《CY》Entry no. 8


"Are you ok?" Cynthia asked

"Don't worry, I'm fine" I chuckled

"Your body..." the long-sleeve I wore were burned exposing my upper body, she was clearly shocked by my armor

"This...I can't really explain now but I will in the future" I quickly said but

"Aren't we going on an adventure together? please...trust me a little" Cynthia smiled

I only kept silent, normally I would brush off what she said but why? why do I feel like this?...

'Warning, Zeno! you're emotions..' Lilith only spoke those words

'Hey, Zeno we're a team, right? trust us a little' She was standing there by the door, Her voice ever so sweet and gentle, I only remembered her by her voice because I never bothered to look at her face even though we were in the same platoon...I'm having flashbacks of my past...

'I..I'm so sorry...' I tried to reach out to her but she was walking too fast,

'Zeno, Life is not such a cruel thing you know...' those were the words she said before I was pulled back to reality by Cynthia's voice

"Zeno...I really don't want to force you to say it, it's fine please forget what I said" Cynthia said with a lonely expression on her face, she's just like me... alone in this world... she lost her family, her everything while I was tossed into this time with only Lilith

"Cynthia... promise me, whatever you see...you will only keep to yourself.." I looked straight into her eyes,

"I promise!" Cynthia replied

"Okay then" I slowly took off my mask and showed he my face

"...You...you're not human?" Cynthia asked in shock

"I'm half human..."


"The other half is something I still can't explain but I promise when I get enough information I will properly explain it to you" I still lack information in this world


"Then.. the lightning was.."

"I run on energy that the lightning generated"


"No... but it's similar to mana"

"Then...aren't you a golem?"


"Artificial life forms created with hard materials such as rock, steel, and other stuff. They have a core that utilizes mana in order to operate"

"Then you could say I'm half a golem"

"I see..."

"Let's go, it's almost dinner time" I was getting hungry

"Golem's don't get hungry though..."

"Let's just say I'm not your typical Golem"

We all ate together at the guild hall, Cynthia was closely observing me as I ate. I still had my mask on, the only difference was that the lower part of my masked opened, revealing my mouth.

After eating dinner I went into my room and quickly studied mana with the information that Lilith has been collecting.

'Does the mana use up the energy that I need in order to operate?' I asked Lilith

'Affirmative, It is the same as using your skills. It uses up DK's energy'

'oh yeah, what is my energy level and DK's energy level?'

'DK has 10% energy remaining while the core inside your body has 27% energy'

'DK didn't charge from the [Lightning] that Cynthia used?'

'I took your energy level as priority over DK's'

'Then...I'll have to ask Cynthia to use it on me again, Goodnight Lilith'

'Goodnight Zeno'




'Unusual energy fluctuations detected...Running analysis...Analysis results...shows no results'

'what do you mean no results...' Zeno was asleep but Lilith continued her job of monitoring DK and Zeno

'This...I am still unsure of this so I won't report this to Zeno'

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