《Soul Anomaly》Vol 01 Ch04: To School I Go


Chapter 04: To School I Go

I was released from the hospital last night.

I'm just about to head to school. My second year debut was ruined by that truck hitting me. However, I have fully recovered within a day of it happening, I guess this is due to me beating Alicia.

Oh, not good. The image of Alicia in her birthday suit is making me excited. Calm down, Yuichi, calm down. I will soon be doing more than just seeing.

"Ha ha ha," I can't contain my laughter. All the girls at school must have been in serious pain yesterday. Don't worry my little kittens, Yuichi Shiro is back and here to stay.

"Okay, I'm off everyone, I'll see you tonight. Unless I score, then tomorrow morning," I shout out to my family members.

"AH! Wait Onii-chan, I'm going too," Yuna calls whilst running back and forth gathering her school things, seeing this I can only smile.

"No need to rush, Yuna. If you want to walk to school with your wonderful Onii-chan then I don't mind waiting a bit."

"Get over yourself, stupid brother!"

Ouch! Those words hurt me more than that truck ever could.

"Yuna," Mum calls, "Keep an eye on Yuichi, make sure you hold his hand whilst crossing the road."

"How old do you think I am, damn it!? I ain't a kid," show the respect that the wonderful me deserves.

"Be quiet, Yuichi. I'm talking about you, not to you!"

Mum, you are so full of arrogance. Yuna, make sure not to grow up like her.

"Did you just think something rude, stupid son!?" Mum glares at me so strongly I could turn to stone.

"No way would I do that," I put on my best smile possible, trying not to give into fear.

"Don't worry, Mum. I won't hold his hand. But I will keep a very close eye on him," Yuna and Mum reach an agreement.

I feel a sensation of self loathing. I get the feeling I have lost my family's respect. Come on, I was only hit by a truck once, just bad luck that time. It's not going to happen a second time, jeez.

"Okay, we're off," Yuna shouts enthusiastically.

"HAAAAAAAH~~!" After the front door closes I heave a sigh so long and loud it belongs in the Guinness book of records.

"Good morning, Yuna, Sempai," A cute voice calls out to us.

"You already look exhausted Yuichi, what's up?" Asks a voice that I know only too well.

"A very good morning to you too, Sakura, Ren-sempai," Yuna returns the greeting politely. What a great sister, you take after me so much.

"NO, I DON'T!" Yuna retorts, I'm seriously starting to wonder if she can read peoples' minds.

"Morning Ren, morning Sakura," I try to greet them enthusiastically, but my voice tone instantly betrays me.

Yes, Sakura and her older brother, Ren, who is also my best friend and comrade. Ren, like me, although not too the same level, is also a good looking guy. He has spiky brown hair, blue eyes and a slightly taller than average stature. Ren is the type of guy who fits the appearance of shounen manga arch type. Although, I seriously don't understand why he's always carrying two sets of headphones, one is covering his ears, the other is resting around his neck.

"Wha...What's wrong, Sempai? Are you still not feeling good from yesterday?" Sakura asks looking worried.

I shake my head and smile at her.


"No Sakura, this is more a mental issue than a physical one. My family has demoted me from eldest son to toddler," I explain.

"Onii-chan, we need to go or we'll be late," Upon Yuna's urging, I gather every ounce of will power still in my body.

"Okay, let's go," I declare.

The four of us walk side by side towards school. I'm still feeling a little depressed, but better than I was. I guess it was my own fault for jumping into a truck, but still.

"Say Yuichi, were there any beautiful nurses at the hospital?" Ren asks with a lecherous smile on his face.

"Nii-san," Sakura looks at her brother with anger in her eyes. Oi, Oi Ren. As the older brother you shouldn't anger your cute little sister. You have so much more to learn.

"There was this one with blonde hair and huge breasts, I would totally have liked to have done her if I could have," I answer.

"Onii-chan!" Yuna glares at me with murderous intent in her eyes.

SCARY! My apologies for my hypocrisy, Ren.

Is it just my imagination? Sakura also looks like she is on the verge of tears. Cheer up my dear, Ren is a teenage boy as well. It's only natural for him to take an interest in women.

"Onii-chan, remember you are walking with two ladies. Show some delicacy," Yuna reminds me.

"You're right, how thoughtless of me. Sakura, my apologies for showing no restraint just now," I apologise with a gentlemanly-like voice.

Sakura rubs her eyes and nods, accepting my apology.

"What about me, Onii-chan?" Yuna asks.

"What about you?" I look at my sister questioningly, "OWWW!"

Damn it, Yuna! Don't stamp on my foot like that. I do feel pain, you know. Man, has Yuna entered her rebellious age? Don't grow up to be sadistic, my dear sister.

"Yuichi, you know. You really are stupid." Ren declares frankly.

"What was that, Ren!? You of all people should know the wonderful-beautiful-genius that is Yuichi Shiro," I retort.

"A genius who managed to think that a 'cock fight' was a sex related activity," Yuna rebukes my statement coldly.

"HOW THE HELL WAS I TO KNOW THE COCK WAS REFERING TO A CHICKEN!" I shout out at the top of my lungs. Jeez! When are you going to let that one mistake go!?

"Leaving your looks aside for the moment. Do you mind if I give you a quick test to prove your genius?" Ren challenges.

"Bring it on, Ren!"

No matter what the challenge, I will accept it. I am someone who defeated a Reaper to win back my life. Don't underestimate me.

"It's very simple, Yuichi: Recite the alphabet."

That's it? At least give me a challenge, Ren.

"A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, J, I, K, L, N, M, O, P, R, S, T, U, W, V, X, Y, Z" I recite out loud

Ren stares at me in amazement. How about that!? Yuna and Sakura also look astounded.

"Okay, Yuichi. You have proven your genius. I, Ren Kirei, fully acknowledge your intellect."

As expected of my best friend, he understands my greatness by just having me recite the alphabet. I could almost cry due to the great company I keep with me.

"Umm," Sakura mutters while pulling on my sleeve.

"Huh, what's wrong Sakura?" I ask.

Sakura averts her gaze from me. No need to be shocked by my greatness, I will always be Yuichi Shiro, no matter how great I become.


"Sempai, don't feel bad. I will...always be with you," Sakura says with a slightly flushed face.

"Um, okay. Thanks Sakura, I will always be near you too," I reply.

Sakura's face reddens even more.

Hmm, what was that all about? Girls can sometimes be such mysterious creatures. Sakura more so than most. Ren, you have my utmost sympathy. Even the genius, that is me, cannot work Sakura out. You must always have a constant headache when you try to solve that mystery.

"He even missed out 'Q'," Yuna whispers something to herself, but I can't make it out.

"Sorry, I couldn't hear you. Did you say something, Yuna?" I ask out of curiosity.

"Nothing," Yuna responds whilst turning her face that looks a bit miffed, This one is also hard to figure out.

As we continue to walk. I suddenly spot someone leaning against a nearby wall, looking at us. Wait, isn't that?

"Hey, Yuichi. That girl is seriously cute, isn't she?" Ren asks.

"Uh, yeah," I give a half hearted reply.

She truly is cute, yes. The girl upon noticing our gaze begins walking towards us. When I say 'us', I'm guessing it's closer to say 'me'.

"Yuichi Shiro," The girl standing in front of me is dressed in our school's uniform.

"Alicia?" Yes. No matter how I look at the girl in front of me, she can only be the Reaper I defeated before. What is she doing here?

"Y-you know her, Sempai?" Sakura stutters whilst her face is in a pre-tear like state. What's wrong, Sakura?

"A bit," I reply before turning back to Alicia, "Alicia, what are you doing here anyway?"

"I'm here because..." Alicia begins whilst looking down at the floor. She is wearing an expression that looks full of frustration. Why can't you tell me? Is it a secret?

Alicia then looks up after a few moments and stares straight into my eyes.

"I'm here because, I AM TO BE YOUR BRIDE!" Alicia shouts the last words, she must be really embarrassed, her face is the same colour as a tomato.

"EH~~~" Everyone exclaims together.

Wait, I have to marry Alicia? The girl I'm meeting for only the second time in my life. Being suddenly told that I have to marry someone I barely know. My thoughts on this, anyone can guess. There is only one answer I can give to this statement. The answer is obvious. I am sure that anyone in my current position would say exactly what I'm about to.

"Right, Yuna call up every member of our family and tell them the good news. Sakura, please arrange a date by getting in contact with the nearby church, make sure to get a price quote. Ren, you are in charge of the stag night. My only request is that there must be a stripper. NO- strippers!"

Yes, the obvious reaction. A one hundred percent enthusiastic acceptance. I'm only in high school and I've already got myself a wife. I truly am a sinfully-brilliant example of a man.



Yuna looks angry and Sakura upset. How many times is that today? Alicia looks at me in disbelief and shock. Why? I gave the obvious answer, why is she so surprised?

"Can I be the best man, Yuichi?" Ren asks me.

"Of course! Who else is better suited for that role than you, my best friend," I answer.

"Congratulations, Yuichi," Ren says with a smile whilst moving his hand up high.

Pacha! - We give each other a high five. You should hurry up and find yourself a girl too, Ren. As my best friend, you must obtain true happiness as well.

"Um, Yuichi Shiro," Alicia calls.

"Please, just call me Yuichi, Honey~~" I reply back with my gorgeous smile.

"Then, Yuichi. Are you seriously okay with it?" She asks.

"I have no problem with it," I reply happily.

Alicia is looking at me. Her shock gradually increasing at a constant rate. What's wrong, having second thoughts?

"We barely know each other."

"That's no problem for me."

"We don't love each other,"

"That's no problem for me," I declare, "My theory is sex before marriage, love after."

Now everyone is looking at me in shock. Well, geniuses are never understood by common folk. But don't worry, I won't shun you for your shortcomings.

"My interest only lies in girls," Alicia confesses.

"THAT'S FABULOUS!" I cannot contain my voice from hearing Alicia's last comment. Both your rating and value in my book just keeps increasing. I've got myself one wonderful fiancé.

"My dream of having a threesome is within my grasp. Alicia, I shall support you every way I humanly can. But first, take this."

I hand Alicia a sheet of paper. Written on it, is a list of girls I would like to have in a threesome. All of them attend our school.

Alicia looks down at the floor again. The confession of being a lesbian must have been a heavy burden on her. Don't worry, Alicia. You and I will be able to experience a world that I thought would occur only in my wildest dreams. Thanks to you, and your sexual preferences, that is no longer the case. You have my eternal gratitude.

"I give up on trying to talk you out of it. Your talent is on a whole other level," Alicia declares. It appears that it's not only Ren who recognises my greatness, thanks for the compliment. However, I cannot let Alicia drag herself down, immediate action is required.

"Don't sell yourself short, you're a very beautiful girl, Alicia. Although I'm a stallion among stallions, you don't have to feel inferior," I speak out my most kindest words to the crestfallen Alicia.

"Um, Yuichi," My best friend beckons whilst patting me on the shoulder.

"What is it, Ren?" I ask.

"I think the two of you are talking about two separate matters," He replies.

"Onii-chan!" Yuna glares at me angrily.

Sorry Yuna, I didn't mean to ignore you whilst I was in my own blissful world.

"I'm going to ask again, this time answer me. Who is this girl? And what is your relationship with her?"

"Yes, Sempai! I too want to know! Just who is she!?" Sakura chimes in, for some reason on odd occasions she can be really assertive.

"Sorry, I'll introduce you. Everyone, this is Alicia. Alicia, this is Ren Kirei, my best friend."

"Nice to meet you, Alicia-san," Ren gives a quick greeting.

"Yes, same here," Alicia replies whilst still looking glum.

"This is Sakura Kirei. Ren's little sister, and rank number two in the girl you want to call you 'Onii-chan' competition."

"Nice...to...meet...you," Sakura greets Alicia with a face full of contrasting emotions. The ones I can make out: shyness, determination, and is that hostility and jealousy, I see? No, must be my imagination.

"Um, yes. Please be kind to me, Sakura." Such a graceful greeting. Alicia, you can call yourself my wife with pride.

"And last but not least, this is my little sister, Yuna Shiro."

"Nice to meet you, Alicia-san, and my condolences."

"As his younger sister, you too must have it tough."

"You can say that again."

It looks like Yuna and Alicia hit it off well. I guess those who can relate to each other can become fast friends. But I have no idea what they're talking about, probably something only girls would understand.

"Okay Onii-chan, introductions over. Answer me my last question. What is your relationship?" Yuna questions once again.

"We're engaged. That should explain it all," I reply, Yuna looks at me like she wants to kill me. Why? I answered your question.

"Although, against my wishes," Alicia adds.

"Huh, what Alicia?" I ask in worry.

"It was my father that told me to do this, to keep my family's prestige," Alicia explains.

"Prestige?" I question.

Say what? Why does she need to marry me for her family's prestige?

"I told you before, that I'm from a prestigious family, right?"

"True, I remember you saying that."

"I also said I needed to keep a perfect record, didn't I?"

"Yes, I remember that as well."

Okay, I think I can see where this is going.

"And who was it that broke my perfect record? Plus the despicable method you chose makes it all the more humiliating. My humiliation, becomes my family's humiliation. So my father found a loop hole. A loop hole that will prevent it from spreading to my family."

"And that method, is for the two of us to get married, right?"

"That's right, there is no humiliation in a person of the Pandemonium family losing. If the person they lost to, is also part of the Pandemonium family."

Pandemonium, I guess that's her family name. So by having me marry into her family. It changes from her losing to Yuichi Shiro, a regular (yet beautiful) human. To losing to Yuichi Pandemonium, a member of the same household. Something like that I guess.

"Onii-chan, what is this about you humiliating Alicia-san!?"

"Sempai! Please give me an explanation!"

Wow! These two are at boiling point. All the bystanders are staring at us. Damn, don't draw so much negative attention to me will you.

"Yuichi, I'm truly jealous of you right now," Ren states whilst looking at me with a smile on his face.

"Jealous? Of this? Are you a masochist Ren?" I ask my friend.

"Yuichi, you truly are stupi... a genius," I appreciate the compliments, Ren. But even a genius sometimes requires assistance. So rather than praise me on the obvious, do you mind holding these two back before I'm killed.

"I'm going on ahead, Yuichi. We're classmates this year again, so I'll see you there!" Ren shouts as he runs towards the school as fast as his legs can carry him.


"Tell me everything, Onii-chan. I'm all ears," Yuna is about to explode.

"Sempai..." Sakura says reservedly, but her eyes are serious.

Damn, I need another truck to drive past. I'm sure the Underworld is a lot less scarier than these two joining forces against me.

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