《Ascension of Shura》B class quest (1)


“Yes, Why don’t you tell me about this request of yours in detail.”

“B rank quest during this early game. If any one knew about this there would be a blood bath.”

“You see kiddo, prince Raphael of the Ming empire is having his coronation in a two weeks. Our town also need to send a congratulation gift to his highness. We have decided to craft a hidden dagger as a gift using the white wolf fang as a base. At first we posted a quest for you adventures to get the quest materials in exchange for a plot of land from the town. A group accepted it but they dropped it mid way. So kiddo, can you help us this time?”

“Oh that’s what those guys were trying to do. Nice timing!”

“Sure I’ll accept your request. So what other things I need to collect?”

“There are few things. A piece of skin from the guardian turtle in the southern forest, some sap from an elder Ent and a piece of crystal hearts from a fire golem.”

“I’ll give you a map with their general locations marked in it. Bring all those materials within next two days, got it.”

“Yeah old man, I’ll do it.” after bidding farewell to Tom, he logged off for the day.

After logging out he sat on his new bed in a lotus position and meditated. Emptying his mind he concentrated on the feeling he had when he mutated his skill. Suddenly temperature starts to drop down around him and a thin sheet of ice started to spread on the bed sheet.

“Haaa…” He gently exhaled existing from his meditative trance.

“What’s going on in the Asgurd. Echoes of the concept of frost in the game were real. Though that skill Ice barrage was really inefficient. It only use a trace amount of concept energy and create ice with just brute force.”

“I haven’t heard any thing like this from others. Well what ever, so far there’s nothing disadvantageous happened to me.”

Next day school has just ended and while he was walking towards his car which came to pick him up, his instincts suddenly screamed and he lifted his palm in front of his face creating a whirlpool of Qi embedded with the concept of wind.


A shock wave erupted from the palm as something collided with the Qi and two things went past his head either side nearly touching his years. Guards surrounding him were blasted away due to the sonic boom created by those objects and shock wave produced after they collided with the floor and his palm.

As soon as the shock wave ended, a figure appeared beside him covering him within his aura protectively.

“Young master are you all right?” Lin Yei asked.

“Hmm.., I’m a little dizzy for now.” He opened his bloodied palm to show a bullet covered with a fluctuating aura.

“Lets get on the car and move to the Lin mansion.”

“This aura, at least a gold core cultivator. For now let’s first take the young master to safety first.”

“What!, Some one dared to assault little Shen in broad day light. How is he now?”

“He’s surprisingly OK despite the ordeal. Luckily he had mastered the wind concept it seems.”

“Seriously that brat is a down right monster. He has already mastered 2 concepts already.”

“Investigate this thoroughly. Capture the culprit no matter the cost. It seems some people have forgotten our Lin familie’s power. We will show them why we are called one of the four pillars of the world.”

“Yes sir!!”

“It seems I can’t go to school these days for security reasons. Might as well finish that B class quest”

After logging on, he looked at the the map he was given.

“It seems all three items can be obtained in the southern forest. Let’s go there.”

“Aha before that little Rin said that she has set up her guild already. Let’s see…”

Guild rankings

Rin’s fortress (China) vrata ada (Russia) Thousand suns (America) Lin (China)

“Pfft.. Ha ha haaa… That’s our little Rin all right. After doing this quest I’ll join her guild, though grandpa will chew me out for not joining our family guild.”

After moving for a while he arrived at the first location marked at the map. The guardian turtle.

Guardian turtle (******)

Level : 6

Strength : 170

Agility: 1

Intelligence : 9

HP : 8500 (170/minute)

MP : 90 (9/minute)

Attack : 170

Defence : 100

Movement : 1

Skill 1 : Water Blast (G) - (Damage : Atk*180%)(Cool down : 15s)(MP : 5)


Skill 2 : Iron Shell (F) - (Defence : +50)(Cool down : 25s)(MP : 10)(Duration : 20s)

Skill 3 : Turtle guard (F) - (Movement : 5%)(Defence : +100)(Toggle cool down : 50s)

“This guy was the first monster I met ha. At that time I could only run away.”

Lin Shen walked towards the huge turtle confidently. It looked at this human and opened it’s mouth to fire a water blast. Then suddenly Lin shen appeared in front of the turtle. With his movement of 25 against this turtle’s agility of 1, it didn’t even see when it was attacked with enough force to burst it in to pieces.

HP : 1980/2550

“I levelled up again.”

After killing it he picked up a piece of green leather which remained behind as a loot.

Current Quests

A gift to the prince

A piece of skin from the guardian turtle - 1/1 Sap from an elder Ent - 0/1 Piece of crystal hearts from a fire golem - 0/1

“Next one is the elder Ent.” After recovering his health he went to the next destination. After reaching the the destination he saw nothing out of ordinary. It was just another ordinary section of forest. Suddenly some thing pricked at his feet. Then his HP started to drop at an alarming rate.

“-100 HP”

“-100 HP”

“-100 HP”

Without any other choice he slammed his hand downwards with all of his strength destroying the entire section of forest. There he saw a small plant with vines covering it to protect it from the shock wave.

Elder Ent (**)

Level : 56

Strength : 9

Agility: 550

Intelligence : 1

HP : 450 (9/minute)

MP : 10 (1/minute)

Attack : 550

Defence : 10

Movement : 550

Skill 1 : Vine birth (H) - (Can produce a poisonous vine once a year. It can control these vines. Each vine gain one tenth of the original’s status.)(Current vines : 200)

Skill 2 : Poison converge (H) - (Can concentrate poison in all the vines into one attack with stacked effect)

He instantly arrived in front of the vine and crushed it with a single swing.

“-100 HP”

“-100 HP”

“Che… It seams I need to take an antidote.”

“Player died due to poisoning. Reviving after 60 seconds. 59, 58,….”

“Aha.. I was careless. Well now there’s only one quest item is remaining. Let’s finish this.”

After reaching the place marked as the fire golem’s area, he saw a large lava pool in the middle of the forest. Entire area near the pool is barren devoid of any life. From afar he saw few fire golems moving around aimlessly.

Fire Golem (*)

Level : 48

Strength : 200

Agility: 10

Intelligence : 30

HP : 10000 (200/minute)

MP : 10 (1/minute)

Attack : 200

Defence : 500

Movement : 10

Skill 1 : Flame aura (H) - (+5 fire damage per second)(Range : 50 m)

He waved his hand sending an Ice barrage towards the group of golems. Two of the hit the target while others avoided those projectiles. He then ran towards the lava pool to collect one of the nearest golems crystal heart, which dropped as the loot.

“-1000 HP”

“-1000 HP”

Just as he collected the crystal heart,

“Player died due to burning. Reviving after 60 seconds. 59, 58,….”

“I’m really lucky I am still in the beginner town or else all these dying would have created a huge penalty for me. It’s good that I’m still low leveled. The Experiance I just got recovered my lost level”

“Any how I collected all the quest materials now. I just need to return them to that old man.”

After reviving he directly went towards the leather shop.

“Old man, I brought all the things you asked me to bring.”

“Oh! You collected them faster than I expected. Now I have treated this fang to remove it’s impurities. Now take this fang to the inscriptionist association and give it to lord Daile. Say to him that I’ll be making the sheath.”

“All right.”

Current Quests

A gift to the prince

Material for the sheath (complete) A piece of skin from the guardian turtle Sap from an elder Ent piece of crystal hearts from a fire golem Forging the blade Bring the fang to lord Daile

“It seams this will be a one long quest. Let’s meet that Daile guy.”

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