《Soul Anomaly》Vol 01 Ch03: The Revival Of Yuichi Shiro


Chapter 03A: The Revival Of Yuichi Shiro - Fun As A Spirit

"Nice view!" I shout my utmost respect at the scenery.

"Would you stop looking up the nurse's skirts already!?" Alicia looks back at me in anger "Hurry up!"

What are you saying? It's not everyday you're a spirit. This is what is known as taking advantage of a bad situation.

"Looking up a girl's skirt, when you can't be seen is a must!" I explain to Alicia, who seems to be lacking this everyday knowledge.

Alicia and I have returned to the living world. I'm currently a spirit, so normal humans can't see me. They are unable to see Alicia also.

"It's the opposite. looking up people's skirts just because you can't be seen is just despicable," Alicia states.

"Don't misunderstand, I still looked up their skirts when I was alive," I reply proudly whilst folding my arms, "Now I don't mean to brag, but there is not a girl in my school year, who's skirt I have not seen under." How is that, impressed? Ha ha ha, worship me inferior being.

"That's not bragging, that's confessing," Alicia replies with a face full of disgust.

Why? Where's the respect? Girls should be pleased that the one and only Yuichi Shiro looked up their skirts.

We continue walking through the hospital as I try to find an answer for my previous dilemma. Outside the Operating room I spot two people I recognise.

Yuna and Sakura are both wearing sorrowful faces. Seeing this is truly painful. Please cheer up both of you.

"Acquaintances?" Alicia asks.

"My sister and a friend," I reply solemnly.

We walk through the door, not opening it, literally just walk through it.

Several doctors and nurses are in the room, busily running around.

Seeing myself sleeping in the bed is, how should I put it.

"My sleeping face is also heavenly beautiful," I state in one hundred percent self admiration, "Alicia, as my apology for before, I officially give you permission to stare at my sleeping face."

How is that? Just one look at me, and all your mental wounds shall heal. Aren't I just the kindest?

"Like I'd do that, punching you in the face might work however!" Alicia coldly refuses.

"Not a chance! My absolute beauty is one of a kind. Destroying or harming it, is a huge unforgivable sin!" I declare.

Damn Reaper, I was trying to make amends, and she throws it back in my face.

"Just hurry up and lie inside your body," Alicia says whilst holding her head.

I quickly do as I'm told.

"AHHH! I'm inside! It feels good!" I scream in ecstasy.

"Knock off the sexual innuendos!" Alicia shouts in anger, "I'm doing this for your sake, so stop playing around."

"Fine, I just wanted to lighten you up," I reply in a rejected voice.

"Okay, I am going to reconnect you to your body," Alicia says whilst a green aura flows out of her right hand, "You'll awaken again soon after."

"Thanks for everything Alicia, it was a pleasure meeting you," I say sincerely.

"And it was a displeasure meeting you, Yuichi Shiro," She coldly responds.

My consciousness starts to fade.

Yuna, Sakura and all the other millions of Yuichi Shiro fans. I'm back, no autographs please.

Chapter 03B: The Revival Of Yuichi Shiro - My Sempai (Perspective: Sakura Kirei)


Two hours have passed since that happened. Since Sempai was hit by a truck. There was no way I could go to school after witnessing that. So I accompanied Yuna and Sempai in the ambulance to the hospital.

I'm sitting outside the O.R. that Sempai is currently in. A nurse said they will do all they can, but we should prepare for the worst.

The hospital staff were not able to get in touch with Yuna and Sempai's parents, so they don't know what has happened.

I called my brother to tell him that I wouldn't be at school. I didn't tell him what happened to Sempai, I just couldn't. Nii-san and Sempai have been best friends for years, I don't know how he would take it.

I once asked Nii-san how he became friends with Sempai in middle school. All he said was they just hit it off.

Yuna is sleeping beside me, until just a few minutes ago she was crying her heart out. I still can't believe it, something like that happening to Sempai.

Yuna told me through her tears that Sempai saw me from across the road and ran across without paying attention. If that's the case, is it my fault this happened?

I suddenly feel a liquid run down my cheek. I had to hold it in, for Yuna's sake. She who witnessed her dear brother being hit by a truck, the brother she always spoke of in such a disappointed tone. I have already reached my limit. I couldn't show my tears to Yuna, but she is asleep now. Knowing this I let everything come out.

Sniff sniff. - The cool liquid cools my cheeks


The Sempai who always attached himself to me in such a straight forward manner. I was always embarrassed by his antics. Yet, despite this, I couldn't bring myself to hate him for it.

Everyone else who tried to approach me, did so in such a round about way.

Because I can't understand people very well, he was a breath of fresh air. He always spoke his mind. He always did exactly what he wanted without reservation. I couldn't help but admire him for that.

No! Why am I speaking of Sempai like he is the past? Sempai is not gone, not yet he isn't. I won't lose hope, not until it's over. Even though I encourage myself with these thoughts. My tears, don't stop. Will they ever stop? Every second feels like an eternity.

I walk down the corridor to get a coffee to calm myself down. I suddenly hear shouts coming from the O.R. that Sempai is in.

"How could this be!"

My tears increase and my legs freeze from these words. No! What happened to Sempai? It can't be...

"It's a miracle!" More words escape the O.R.

Hearing these words, my hope is renewed a thousand fold. A nurse comes out of the O.R. She looks at me.

"He has pulled through," She says with a smile.

Those four words are all it takes. My legs give out and I find myself kneeling on the floor. The nurse approaches me and gently pats my shoulder, before she walks over to Yuna, who is still asleep.

Tears continue to flow out of my eyes, words can't describe my relief. Yuna, having just heard the news is in a similar state to myself. I get to my feet and sit myself beside Yuna and embrace her tightly.


"Sakura...Onii-chan...he's...alive!" Yuna cries, her tears distort her voice.

"Yeah," One word is all I can muster.

"But it's strange," The nurse says whilst Yuna and I are shedding tears of joy, we both quickly turn to look at her.

"What...is?" Yuna asks in a worried manner.

"The injuries he suffered were fatal when he was brought in. Yet now, it's like it never even happened," The nurse answers in wonder.

"What do you mean?" I ask whilst still holding Yuna.

"I'm saying his injuries are completely healed. Something that should have been impossible happened. It's beyond lucky, we can only call it a miracle," The nurse's voice was calm, but I can tell she is shaken by it.

"Sempai, is fully healed?" I ask rhetorically.

That can't be. I saw him get hit by the truck, we both did.

However, right now, I don't care about that. The reason doesn't matter. The happiness because of Sempai's survival is much greater than the question of how he did.

"Can...I...see..hi...m?" Yuna asks the nurse in a quiet and broken voice. She's still shaken up pretty badly.

The nurse gives an angelic smile. "Of course, go ahead," She says with a nod.

We enter the room with the nurse. There are several doctors and nurses looking at Sempai in astonishment.

"Yo, Yuna, Sakura," Sempai calls to us casually whilst waving his hand with a smile on his face. We silently walk to Sempai's bedside.




That looked painful.

Yuna slapped Sempai with all her might as her tears flow uncontrollably. That one slap most likely held all her mixed emotions within it.

Sempai, after seeing Yuna's state, looks at us with an apologetic smile. "Sorry," He says as he places a hand on each of our heads.

My tears, I've given up trying to make them stop.

Welcome back, Sempai.

Chapter 03C: The Revival Of Yuichi Shiro - For Our Family's Honour (Perspective: Alicia)

Having taken Yuichi Shiro back to the living world and returning to my family's mansion. I'm now sitting at a long table eating dinner. My father is sat at the opposite end.

I had reported what happened today. How I was defeated and humiliated by Yuichi Shiro's challenge of strip rock-paper-scissors. For me to lose in such a game, the blow to my family's honour would be huge.

The result of that match has yet to be announced publicly. I came home to report to Father hoping he had a way to keep it under control. I was expecting to be harshly punished by Father for causing such a situation in the first place - Yet.

"HA HA HA! To come up with such a method. I sure wish to meet this Yuichi Shiro-kun," My father laughs vigorously.

"Father, do you not understand the gravity of this situation!?" I shout whilst banging my hands on the table.

"Calm down, Alicia. Some man would eventually see you naked sooner or later, don't let it bother you," Father says whilst gesturing with his hand for me to sit back down.

"Father, whilst that does indeed annoy me, that's not what I'm referring to!"

Father takes my outburst with a smile on his face. "Rest assured, I've already come up with a counter measure for our family's honour." He says reassuringly.

"Really?" I'm shocked, as expected of my father. Finding a solution to what would be a grave problem.

"Yes, this is what you must do..."

After hearing my father's words, I truly fell into despair.

"I...I understand, Father," I reply in a dejected voice

I'm not in a position to oppose him, it's my own fault.

Omake 1: Yuichi Shiro's Nightmare

"Huh? Where am I?" I ask myself.

I remember Alicia was reconnecting my soul to my body. Next thing I know, I'm in this weird place.

Is this even Earth? Everything is distorted. Where the hell am I!?

"HAHAHA!" A loud laugh comes from behind me.

Standing there, is a teenage boy who is looking at me menacingly.

"You think you can defeat me, the Demon King!? Pitiful mortal!" The teenager screams.

Okay, what the hell is going on?

"It's time to DUEL!" Shouts the self proclaimed Demon King.

Suddenly, a stadium appears, two huge podiums stand opposite sides to each other.

"Huh, what the hell!?" I shout in confusion.

I somehow teleported onto one of the podiums without even noticing.

"Get your game on, hero!" The Demon King challenges.

Huh, these cards? Am I suppose to use them?

"Hero, these cards were created for you based on your personality. Use them and defeat the Demon King and save our world," A girl's voice enters my head, but it quickly leaves again.

"I don't really get it, but what the hell!" I psych myself up.

"It's my turn," declares the Demon King, "And I summon Constipated Camel, in attack mode!"

WHAT THE!? A huge disgusting camel suddenly appears between the two podiums, it looks vile. Get out of my sight, just looking at you burns my eyes!

"Oh, whatever, my turn! And I summon myself, Yuichi Shiro, attack that monstrosity," I shout to my clone on the board.

"Heck no," My clone refuses, "My beauty will be lowered if I touch that thing!"

Damn it, am I really like this!? Well yeah, I guess I am.

"This move will end you hero!" The Demon King declares loudly, "It's my turn! And I summon the Blue Eyes White..."

"No! It can't be! You possess the legendary!?" I am truly scared. If he does, there's no way I can win.

"BEHOLD! The legendary Blue Eyes White Donkey!" The Demon King screams.

That thing is even more vile than the Camel!

"Blue Eyes White Donkey! Attack his monster now!"

"No! I'm too beautiful to die!" Shouts my monster card counterpart as it vanishes with a stream of light.

"Constipated Camel! Attack the hero directly, with Slimy Spit Barrage!"

"AHHHHHHHHH!" I wake up in a cold sweat.

The hospital room? So it was just a dream?

Thank god, there is nothing scarier than a camel intending on defiling my beautiful body.

"You're awake, Yuichi-kun," A doctor approaches me, "It's a miracle you survived after being hit by that truck."

Good, I'm back in the real world.

This is how my worst nightmare ended. There is nothing more dangerous to my beauty than camel spit.

And now, the legacy of the beautiful Yuichi Shiro can recommence.

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