《No Face, No Life》029


Then I noticed people were staring at me. I took another pose, milking it for all it was worth it. There wouldn’t be another problem!

Instead of cheers they stared at me. A few glared at me, perhaps they were disturbed because the child’s cheering thanks to my grandstanding.

“Creeper…” A familiar terrifying face materialized from the next door apartment. “Get out of this neighborhood. A mask like that one can’t hide your ugly mug.” The elder of the community saw fit to scoff at me. “I’m calling the police again.” I froze again. They knew who I was. Noooooooooo!!!

I put my hands on my cheeks, horrified as I turned back to the head of the stairs. At the same time, the boy’s mother leapt out of her room to quickly snag her child. She looked at me with anxious eyes, full of mistrust. “Don’t be fooled. He’s a gangster. Come in, Touma.” She pulled him inside, and as she did, Touma looked towards me and opened his mouth wide.

“Yakuza Magiranger Red-san! You’re so awesome!” His cry of adulation faded as the door slammed. I looked around quickly, my feelings mixed. Perhaps if I got away from my horrible neighbors, Touma not included, maybe I’d have no further problems. I dashed to the stairs while I practically heard the theme of Magiranger echoing in my ears as I headed off. I’d have to take the train to reach the Detective agency office, but I was motivated assuming no yokai would appear before me ever again.

I returned to the station, anxious, but Touma really made me feel better. As I finished dashing down the stairs and around the corner, more people stared at me. I ignored them and rushed to the station. Even more people stared inside the station, but no one commented immediately. I passed the police box to note that all four officers from before were conferring with each other. They eyed everyone more than they ever would normally. Apparently the events earlier had traumatized other people besides myself.


I expected them to harass me. One opened their mouth, his eyes locked upon me. I froze, knowing his words would be meant for me. “Go, Magiranger Red-san!” He reminded me of Touma in this respect.

The other three stared at him as though he’d blown a fuse. He looked embarrassed. I leapt through the checker, but given his response, I couldn’t help trying out a pose on him. The guy’s flushed red face faded and his grin broadened. I suppressed my laugh and dashed dramatically through the station, down the stairs to the platform. Others watched me but few commented. Such a scene was not uncommon in Tokyo, particularly lately on Halloween.

I waited for the next train. As the platform was crowded this time, I felt far more at ease. Should another empty train somehow materialize, I wouldn’t board it, not if it was the only train going in the right direction. As I waited, I thought about how my day was going and inevitably I thought about my job. Part of me thought to head to work since I might be able to get away with wearing this costume. My boss had seen me in it, so he’d know me. I could claim that wearing it was because of Halloween, but saying it would be a lie, and the holiday lasts only a day. Even more importantly, I’d been told that if I didn’t resolve the issue before the stroke of midnight, I’d be a monster for the rest of my life. Mindless, hopeless. So, I didn’t divert my path.

I boarded the train when it pulled in with its familiar jingles and the doors opened. I stood, and for a change no one glowered or cowered away from me. I held on to a free hanging handle as the train pulled out. I felt anxious as the train moved through the same tunnel I’d been victimized in. I smiled to myself, not that anyone could see it even if the mask was removed. But then I scowled. It occurred to me that Noh-face might make another appearance, and it would save me a trip to the detective. The thought of it happening gave me pause, however. If it did, I’d be overwhelmed again. I’d been utterly powerless in the face of its magic, or its pure strength.


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