《No Face, No Life》028


I pulled on the red sentai ranger bodysuit to cover all but my hands, head, and feet. Running along the sides of its torso were black stripes bordered in gold reaching from my neck down the legs. The line tapered outwards along each leg, and above it tapered similarly to reach my shoulders. The lines continued down my back similarly. It didn’t look much on its own, but the rest of the costume completed it. I lifted the mantle with a cloak attached to it, red and flanked by gold. It cut a v shape across my chest after I’d pulled it over my head. Similarly it cut a v on my upper back above the cloak.

I pulled on the gloves, one by one. I’d hated the helmet most, even though I loved the Super Sentai Maho Sentai Magirangers. Particularly the red ranger. I suppose I’m simple. It’s easy enough to root for the leader. I pulled on the helmet. Back then, it quickly made me sweat profusely which in turn fogged up the visor, effectively blinding me. The tint on the visor part of it doesn’t allow for clear sight. But now, it was as though I hadn’t a thing on my head. I wondered whether I was even alive.

“Huuuuuuhhhh..." I sighed, shrugging comically. The effect in the mirror was good at least. I could pull off the look. I looked at the plastic weapon, a red chinese dragon-shaped gun. If some idiot policeman thought it was a real weapon, it’d cause me some problems. I deliberately tossed it back into the confines of my closet. It would have completed the costume, but it’d be useless on my journey.

I rummaged around further and found an old fanny pack I wore to the office. It gave me a place to store important things I needed with me back then and now. My house keys, cellphone and anything else useful that would fit.


The fanny pack was red with a yellow band. I strapped it on and tucked it under the belt and behind the cloak to conceal it as much as possible. It wouldn’t matter much, but a sentai ranger wearing one would look silly.

I stood and gathered everything I’d need, determined to leap into battle onwards, figuratively. However, before doing so, I donned the costume boots in my small genkan.

I barged out of my apartment, galvanized. I could see the world perfectly and not a soul could see through my amazing disguise! I slammed the door behind me, dashing off and twirling my cloak dramatically. I was probably getting a bit too much into the act. I got halfway down my stairs before I realized I’d forgotten to lock my door.

It’s not as though I was worried about any burglars, since the world of criminal activity was practically nonexistent in Japan, yokai attacks notwithstanding. Additionally, people were terrified of me because of my reputation. Even so, a minor case of OCD required me to run back up the stairs to lock my door. A certain old and nosy neighbor might ransack it if I wasn’t careful. Before I did so, a young boy came down the stairs. He gasped at me. I froze in place, used to his kind of reaction. Is my cover already compromised?!

The boy surprised me by yelling. His yell wasn’t filled with terror. He didn’t run, instead he raised his hands into his air excitedly, cheering. “Magiranger Red-san!” He hopped up and down at the head of the stairs. I stared at him, and wasn’t sure what to do. I chewed my nonexistent lip, but thinking quickly I took a classic pose. My arms up to one side, face turned towards him, legs spread.


“Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!” he enthused. I suppressed my laughter. I was asking for this. I should have known children would accept what they saw. I felt as though I was Santa Claus. After all, the costume was quite red like a certain chubby saint’s. Under this mask I was something pretty terrifying, though. I was thankful I wouldn’t have to deal with what I’d gone through in the station after the earlier defacing incident.

I darted up the stairs energetically. Of course my cape fluttered behind me the whole while heroically. He cheered for every thing I did. When I reached the top, I flipped the cape for him. He yelled all the louder. All my neighbors at that moment poked their nose out of their homes, at least the ones currently at home. If the child’s reaction didn’t delight and fill me with courage, I would have frozen on the spot. Reaching my door quickly, I pulled my keys free from my fanny bag, and locked it with a click. My arm thrusted into the air as the wind cast my cloak about me. One victory!

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