《Wrath of the chosen (DROPPED)》Chapter 8: dashing through the town in a one man open chariot


I sit up and realize that I am laying down on my log.(Was I asleep?)

{Your body was but you’re consciousness was taken by Rignath.}

(How can a god of entertainment do that?)

{He’s the god of entertainment, and that means he can do almost anything as long as it is entertaining and if he has enough attention.”}

(that sounds overpowered even for a god)

“Good morning sleeping beauty, how was guard duty?” Renise looks at me with a cool sarcastic smile.

“Very uneventful, how was sleeping on the ground?” I grin and while standing up I notice my bag at my feet so I sling it over my shoulder.

“You saw that?”[Renise]

I nod smugly.

Renise frowns, blushing, and crosses her arms.

Suddenly Sheamus speaks up loudly and yells,

“Alright kids we still need to get to town so let's move!”

(Aw man this is gonna take forever)

{Not if you ask little miss earth mage if she can make us go faster}

(You’re a genius)

{I know}

I look to Renise who is hurriedly packing up her things and lightly tap her on the shoulder“Hey, your mana should be refreshed by now right?”

She looks at me with surprise “Um, yeah why?”

“Well, I was wondering if you could make something with your earth magic.”[me]

“Sure what do you need?” [Renise]

“ I was wondering if you could make small carriage out your earth magic for you and Sheamus so that I can pull the both of you.”[me]

She arches an eyebrow and smiles, “Sure, I think I can do that.”

“Oi, what are ya going on about over there?!” Sheamus jogs over and comes to a stop next to me.

“Renise is making us something that will make getting to the kingdom easier.”[me]


“What? Don’t be stupid lad it will take at least another half a day to reach the village and another day and a half even if we skip it!”[Sheamus]

“Oh my poor, nieve, vertically challenged, friend, that’s only if I have to wait for you to catch up.”[me]

“What the hell are you on about?”[Sheamus]

Before I can answer him the ground beneath our feet starts to shift and moan as a trail of earth floats up and suspends itself as a huge sphere.

Slowly the sphere spreads two long bars that are connected by a railing outward and a wide seating area is carved out at the top. Then the bottom crumbles apart into the shape of three large wheels and two attach themselves to the side while the third arranges itself in the back.

“Okay losers get in, we’re going to see the queen.”[Renise]

Sweaty and out of breath Renise climbs into one of the seats and leans her head back.

“Let's go ladies!” [Renise]

“Okay Sheamus get in, I’m pulling.” I tap Sheamus on the shoulder get into position with both hands on the railing.

As he climbs in Sheamus speaks up, “Hey lad, try not to push yerself okay? Now let me yer hold yer bag fer ya.”

“Sure man.”I hand him my bag and focus my eyes on the road ahead. “Hey renise, The kingdom should be a straight shot from here right?”

“Huh? Um, yeah just follow the road straight and you should be fine.”[A Tired Renise]

“Okay then, attention all passengers! Please keep your hands and feet inside the vehicle at all times. Now with that said, LET’S GO!”[me]

At first, I start slow and move into a comfortable jog, but now I’m bored so it’s time to step it up a notch.


My legs move me faster as I break into a sprint and the trees turn into a picket fence.

“Oi, Slow down I’m gonna be sick!”[a yelling green Sheamus]

“Don’t be such a baby!” [me]

(Magical Reinforcement!) Now we’re cooking! My feet are pounding the ground as the forest starts to fade.

After a little while, I turn off the Magical reinforcement and maintain a pretty even pace.

Slowly a brown dot starts to rush toward us.

(Holy shit, is that the town? It hasn’t even been an hour yet.)

{It is, and right now you’re going about 80KM/hour while carrying a rock cart with passengers that probably weighs close to a ton.}

(Damn, I’m good)

{yeah yeah, just try not to hit anyone when we pass through the town, okay?}

(well I can try.)

The town gets significantly closer and people look panicked as they are screaming and running into their homes.

“MEN READY THE ARROWS! MAGES YOU’RE UP FIRST!”[a deafening scream that sounds rather ominous]

Suddenly three fireballs, each the size of Sheamus, are lobed at us. Whip my head back to check my comrades and notice something a bit worrying.

That is to say, Renise is passed out and Sheamus is vomiting over the side...and a towering dust cloud that is following us. (oops) {idiot}

“Sheamus! Grab Renise and brace yourselves!”

I pump my legs even faster as the horrible flames crash down around us, blowing up geysers of dirt and debris.

“FUUUUUCK” I scream as the town is so close now that I can see roughly twenty men with bows line up and aim their weapons at us.

“FIRE!”[Some asshole in a leather armor set]

The arrows arch their way towards us and whistle as they fall.


I just keep running as I hear Renise shout “Earth manipulation!” I turn my head slightly to see that my cargo is now shielded entirely by a stone canopy that has grown from the carriage.

(put my helmet up!Now)

{Yes sir}

The cold armor surrounds my head and face as the hail of arrows bounce and crack against my armor.

Their faces stretch in terror as I continue forward and barrel through the town entrance causing the soldiers to scatter and flee.

I plow my way through mainstreet and crush the cobblestone beneath my boots.

At the other end of the town however I spot a impromptu barricade made of sharpened wooden stakes, iron spears, and a dozen or so stalagmites.


I slam a foot through a stalagmite and stomp through the barricade like the Kool-aid Man.

“Oh YEAH!”

I continue to sprint down the road, ignoring the irate screams of someone who likely just lost their job of protecting that town.


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