《Dusk God》Chapter 1- The Dark God Rises!!


The world where there is nothing but black ash bricks on the surface of the world with red rivers going around the sky giving an eerie feeling of dread.

So often you’ll hear a ghostly voice cheering like there are millions present but no one is to listen.

Suddenly a white hair man with pure azure eyes looking to be eighty years old with black rags barely hanging onto him looked into the sky smiling like he was a child getting a treat, so gentle if you didn’t see the gigantic black metal cages holding onto him you wouldn’t think he has done anything to the world

He then said in a hoarse whisper “So there shall be darkest” giving a breath of air he moved while the cages holding him degraded into a puddle of deep darkest.

He whispered into the puddle with a menacing glint in his eyes “Where there is a holy light there shall be a darkness like an abyss". After saying these words the rags on his body disappeared like it wasn’t there. It was replaced with a red and black costume.

He then waved his hand his old face has become a young and handsome face belonging to a young man. The costume compelling anyone that looks at him to stay away.

With a cracking sound, he moved the rest of his body and made his way stepping into the air through the sky.

He then teleported to the closest stranded planet after receiving information from a robotic voice in his head calling itself the system.

Looking at himself through a blood red screen-like object in front of him. This was the system which has of finding the leveling of oneself and others lower level. He slowly opens the tab to confirm his thoughts.

Name Dracula P. Race: Vampire Primogenitor Level:8092(72%)


Vampire Blood Purity level: Godly -> True God Age: 1023405543 Years old (1 Billion, 23 Million, 4 Hundred and 5 thousand, 5 hundred and 43)


HIghest-Dark: 1245%

HIgh-Water: 98%

High-Wind: 73%

Med-Fire: 15%

Med-Earth: 10%

Low-Holy: 20%

When he finished looking through with dead like eyes he found what he was hoping for, with a smile he looked at his blood level. This was his goal for the last hundred thousand years he had finally reached the next stage in his life.

The God's World, a place where no human could travel to unless with help of a God or God-like items or in this case God level purity of his own blood. Also because getting God-like items by oneself was due to extreme luck he has made a great feat.

But right now, he doesn't want to rush as he has all the time in the universe. So he decides to find an inhabited world and live out for a while to get used to the communication between sentient beings. As to become used to others again instead of the robot which is his system. This was also a chance to see his improvements over this breakthrough. Hopefully, he will find a planet to meet his need.

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