《CY》Entry no. 4


I kept killing monsters until we saw some stairs leading down so I looked at Cynthia for an explanation.

"Dungeons go deep underground, the deepest known dungeon goes until the 100th floor. This is an unknown dungeon so I really don't know how deep this dungeon goes..." Cynthia explained.

"In the town nearby, is it safe?" Sometimes humans are more of a demon compared to actual demons.

"To be honest... No" Cynthia said truthfully

"Then let's keep killing monsters until we're at least level 10"

"Sure" Cynthia agreed

We went down the stairs and unlike the first floor where we saw slimes and goblins, we saw leopards and boars on this floor. The monsters here seems to be somewhere in between level 6-7 while Cynthia and I were level 5.

A leopard pounced at me but with a swing of Azazel, I cut it in half. Compared to the aliens I've faced, these monsters are only comparable to the alien's shit, not even worth mentioning. We kept killing monsters until we're at least level 10. Cynthia was now wearing a leopard bikini which the leopard dropped. She was unwilling at first but in the end, she still wore it.

I, on the other hand, wore leader jacket's and pants to cover my mecha suit. I asked Cynthia earlier if she wants to wear those but she declined, according to her it wasn't because she was shy, it was because she can't, she said that the jackets and pants are made for men to wear.

So equipment are also gender specific? of course you wouldn't want to see a man wearing a leopard designed bikini now would you?

We came out from the dungeon and it was already mid-day so we prepared for lunch, with the help of Lilith, I cooked the boar meat to perfection. It was so good that I craved for more but I need to restrain myself.

When we arrived in town, a lot of men kept eyeing Cynthia in her bikini, She did not like this. I quickly went to a clothing shop and got her three simple dresses for her daily life.


"Since...we are in a town, is there some kind of Adventurer's guild?" In the database, towns usually have an adventurer's guild wherein you can get quests that pay you.

"Yes, there are multiple guilds that we can join"

"Multiple? is it class oriented?"

"No, these guilds are a collection of multiple adventurers with different classes. The bigger and stronger the guild, the better quests they receive"

"Where can we join a guild?"

"In the town hall, we can see the guild's name and their location"

Cynthia led the way and soon after we arrived at a large hall. I looked at the boards and saw multiple posters but... I can't read the language...

"Cynthia...please read it for me..." I embarrassingly requested Cynthia

"All of the guild's that are looking for members here to join are guild's that have some bad reputation."

"then what about this?" I grabbed a poster that looked worn out

"The guild's name is Aegis... I never heard of this guild... perhaps this is a local guild" Cynthia muttered.

"Local guild?"

"There are two types of guilds, they are the local and international guilds. International guilds have branches that extend to most of the towns and cities while a local guild is based on a single town, they're like an amateur guild"

"Are local guilds rare?"

"yes, since a lot of people would rather international guilds, this caused most of the local guilds to almost have no members"

"Let's join Aegis then" Joining big guilds? hell no, I'd rather work my way up and besides, my strength and experience in combat are comparable to that of a high-level adventurer probably.

"Okay" Cynthia agreed

With the help of Cynthia, we walked for 10 minutes until we arrived at a small run-down mansion.

"Excuse me, Is there someone here?" I knocked on the door that looked like it was going to fall apart any moment

"Guests?" A middle-aged man opened the door


"Hi there, we're here to join Aegis" I said

"Oh! come in, come in" the man led us to a room where he asked us to wait

After the man left, we waited for 10 minutes before the door opened again and the middle-aged man returned with a young woman around my age.

"You're here to join us?" The young woman asked

"Yes" I replied

"Then let us introduce ourselves, My name is Lea Redfell, this man beside me is Marcus Raid"

"My name is Zeno Abaddon" I introduced myself

"Cynthia, my master is Zeno" no last names huh

"Isn't about time you remove that weird helmet and show your face?" Lea looked at me

"I'm really sorry, I want to but I was cursed by a demon to have a very ugly face so I decided to wear a cursed mask that is very hard to remove" I lied

"That's just...sad, don't worry we'll find a cure someday" Lea spoke as if she was sure I was going to stay in the guild forever

"Then here are your registration forms, please fill it up"

I looked at the registration form and the questions asked are as follows: Name, age, class, and a little background history on where you were born and where you came from.

I filled it out and passed it to Marcus.

"Zeno Abbadon, age: 20, Class: Swordsman, You were born and raised in PH." Marcus read my info to Lea.

"PH? where is that?" Lea asked

"To tell you the truth, I came from another place... I have no idea where this is and how I'll get back home"

"Is that so?" Lea was skeptical but in the end, she didn't pursue any further

"Cynthia, age:20, class: Healer, Born in Acacia but was enslaved after it was invaded" Marcus also read Cynthia's info to Lea

"Cynthia, let me ask you something"

"I'll answer to the best I can"

"Did Zeno buy you?" I can hear you guys you know

"No, he saved me from the slave masters that tried to kill me"

"Oh, then do you like being his slave?"

"It's the least I could do to repay him for saving my life"

"Okay then, you guys are now officially members of Aegis!" Lea took out a stamp and stamped our registration forms

"Please drop blood on it" Marcus pointed at the stamped spot of the form


'request accepted'

I punctured my thumb and a droplet of blood fell on the form while Cynthia bit her finger and let a droplet blood fall on the form. Our actions caused the registration forms to brighten up and turn into a something like a symbol of a shield

"This is the symbol of Aegis, take the symbol and put it on any part of your body. It will be like a tattoo" Lea explained as she showed us her shoulders where there was a tattoo of the Aegis symbol.

Cynthia took the symbol and placed it in the place in between her cleavage and neck area. I took mine and placed it on my back.

"We got two new members" Marcus spoke to Lea who had a satisfied smile

"Yeah, one step closer to my dream!" She replied to Marcus

"Here is a book of the guild's rules and these are the keys to your room. The men's dorm is located just west of here while the woman's dorm is located in the east" Lea handed a small book and keys

"Now you guys go up and rest, tomorrow we will be introducing you to the rest of the guild members.

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