《Legend Land: Tale of the Nameless God》Chapter 8.3: Tight Spaces


"Who's this little tyke?" Baerus asks, moving forward to ruffle Ghelly's hair.

"I wouldn't call me 'little', dwarf," Ghelly retorts. Baerus takes a step back. The weapon smith chortles, retracting his hand.

"Fair enough. So, why'd you bring a brat?" Ghelly bristles; I should step in now.

"He needs a weapon. A good one," I hand Baerus some gold from my pouch, and all the money Ghelly took from the dead couple. "Fix him up, eh?" Baerus' eyes shine, reflecting the gold.

"Anything for a well-paying customer," He says with a wink. The shop's doorbell tinkles while Baerus pulls out his box.

"Oh good, you've already got the box out. That'll make this easier," I turn at the sound of the voice.

"Akath," Baerus says brightly, reaching for a mace on his countertop. "I didn't know you'd stop by."

"Where's my money, dwarf?" Akath steps further into the shop, amber eyes examining me before moving on. His dark snake tattoos stick out on his terra-cotta brown skin, moving with every step he takes further into the shop.

"Why does everyone call me a dwarf? I've never even met one," Baerus grumbles.

"I'm done playing games!" Akath shouts. The snakes on his head pop with his veins, his arms trembling from gripping the counter so hard. This isn't going to end well.

"Take it easy, Akath," I say. He's between me and Ghelly, who's trying to shrink into the shelves.

"Do I know you?" He snaps. Ouch.

"My name's Namonai. Listen," I hold my hands up, keeping my eyes on Akath. "There are kids here. Let's just calm down." Akath takes notice of Ghelly for the first time, eyes drifting to the pouch of gold in his hand.


"We can start collecting what you owe me with this," He says, reaching for Ghelly, who promptly bites his finger. "Shit! You little—" Preemptive strike it is. I slice the snake in half as it peels off his skin, turning from tattoo to serpent in the blink of an eye. I plant my boot on Akath's chest, sending him flying across the shop.

"Let's not be hasty here," I say, keeping the chain of my kusarigama still. I don't want to damage Baerus' shop. He'd take it out of my next purchase. Akath hurls a snake at me, using several as whips. Fangs and scales surround me as I scamper around the shop, slicing and dodging. The floor is covered in hissing serpents that snap like mouse traps. Each one I slice ends up back on his skin, reappearing a moment later. The shop bell tinkles again; Akath is quick to react.

"Leave!" Akath shouts, sending a snake flying toward the door; it becomes ash before it hits the floor.

"Akath, I'm disappointed." The snakes disappear and Akath gulps. I know that voice...

"Mr. Khalil I—"

"Namonai, is that you?" I slowly turn. A rotund man stands in the doorway wearing a large fur coat. His desert sand skin is flushed underneath his large trapper hat. He grips a cane in both hands, gloves creaking as he squeezes and releases. He's wearing more layers of clothes than most people even own.

"Khalil," I say cautiously with a respectful nod.

"Long time no see, my friend," He says with a gleaming smile, stepping into the shop. "Now, Akath—"

"I didn't mean nothin' by it Mr. Khalil!" Akath pleads. He doesn't look like he knows where he should put his hands.

"Did you just interrupt me, young man?" Khalil asks, his voice deathly quiet.


"No, Mr. Khalil." Akath assures.

"So, you're calling me a liar, then?"

"I-well, I...please, sir?" Akath's lower lip trembles. Khalil steps closer, smiling the whole while.

"Did you know I knew Namonai here? We were great friends once. Then one day," He turns to me, shaking his head. "He did something very bad. Similar to what you just did, Akath. So," He takes off one of his gloves, gripping his jeweled cane tighter. "I burned him. However, his face was already covered in burns, so I had to put one on his neck. People won't look at your neck though, Akath. No," He takes a step toward the trembling thug. "They'll look at your arm." His hand bursts into flame and he lunges forward, grabbing Akath on the bicep. He screams, the smell of burning flesh filling the office. I wince, backing away from the open flames. That's a pain I've experienced firsthand all too well.

Khalil releases him, pointing his cane to the door. Akath exits the shop with haste. "So sorry for the inconvenience, Baerus." Khalil says with a smile, slipping his glove back on.

"No problem, Mr. Khalil!" Baerus says, dropping his mace. "Is there anything I can get you, sir?"

"Just a conversation with Namonai here," He replies, clapping one hand on my shoulder. My knees nearly give out under the weight. He smiles, pulling me close to his bulk. "Let's talk outside."

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