《Cloud Shrouding the Sky》Chapter 17 - Labyrinth


Hearing my loud exclamation, the other students switch their gaze towards the direction of the so-called Elf. For a normal human, if they see the elves appearance, the first thing that will appear on their mind is beautiful. They are the prime example of perfection. Their appearance can easily attract every normal human present from either the same gender or the opposite.

“Whoa, who are they, how can such perfect being descend on this world, are they angels?”

“Cloud called them Elf, right? I’ve never heard of this term before, is there any of you with knowledge regarding this?”

“No, It’s the first time I heard that term”

“Me too, anyway they are really beautiful, if one of the lady over there marry me, I would do anything for her”

“Dream on you pig!”

“What did you say?!”

A discussion began to rise among the students who arrived with me, at this moment, they are forgetting about what happen back at the academy. As we are discussing while pointing towards the elves, they seem to notice our presence. Different from our praise, they seem to be mocking us within their group, although we cannot hear what they say but the students are not stupid, seeing the situation, they begin to stop discussing and show angry face towards the elves.

“Aren’t you going to move from that portal, newbie?” a voice called us just when the situation about to change into a fight. The voice originated from a middle-aged man wearing a robe just like the one that headmaster used. I can see that there are another people wearing the same robe as him on the elves group and the person is also an elf. Who are these people, and where is this, the questions I got keep piling up after I transported into this place.

“Come on, follow me. I will guide you to the base, hold your question for later, for now just follow me” hearing this, the student seems to be confused and at first, and they are about to ask whatever question they have on their mind. But after he told us to hold our question, we can only follow him to whatever direction he guides us. We then entered a tunnel which leads us to another teleportation magic circle, I noticed that the elves group went into different tunnel than us, their destination, is it difference from us?

As we entered the tunnel, the guide chants a spell that produces a ball of light that lasted for a while. This tunnel is so weird, I mean it’s just a normal tunnel of course but there is no decoration, doors or anything worth of noticing. I know this sounds crazy but for a tunnel, this long made without any purpose, isn’t it weird? As I am thinking about it, we arrive at another room with a magic circle.


“Along the way, we will use several of these transport magic circles. So, stop wondering where the magic circle will lead you and begin to get on it, shall we?” the guide told us and then we move according to what he said. After a little chant, the magic circle shone and we were brought to another room again. This time it’s a dark and smelly room, I can hear the students are about to protest when the guide voice rang out. “Shut up, don’t leak out any voice or you will die. Now, let’s put our hands together and follow my guide again”

As he said that, the students swallowed back whatever they wanted to say and start holding hands with each other’s hands. After that we started to walk slowly while making sure that our hands still connected to each other. This time, the guide didn’t use his light ball spell although the room is so dark. Along the way, although it’s subtle, I can hear voice of something snoring from afar, and I can also sense that it is a living thing. Then, the reason why he told us not to leak any sound and not using the light ball spell is this thing? He doesn’t want us to disturb his sleep, that means either it’s a high ranked person than him or… MONSTER! From the snore, I am 100 percent sure that it isn’t a human, then the next possible cause is because he afraid to wake the monster up.

But then why do the Academy keep a scary thing like that here, if the guide isn’t capable of dealing with such monster, then why bother told them to guide us. Is this some kind of test from the academy? After I came here, my questions keep piling up with no one to answer it, and I hate it when I am in the dark. After a couple hours of walk, we arrived at another magic circle room and were asked to do the same thing again. This time, we also arrived at another same fuckin room with a magic circle on it. Our guide than wave his hand and bottle of liquids appeared like magic on the floor. “Cover your body with the liquid, don’t protest, I know its smells bad but endure it”

Well as he said, this stuff is really stinks, even a dumpster is better than this thing. The worse thing is that we have to put it all over our body. The students especially female, their faces were pale as they were about to puke from the smell but they endure it since it’s more embarrassing to puke in public. The boys aren’t so well either, disgust can be seen on their face but we cannot do anything about it since it is the guide order. We are too afraid to defy his command right now because we afraid that if we defy his command, he is going to kill us. Well, for me I know that this guide is not that bad it’s just that he didn’t say that there are monster lurking around. Even from this room, I can feel their presence and it’s more than one not like before.


As we leave the room, we entered another tunnel that lead us to another big room, this time although its dim, we could see it clearly. Minotaur, bull-headed person that were famous in my previous world, they exist? The other students seem to gulp once they saw the Minotaur, the worse thing is this Minotaur was not alone, there are several other Minotaur either fighting with each other or sleeping. Doesn’t this particular monster live in a labyrinth, how come they appear… unless we are in a LABYRINTH!! Holy shit!

As the journey went on, we arrived at another teleport room, this time we directly rushed and stood on the magic circle as if we were in hurry to leave from this place. The guide let out a smile and chanted the spell once again and the magic circle shone. When we opened our eyes, well of course we were on a magic circle once more and in another room. This time, the guide didn’t tell us any particular command and just led us through a tunnel. As we exited the tunnel, we can see it clearly, it’s a huge room with many tunnels like the we’ve been through. Robed people can be seen patrolling the area, they are also armed with varieties of weapons and armors.

“Okay, we have arrived at our destination. It seems that we are the first one arrived here. So, let’s wait for the others first, shall we? While we are waiting, I will explain several things to you. This place is a top secret of the Academy called teleportation labyrinth. Now along the journey here, I asked you guys to do several weird things.

The reason for that is to avoid traps and monsters that were placed in this place. The teleportation circles within this place can lead you into a deadly trap and ruthless monster if you are not careful. The Academy won’t be responsible if your life in danger because of your own action so, let me give you this warning first. By any means please don’t wander in this place without a guide like me.

By filling this place with tunnels, traps, monsters and countless of teleportation circle, one cannot easily find our secrets. The secrets that we are protecting in this place is your so-called world and several other worlds, in other words, this place was made to protect your world and the other worlds.”

What?! Hearing this almost everyone was shocked, so there are other worlds besides the one we are living? How come we are not heard any of this before at the academy and only hear it now? It seems that the Academy is more than an organization that educates students, there are more than what seen on the surface. I mean if they have secret this big, and they have a big influence in every single world, then the Academy is really cannot be underestimated. My knowledge about the academy seems only reach the tip of the iceberg, what a scary organization!

Now that we were told this scary secret, I am sure that we are not allowed to leave this place. Shit I am really going into a deep shit trap, I don’t want Elizabeth to know about this place and its secret. But I also want to be with her again, so it’s a difficult choice. If she were to be told the secret, we would not be able to escape from the Academy since we know its secret, but if it's only me… Shit I really hate this kind of situation when I am powerless to do anything. The other students probably also reach this conclusion so they shut their mouth and not asking any question about returning back.

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