《Soul Anomaly》Vol 02 Ch01: The Underworld T.C. Grand Prix Prelude



“Justice lies in power.”

“The strong lead, the weak follow.”

“Those with power write all the rules.”

“If you are weak, you obey.”

“We know the feelings of the weak all too well.”

“Under the threat of a higher power, we can only hang our heads and grind our teeth.”

“In such a ridiculous world, with foolish logic, how can we bring about change?”

“The answer is obvious.”

“If the strong rule, then we shall become the strongest.”

Chapter 01: The Underworld T.C. Grand Prix Prelude

A few days have passed since my fight against Alma. My physical wounds have all been healed. Although Alicia had numerous complaints after waking up. Luckily thanks to my secret weapon, aka dogeza, I was able to gain her forgiveness. I get the feeling she rather enjoyed looking down on me from above, I know that thanks to her short skirt I enjoyed looking from below.

Now, Alicia, Wolfy, Alma, and I have come down to the Underworld. Father asked me to participate in a special kind of race that happens in the Underworld once a year, as part of 'Team Pandemonium'.

"Are you excited, Yuichi-niisama?" Lilicia-chan asks whilst looking at me with her blue eyes. Lilicia-chan is also participating with us.

"Yeah, you could say that," I pat Lilicia-chan's silver haired head, "I also cannot ignore a request from Father."

"Why did I have to come!?" Alma asks with a voice full of displeasure. Her chocolate coloured face wearing a frown.

"You're our prisoner of war, you must be kept under surveillance. We couldn't leave you behind," I explain, "Just sit back and watch my beautiful..."

"ARGGGHHH!" Alma suddenly screams as the collar we fastened onto her neck turns red.

Oh, whoops, I did it again. Alma's body stiffens to the point she can't move a single muscle.

"Why did you make 'beautiful', a word you use on a daily basis, your keyword, Yuichi?" Alicia asks as she flicks her long silver hair, "Ixion."

"Hahhh." Alma breathes a sigh of relief after Alicia says her personal keyword 'Ixion'. The collar returns to it's green colour. In order to prevent Alma from causing any unnecessary trouble, we forcefully attached a special collar onto her neck. When certain individuals state their personal keywords the collar forces Alma into a state of paralysis, until another keyword is spoken to deactivate it. Unfortunately, I keep on activating it by accident. Truth be told, Father-in-law and I had to settle for just the collar, we wanted to go for the complete bondage set, but we were out voted.

I created this scenario to try and make Alicia and Alma make up, but unfortunately there hasn't been much progress.

"For me, the word 'beautiful'..." I begin - "ARGGHH!" - "...Is easy to remember."

"You did it again, Master." Wolfy says with a sigh, "Shazam."

Alma again is free from the restraint. "WILL YOU KNOCK IT OFF, YUICHI SHIRO!?" She screams as her fist rips through the air.


"URGGGHHH!" Whilst dodging Alma's attack I lose my footing and fall backwards, but not before trying to grab the nearest thing to try and self right myself.

"Kyaaa!" Lilicia-chan screams as my arm instinctively grabs her and we both fall down in a rough heap.

"Oww, oww. Sorry, are you okay, Lilicia-chan?" I ask as I turn to the girl under me.

Hm? What is this soft sensation?

"Nii...sama?" Lilicia-chan says with a weak voice, my hand, as you may have guessed, is on her chest. This feeling is sensational, I could never get tired of it.

"Lilicia-chan, can we stay like this for a while?" I ask.

Lilicia-chan's face turns red, "If...you...want..." She begins.


"OWWWWWWW! Alicia! I don't have a foot fetish, so can you stop shoving yours into my face!?"

My face is my greatest pride and a treasure on the level of the crown jewels.

"Ha ha, you still have a long way too go, Yuichi-kun." A elegant voice says, we each turn to its owner.

“”"Father!"”” Alicia, Lilicia-chan, and I say in sync.

"Listen Yuichi-kun, you should have grabbed Alicia as well. The best defence is a strong offence. As soon as you have them both on the ground, you just need to make them feel good, then any possible resistance they have will disappear. It is at that point that you..."

"FATHER!" Alicia disturbs Father-in-law's words of wisdom. But I think I get the gist of it.

"I'll make you proud, Father." I state with a thumbs up, which Father returns.

"What kind of Father encourages someone to molest his daughters?" Alma asks in disgust.

Hey, watch your mouth! He's the great Yuichi Shiro's role model.

"I'm someone who wants only the best for my daughters." Father answers in a 'isn't it obvious' tone, "Anyway, are you three ready? It's almost time."

We all nod with looks of determination.

"Watch over Alma, Wolfy." I instruct.

"Yes, Master." He instantly replies.

Good boy, I'll give you a scooby snack later.

"Show them Pandemonium's greatness you three!" Father cheers. We all wave in response.

"Let's go you two." Alicia orders, as we walk to our ride.

After a few minutes we arrive in a maintenance area. My eyes are instantly drawn to the huge object in the centre. So that's a Tri-Capsule. The huge vehicle has three egg shaped parts to it, all of which are joint together and have the Pandemonium insignia painted on them. The bottom half of each capsule is metallic whilst the top half is transparent, but the material isn't glass. There are many ropes which look like safety measures in each capsule, but there aren't any seats inside. I did hear that you stand inside these vehicles. I guess they weren't aiming for comfort when they designed them.

"Everything is ready, Alicia-sama, Lilicia-sama, Yuichi-sama." A man who looks like an engineer says.


"Thanks for the hard work." Alicia replies. "Yuichi, you take that support." She orders whilst pointing at one of the capsules.

"All right, I'll let you have the glory of being the Linchpin." I say with a shrug.

"This is your first time, Nii-sama. Controlling the Tri-Capsule isn't that easy I'm afraid." Lilicia-chan explains as she walks through the transparent material and into the other support capsule. Alicia and I follow suit and enter our respective capsules. Several mechanics enter with me and place some sort of vest around me, and then they attach all the safety cables to the vest.

"Take this, Yuichi-sama." One of the mechanics hands me a headset. I quickly put it on.

"Testing 1, 2 ,3." Alicia's voice comes through. "During the race we will be using these to keep in constant contact with each other. Check your microphones."

"Lilicia here, no problems."

"Yuichi, the greatest person in existence, likewise, no problems."

"Have a mechanic check your headset Yuichi, it's spewing lies." Alicia retorts.

"Come on now, Onee-sama." Lilicia-chan's angelic voice is music to my ears.

Suddenly, an image of a wild looking guy holding two microphone to his mouth appears in mid air, this is all due to Underworld technology, something I dub 'Air TV'.

"It's finally that time of year again folks! THE T.C. GRAND PRIX!" The wild looking MC announces.

"OHHHHHHHH!!!" Many cheers scream together.

"I 'The man who needs no introduction' shall be your master of ceremonies!" He continues.

What kind of title is that?

CLAP CLAP CLAP! - A loud applause resounds.

"Now, for those who don't know the rules, allow me to explain." He says whilst pulling a holier than thou pose, I'll ignore it for now, I need to pay close attention to this part after all. "Each team has three members, one Linchpin and two Supports. During the race the two Supports are permitted to use any method of attack on opposing racers, whether this is reaper techniques or whatever, it's all allowed. If a Support takes so much damage, then their capsule will be forcefully disconnected from the pivotal capsule, the Linchpin. As long as the Linchpin is safe, the team is still in the race. But if the Linchpin takes enough damage, the Tri-Capsule will cease to function, and will be forcefully teleported out of the race. So protect your Linchpins for all you're worth Supports, if they go down, you're out. Oh, and one last thing, the Linchpins are forbidden from using any techniques, so they have to rely on their Supports for both offence and defence. Any attempt on the Linchpin's part to use any techniques, is instant disqualification."

So basically put, if Alicia is defeated, we lose.

"Now let me introduce you to some of the notable teams," The image changes from the MC, to me, Alicia, and Lilicia-chan, "First off is Team Pandemonium, made up of the two Pandemonium sisters and Alicia-sama's fiancé, Yuichi Shiro-san. The man who became a celebrity in just one visit to the Underworld! He even has his own cheering section in the crowd!" The MC announces.

What, really!?

The image changes from us, to a large group of people, I can just make out the back profile of Kuro-san, the man who trained me, he is waving around a stick similar to a conductor of an orchestra.

"YUICHI! YUICHI! OH! OH! OHHHH-!" The cheerleaders (which are all guys) scream together.

"Why do they have to thrust their pelvises back and forth together in sync with the 'Oh's?" Alicia asks through the headset.

"Apparently this cheer, the 'Yuichi Shout', was inspired by a comment made by Yuichi Shiro-san to change Elizabeth Cerberus-sama's 'Oh ho ho' to 'Oh oh ohhh-'" The MC explains, almost as if he heard Alicia's question.

Oh yeah, I did say that, didn't I?

"YUICHI! OH! YUICHI! OHHH!" The screams become disorientated.

Huh? That's!?

The cheerleaders pelvis thrusts are slightly delayed from left to right, this is!

"A Mexican wave version of the Yuichi Shout!" I scream in shock.

Kuro-san, to come up with, and direct such a complicated move so well, you are truly a frightening individual.

"The next is one of the crowd's favourites, the triplets of Team Thanatos." The image changes to three people who look identical to each other, "These three are the younger siblings of the genius Tri-Capsule Linchpin Carrisa Thanatos-sama. Unfortunately Carrisa-sama is still missing." The MC announces, the truth about Carrisa is still being kept a secret from the general public. Only the three main families and Hades knows the truth about Carrisa and the masked man. "That is one hell of a huge legacy to live up to, Carrisa-sama won every race she participated in. But how will the siblings do in action! I'm looking forward to it."

The three cyan haired triplets who look around the same age as Lilicia-chan, are each wearing determined expressions. Such spirit, I get the feeling they are going to be difficult to deal with.

"And next is Team Cerberus!" The image changes to the profiles of a couple of familiar faces. Wait is that just my imagination? "Made up of Elizabeth Cerberus-sama and her younger brother Reno-sama, as well as her fiancé, Ren Kirei-san!" The MC announces.

"What!? Ren's participating! He never told me this!" I shout at the top of my voice.

"He said he wanted to surprise you." Alicia explains, "He also said he won't go easy on you even if you are his best friend."

"So Ren too wants a piece of me as well? Well most people do." I smile in anticipation.

Bring it on Ren! I harden my resolve. Team Pandemonium will definitely be victorious!

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