《No Face, No Life》003


My father went to work with a big bruise on his head. My mother left the house, probably to allow nature to take its course. My parents, being the hands-off types they were, had never commented on our relationship until this morning. I confirmed that my mother shared my father’s view of me. She worried the family bloodline would end with me. They had no intentions of having any further children. I was problematic enough as it was for them, as I’d proven. I’d probably put a last nail in the coffin representing their sex life, not that I’d ever cared. Who wants to think about this?

Reiko-chan appeared at my door, distracting me from my thoughts. I still wasn’t sure why she bothered with me. We’d been neighbors ever since I could remember. Her mother and mine chatted once in a while, but as far as I knew, that was as far as it went. Neither of my parents had really gotten to know Reiko-chan. I gathered they at least spied on us whenever they were home when she visited. They cared much about my affairs, at least. It’d be normally improper for a girl to visit a boy’s house.

When I slid open the front door, my eyes fell on Reiko-chan. She looked particularly lovely this morning.

Her brown hair reached down just past shoulder line. It was so straight and shiny, I couldn't help admiring it every time I saw her, not that I didn’t find other parts of her interesting as well. I did my best not to be a creeper. Too much staring was a no-no. Her eyes were particularly captivating. They were a shade of green which reminded me of sea foam.

She wore a cute black blouse, sans sleeves, with cute characters inlaid along it. It reminded me of a lovely thin vest which wouldn’t overheat someone during summertime. The hairpins in her hair were beautiful and precisely placed.


She smiled at me and it instantly made my heart flutter. My whole body warmed and my gaze slipped downwards. She wore cute cutoff jean shorts, it was so stylish. They accented her creamy thighs which stretched down to her black knee-high stockings, which gently clung above her knee with no sign of slipping at any time. Further down, they disappeared into stylish leather boots. Upon her temple rested a cute hat softly resting over those luminous tresses of hers. It tightly snuggled her temple, a band across the soft-looking black fabric.

“Are you going to stare at me,” Reiko-chan asked me. Her cute smile widened. “For ten whole minutes before you invite me in, yet again?”

I grinned back at her, dazzled by her smile again. A... minor... malfunction occurred in my mind. Just remembering it still affects me. Reiko-chan had this kind of effect on me every day I saw her. She was literally the only girl who didn’t run away from me.

My ears rang suddenly. I stumbled backwards, striking the shoe rack along our genkan. She’d lifted her leg smoothly to strike my chin flush. I collapsed like a sack of rice. I heard the door close as I looked up with stars dancing through my vision. “R-Reiko-sama... you’re too vicious!”

Keep in mind an important detail about us. Reiko-chan had a problem with anger and was so violent-prone it bordered on illogic. My problem was obvious; I looked as though between the two of us I should have been the yakuza, but if you considered personality it was her.

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