

On our way, Henry pointed out a few stores where we can shop for weapons, items, or tools, and a place where we can stay called “The Inn and Out Bar”

“Apparently it’s really popular though I don’t why. I’m not allowed in because apparently It is frequented by the ladies of the night, a special kind of demon that may curse you with a disease if you’re unlucky… Or at least that's what my dad said.”[Henry]

I couldn’t help but snicker and reply “Your dad is a smart man”

While Regie just smirked.

But, now that we’re finally at the palace gates I turn to Henry “Okay, kid this is the end of the road for you, now go get that wheelbarrow for your dad, and If he asks about the money just tell him all about our tour. I’ll back up your story”

“Thanks, Mr. Sizlash!”[Henry whilst running back to the shops]

I look after him as he runs down the road. The Palace is located on the top of a large hill in the center of the city.And as one would expect, the closer one got to the palace the nicer it became.

The palace is like a giant glorified mansion. It has a massive lawn leading to a grand entrance complete with marble pillars, and golden doors. To the far right, I can make out what I can only assume to be luxurious living quarters for the servants…. Either that or it’s the world's fanciest shed. And to the left are what look like stables a path that leads to the backyard.

Regie turns to me and motions for me to stay put. “Okay, so you guys will have to stay here while I go request an audience with the queen.”

“Alright, I’ll try to not get in trouble while you're gone.”[me]

He gives me a suspicious look and motions for a guard to open the gate, while saying to him, “Make sure they don’t go anywhere.”

“Yes, sir.”[snobbish looking elf dude]

When Reggi leaves the elf checks that he’s a gone and then begins to move.

“Say…. You wouldn’t happen to be a human would you?”[the smug elf as he saunters over]

Without a word I move out from under the bar I was using to pull the carriage, and I narrow my eye while looking slightly up at him. He moves a hand to the hilt of his Scimitar as we size each other up.

He’s probably a few inches taller than me and definitely more slender than me under his shiny metal gaurd attire. His long proper nose begs me to break it, and his strong prominent jaw is just the right size for my fist.

“Well? What have you got to say for yourself?”[He says while looking at my ears]

I shrug.

“How do we know your not a spy or some assassin? Only humans have ears as round as yours and they’re all under his control…. Well? Say something Dammit!”[dude looks like a lady]

“Listen, sir, I’m sure you’re tough and all but I don’t want any trouble so how about we just calm down and talk about this, okay?” I hold up my hands in the universal sign of nonaggression and try to hide my annoyance behind a smile.

“Why you little… Don’t you act innocent, we both know that humans are in the wrong here. Our economy as adventurers and as cities rely on monster hunts for everything from supplies to manual labor. Anything it takes a human to do an orc can do twice as fast! And let us not forget that letting so many naturally violent species become king class will inevitably lead to this world's downfall!”[ooh now he’s mad]

“You’re being super racist right now”[me feigning insult]

He takes a step back and looks shocked “What do you mean? We’re an entirely different species!”

“True but you’re letting the actions of one human influence your bias on all humans.”[me trolling so hard]

“What, no I’m not, King class monsters have the passive skill“Alpha Mindset” which gives them a natural control of the actions of every member of their species.” [Exposition machine]

“Well, then how come half humans are fine?[me]

“Ha! Don’t act as if you don’t know, Half-breeds and those with an absurdly high wisdom stat are the only ones who could ever hope to survive actually wanting to do as the king says.”[elvin prick]

(That explains a lot) {yes but It’s still a rather boring conversation} (yeah let’s move this alone)

“Well, I guess that explains why I’m still okay.”[me]

He raises an eyebrow and smirks at me.

“Oh really? Well forgive my skepticism but I find that hard to believe, so how about we go to the sparring grounds and we’ll see just how strong you are.”[the before picture]

“*heavy sigh* Fine, but just know that I’m not paying for any of your medical expenses.” [me]

“Big words for a little man, now come! Follow me and you can bring your companions if you like” he swiftly turns and open the gates for us.

(oh this is going to end badly) {for him maybe} (actually I was referring to the queen and how she’ll view one of her castle guards learning what his left testicle tastes like) {Oh that? She’ll be fine with it.} (Bullshit) {No, really, the queen of this country is, if nothing else, pragmatic. She idolizes strength above all, regardless of whether it is a strength of mind or strength on the battlefield}(... I love the sound of her already) {Keep that in mind for when you actually meet her} (Umm, okay?)

“Hey, are you coming or not?!” [angry elf guy]

“Um, yeah hold on!” I turn to Sheamus and Renise who are just now starting to wake up.

“Hey, guys! Wake up, we’re here and are going inside!!”[A yelling me]

Renise doesn’t move and frowns slightly, while Sheamus rubs his eyes and slowly stands.

“Oh alright, ya nasty li’l bugger! I'm up I’m up.” Sheamus proceeds to lazily heft his hammer on to his shoulder and stumble out of the carriage and lands on his face.

“AH FUCKIN DAMNIT!”[a very peeved Sheamus]

“MR.WHISKERS, NOOOOO!”Renise, Clearly startled awake by the graceful Sheamus, springs upright as the chariot disintegrates into a pile of dust, causing her to join Sheamus face first on the road.

(should I even ask?)

{Probably not}

“Wwwwhhhhyyyyyy?” [A quietly moaning Renise]

I walk over to Renise and gently lift her by the shoulders to her feet. (Huh, she’s lighter than I thought.) {Do not EVER tell her that} (well duh)

Surprised, Renise grasps my shoulder for balance and looks at ground blushing. “um thanks”


I gently pat her on the shoulder, “No problem”

“Yes lad thanks a lot for helping me up” [Sheamus getting up]

“Sorry man, just figured I’d let you keep what remains of your pride.”[me shrugging]

Sheamus grumbles something incoherent and walks towards the gate and I turn to follow.

“Okay guys, let's follow the nice man so I can beat him so badly his children will be born bruised.”[me]

“We’ll see about that”[elf dude]

We make our way towards the back of the palace and we are greeted by a wide grassy area surrounded by a garden. I the middle is a large sparring area with a few covered racks with weapons, and a large brown dirt circle that ruins the otherwise beautiful scenery.

“This is where the prince like to practice his swordsmanship, but I doubt he’ll mind us using it a little don’t you?”[I don’t know who he is but I don’t like him]

“Yeah whatever, are you ready or what?”[me, while striding to one side of the circle]

“My name is Cecil Mange, Prepare to die, ignorant human!”Cecil draws his blade and points it’s crescent-shaped blade at me.

It’s silver blade reminds me of something from an Egyptian history museum, and its horrible glint makes me wonder if it was wise to make an enemy out of an experienced soldier.

“My name is Jon Sizlash, prepare to be embarrassed, arrogant elf!” I copy his movement and point my black blade towards him, before holding it in front of myself with both hands.

“Then we begin!”[Cecil]

My opponent crouches and suddenly sprints forward and out of instinct I do the same with my blade prepared for an overhead

“HAH!”[we both scream]

His eyes widen at my burst of speed and I slam my sword into his. I push him back but smoke and sparks fly as he hooks my sword and twists it from my hands. It careens and my corrosive blade sinks deep into the ground. While I’m distracted and disarmed he spins gracefully behind me.

And like that, I feel a curved blade at my neck. He whispers in my ear.“Coupe de grate” His blade glows a sickly grey and tugs against my skin until it gives way.


NOOOO! Come back blood, I need you to live! “Hah hack hurrr” I try and gurgle at him as I take a knee and look his feet.

“Hmm, it would seem your all brawn and no brain. For while I’ll give you credit for your speed, striking power, and the tough skin that saved your life, you seem to have mistaken your skills and actual skill for the same thing. So kiss my boot and you may live. After all, it would be a shame to kill such potential.”[prick]

I sputter and cough.This hurts. And I mean this REALLY FUCKING HURTS!! Somewhere I hear Renise yell “stalagmite!” while Sheamus screams a battle cry.

Rock suddenly brushes my hair as a stone spike narrowly misses the balls of Cecil when he jumps backward.

(Krolowa, put some of your armor onto my wound and seal it.)

{okay, I can sew it shut with the armor but it'll really hurt and it won’t be a permanent solution.}

(okay but focus more on keeping blood out of my windpipe and esophagus, while maintaining blood flow for the artery he just nicked. The skin can just be covered.)

{I’ll see what I can do}

Cold liquid steel flows into my neck and suddenly it’s as if I’m drowning until it pulls back and my neck itches as I cough out the remaining blood in my lungs. I look up spot Cecil expertly dodging Agnis the war hammer while dancing over Renise's magic.

Slowly I bring myself to my feet.

“Haaah, haaaah.” I gasp for air and lumber forwards with my right hand outstretched.

(magic missile)

A bolt of jade energy soars out from my hand and strikes that blond douche in the side knocking him prone. “Stay out of this guys, I got this.”

Renise and Sheamus step back as I stumble forward and reach down and grab Cecil by his chest plate with both hands and tear his armor slightly as I squeeze. “Unskilled you say? Maybe, but I think I can learn how to fix that if you’ll help me.”

He raises an eyebrow and chuckles “fuck off”

I throw him toward the house where he strikes a wall of light with a crash.

“What in the nine hells is going on here!?!”[a woman's voice]

An elegant woman in her mid to late forties marches out onto the porch, that I never noticed till now, from the house and points at me. “YOU, tell me why you thought it was wise to throw a member of my royal guard before I roast you alive in your armor!”

Looking at the miss she is wearing a wonderfully black & gold dress with a unique solid black curved hourglass design that forces the viewer to associate it with the wearer's body type, while the rest of the dress is a blinding gold with streaks of orange. Her brunet hair is in a tight bun behind her head, and her fair caucasian complexion is complemented by light makeup.

I avert my gaze and cough before roughly saying “Well miss, I did it because we were in the midst of a duel when he cut my throat, this caused my friends to try and fail to help me while I patched myself up. And afterward, I tried to convince him to teach me his skills so when he said no, I may have lost my temper.”

She narrows her eyes at me. “I see, well you may come in now and tell me yourselves about how you plan to stop the human king.”

Renise walks beside me as she bows “yes your majesty”

Renise places a hand on my back and pushes me forward “let's go, idiot, before you get yourself almost killed again.”

“*sigh* Yes dear.” I walk forward while withdrawing a healing potion from the bag.

{hold on Jon, I need to be ready first. Because the moment you down that, you’ll begin to heal around me. So on three, 1,2,3!}

The liquid metal removes itself from my throat as I chug the potion, and suddenly I start coughing violently as I try and stomach blood and the healing elixir.

“Hey, are you alright lad?”[Sheamus, looking at me worriedly]

“Oh yeah, I‘m fine, that fight was just a pain in the neck”[I grin tiredly]

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