《CY》Entry no. 21


Oculus Mountain is in the south, it will take me a day to go there on foot. I can't ride a horse to get to the mountain because of the rough terrain, there were deep canyons that I'll have to cross to get there. I bought food rations before going on my journey, I'll have to hurry and find a good spot because I heard that the Army of Asgard is going to attack Oculus mountain in two days. My plan is to have the two armies battle it out while I sneak in and assassinate the general

'Lilith, set objectives'

'Acknowledged, Objectives are as follows

1: get to Oculus mountain undetected before the battle between the Army of Asgard and the demons

2: Infiltrate the enemy base and assassinate their general

3: Escape with the head of the said target


I started following the route that Lilith made from copying the map that was available in the shops of Asgard, I followed the map on my screen until I finally saw the Oculus mountain. Oculus mountain was devoid of any trees and was only made up of dirt and land while the land around it was barren and desolate, you can't see even a single bush. It will be hard getting close to the mountain without getting detected by enemy scouts and sentries

'Lilith, scan for any barriers' After our mistake on the guild barrier, Lilith and I started studying about barriers. Now Lilith is knowledgeable when it comes to barriers.

The barriers, in a nutshell, are only used to create an invisible force field around a certain area for protection from outsiders and their attacks. Barriers could also be used to detect enemies that enter the area where it was cast, this was the case with our guilds barrier. Barriers were very rare and only the top guilds could afford the materials needed to create it.

'Scanning complete, No barriers detected... there is one however,

it is covering the entire mountain'


Now that I know there was no barrier around, I quickly removed the clothes that I wore and placed them inside my bag before burying it on the ground. I used stealth mode and became invisible, I went on my journey towards Oculus mountain. It took me an hours walk until I finally made it to the foot of the mountain, I saw a castle on the side of the mountain so I reckon that's where the enemy general is

'Study the barrier' I requested Lilith

'Scanning complete, this barrier will not be able to detect DK in stealth mode'


Barriers were composed of mana that covers the entire circumference of the barrier so, in other words, it's some kind of a radar. DK's stealth mode not only allows me to turn invisible, it also wraps me around with electrical energy that allows me to go undetected on any detecting instrument that utilizes energy


I entered the barrier without any problem and it looks like I wasn't detected so I proceeded to hike the mountain until I was finally in front of the castle, it was like looking at a fairy tale castle except this one had a dark and gloomy atmosphere surrounding it. There were several demons on top of the walls, these demons look like humans except they had horns protruding from their heads.

The castle gate opened and an army came marching out of it, the soldiers that came out almost reached 200... isn't their number a bit too low, I entered the castle after the last soldier left. I managed to sneak into the castle by nimbly climbing up the closest window, they never had any railings or glass on their windows so I easily entered without making a noise. I traversed the wide and spacious halls while Lilith mapped the places I went through, I got lost a couple of times and was frustrated but after a couple more tries I finally arrived in front of a large door where two demons stood guard. They never noticed me get in between them so I easily beheaded one before shooting the other on the head.

My invisible mode was deactivated the moment I attacked and I was only left with 73% of DK's energy, I never bothered to reactivate again because it will be weird if the door opens and no one came in. I opened the door and saw a woman, patiently sitting on her throne. Her color was green, had a long nose, and wore a pointy hat coupled with a long black robe, a witch

"I thought I smelled the scent of death, so human, have you come to kill me?" She looked down on me

"Obviously" I replied as I readied my stance against her

This witch's name is Margaret, she was once a human but the people from their village framed his husband for stealing their elder's gold and was hanged. This caused her to sell her soul to a demon so that she could avenge her dead husband, that village was now turned into a swamp where the bones of dead animals and humans float. After selling her soul and getting revenge, the demon possessed her body. Margaret was no more, the demon went on a killing spree while it possessed Margaret. According to the info I've gathered, Margaret attacks by riding her flying broom and throws potions that she brewed at you, these potions have different properties, I managed to list all of them:







These were all but I can never be too sure, maybe she still had some that she was hiding so I have to be vigilant towards her


"Well then Human, why don't we get this show on the road!" Margaret raised her arm and the broom from the corner of the room flew towards her

I aimed my pistol at her but she sensed danger from the small gun and managed to dodge to the side before jumping on to the broom and escaping to the sky, the room we were in had quite a lot of space and had four pillars that formed a perfect square if you connect them.

"What a dangerous looking wand, give it to me so I will spare your life" Margaret was intrigued by my gun and demanded

"Fuck off" I moved to the side to evade the potion she threw

"Then I'll take it from your corpse!" She laughed as she brought out a couple of potions before throwing them at me

I used the pillar as some kind of defense against her potions but I started noticing that the liquid stuck on the pillar started melting it so I quickly moved on to the other as I kept shooting at her, I still had 7 shots more.

'Lilith, predict her flight path along with the potions that she will throw' I requested

'She flies in a certain manner before she drops a potion she descends a bit before throwing the potion and flying back up again, use that chance' Lilith shared the info


'Leave the potions to me!'

I ran out and shot 4 more shots before doing a front roll and sending a [Crescnet Slah] at her, it was one of the abilities that came with Azazel. Azazel sends out a crescent wave of concentrated energy, it will only go in a straight line so I have to aim it properly. She managed to dodge it and laugh before doing a nose dive with a potion in hand, she threw two potions and Lilith predicted their trajectory so I shot them down, the splash from the potions were also predicted by Lilith so I charged forwards while nimbly evading the liquid. I jumped just as Margaret was about to fly back up and swung down Azazel, she managed to jump off in time and evaded my strike but her broom was cut in half

"Are you a human?!" she was a bit shocked and angry

"I think so" I ran towards her while brandishing Azazel

She rummaged through her satchel and threw out two small pieces of stone that quickly turned into 10 foot stone golems, I aimed my pistol at her but the stone golem managed to throw a stone that caused my aim to be a bit off. I shot off a chunk of flesh off her shoulders as I ran forwards and held Azazel with both hands, the golems also ran forwards and swung down their hammer-like arms but I jumped up and did a front flip before continuing to charge forwards. Margaret tried to run but I easily caught up to her and separated her head from her neck, the golems were still chasing after me but I quickly disposed of them.

'Lyan! a couple of guards are on their way here!' Lilith alerted me so I quickly took the satchel that Margaret had, emptied its contents before placing Margaret's head inside

'How many of them are there?' I asked


I looked at the potions on the floor and asked Lilith

'Lilith, which one of these potions cause the target to melt?'

'The red potion' Lilith have been recording the effects of all the potions that Margaret threw

I quickly took the only two melting potions before running up the walls and stabbing Azazel just above door, I picked myself up and used Azazel as a foothold while patiently waiting for the arrival of the guards

"General Margaret! we heard some noises, is everything okay?" the door swung open and 10 guards lined up in two columns

I threw the two melting potions that caused the two demons in front of both columns to scream out in pain as they tried to remove the liquid on their heads that started to melt them but only caused the liquid to melt their hands next, my pistol was fully recharged so I swoop down in the space in between the column and slashed the demons in front while I shot those in the back.

Their screams echoed out so I must escape before they surround me, I can't use my invisible mode because I can't hide the satchel that I was wearing. Now that I've got the entire place mapped out, it was easier to escape. I managed to leave the castle without meeting any interference so I quickly returned to the spot where I buried my clothes, I put them back on before starting my journey back to Asgard city

I was on my back when I saw the entire Asgard army pass by, they numbered up to 1000, it was going to be a massacre if the demons fought against that number. I returned to Asgard city and went into an inn so that I could get some sleep before going back.

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