《Cloud Shrouding the Sky》Chapter 16 - Departure


Early in the morning, inside the administrative building, along with the top ten winners of this year Battlefield, I was waiting for the headmaster. Seeing my presence, the others seems to be confused and discussing me. Although everyone seems to be interested in me, but I wonder why no one approaches me, is it because of the result of the match between me and Lyon?

“If I were not wrong, you are called Cloud, right?” the one who was asking me is a battle ax user who loses to Garret Humphrey during the Battlefield. His posture is so big and tall that I have to look up to see his face. Although I am still 11 years old, but my height is about 155 cm which is about the average of a 14 years old kid. So, it could be said that the figure in front of me even among his peers are taller.

“Yes, can I help you?” I answered.

“What business do you have here, kid?”

“I was told to wait here with you guys by the headmaster”

“Bah… as if I would believe you. You must be here to beg for the headmaster to let you go with us, right?”

“Whether you believe it or not is not my problem”

“Stop getting cocky kid, you think you are strong because you enter top 10 on the Battlefield?” he retorted while staring with a fierce gaze at me. As I was shorter than him, it looks like I am being lectured by an adult. What the fuck is this guy problem anyway, it’s not like if I was here he would be kicked out of the group. If my memory corrects and I am certain of it, I had never offended this person before so why did he pick a fight with me.

“Kid, you dare to ignore me, stop getting cocky, taste my fist!” with that said, his right fist is heading toward my direction without waiting for my response. Of course, an attack this shabby won’t even bother me but I evade it anyway. Seeing that his attack missed its target, he throws another punch and I easily evade it too. This time I caught his fist with my hand, because of his hand size, I cannot grip it in my hand so I can only stop it with an open hand. “So, would you tell me why would you do this?”

“Shut up kid!” with that said, he kicks forward aiming at my abdomen. Seeing that he is being ruthless towards me, I cannot hold myself either. I jump backward and his kick missed its target, then without waiting for him to response, I land a flying kick towards his abdomen. His body magnificently fling across the hall and hit the wall. He quickly gets up on his feet although his face is twitching because of the pain, but before he can even say or do anything I was already in front of him.


This time my kick were more ruthless, it aimed towards his head but because he is also experienced, he blocks it with his hand making a crack sound as my kick landed on it. Because the impact, he fell on the floor while holding his hand in pain. Then I proceed to the next step, I raise one of my leg and stomp the leg he used to aim at my abdomen. Because the hall went silent during the fight, another crack sound could be heard across the hall along with a scream of a man. He screamed miserably as his hand and leg were broken, he cried and asked for help but no one came to help him because they were wary of me.

“Then, anyone else wants to try me?” I said while looking at the other winner of the Battlefield. The other contestant seems to evade my gaze and went silent for a while. I don’t know if he attacked me because someone ordered him but I don’t care. What I know is I am being attacked and whoever attacks me don’t get off that easily. With this, maybe it will be harder to get friendly with the others but I don’t care. I don’t want to enter this trip, I was forced to enter this trip! So, if anyone messes with me while I am in a foul mood like this then don’t blame me for being ruthless.

“Cloud, can you stop at that please?” A middle-aged-man voice sounded after a long silence. The one who came is the headmaster of the Academy. With a magnificent robe, he walked toward us while waving his hand. After that, several teachers came and rush toward the man I beat up. The headmaster throw a smile and me then look toward the other student. “I think there is no need to introduce him anymore, right? He is Cloud, although he was disqualified from the Battlefield and positioned at 100th rank on the Battlefield but due to a special circumstance, he will be joining you guys on the trip. So, please get along well, won’t you?”

“Then, let’s get moving shall we, I guess that student won’t be joining us due to his injuries so let’s forget about him. There are several things I would like to tell you before you guys coming with me on this trip. This trip will take you months, years, or maybe decades to complete but I promise you whoever complete this journey will be gaining glory and riches more than you ever imagine. Also, I must warn you that you might lose your life during this trip so if you guys don’t want to go then say it now”


Seeing that nobody raising their objection, the headmaster nod and then led us towards the magic circle. Along with an incantation that was different from when the teachers brought me to his office, the magic circle shone and we were brought to a dark bright room with a massive magic circle in the middle of it. Seeing this, not only me but the other students were shocked and gasped out loudly.

“This magic circle is a long-teleportation one that will transport you to another world. This magic circle is a top-secret so forget if you plan to cancel your trip now because the moment you see this magic circle, you are bound to do the trip or else we will dispose you”

“What?!” the students exclaimed, then clamor began to rise among the students. Well I guess I too am surprised by his remarks. The other students seemed to start to get bad feeling about this trip and start to coward. Then a female student walks forward and say, “Headmaster, I don’t want to do anymore, I quit from this trip. Can you bring me back to the academy, please!”

“Ho, why do you think you can escape from the academy after you know its secret?”

“My father is a duke, if you kill me, then he won’t let you go you know”

“Hahaha calm down, even if he is a king, he will become the world enemy if they knew that your father will attack the academy. Because this secret is known by all the kings in this world and we have an agreement to hunt down whoever hold this secret without academies permission”

“What?! I don’t want to do this anymore, please just let me go, I will not tell the secret to anyone, please *sob” maybe because she was so scared that she started to cry. Seeing this, the others face became paler since they knew that they cannot escape from the trip. Different from the others, I can still keep my calm because it’s not surprising to me anymore that the academy would use this kind of method. But really, they have an agreement with the kings huh, it seems that the academy influences is rooted deeply even among the kingdoms.

“Hey, it’s not that you will directly die when you transferred right, so what’s the fuse? Since I will be troubled too if no one joins the other side this year then I will tell you a secret. The world you know now is just a tiny little piece of the world. The place that this magic circle will transport you to another side of the world. If you want to return, you just have to do one thing, be strong to get the academy acknowledgment. Alright, that’s all that I can tell you now choose to die or to get onto the magic circle!”

Seeing that the others won’t even move, I start ahead by stepping on the magic circle and stand on it. If they can even move the kingdoms to be my enemy, then it’s impossible to escape from here. At least I have to do as he said first and see from there what step should I make next. Maybe because the others are still hesitating even after I got onto the circle, the headmaster raised his hand. The students who saw this panicked thinking that they will be killed started to rush towards the magic circle.

As we stepped into the magic circle, the thing on the headmaster's hand was revealed, it was a blue stone as big as a fist. The headmaster then chants an incantation while holding the stone in the air and then the stone exploded into pieces. Along with it, the magic circle started to shine and we were blinded by the lights. When I opened my eyes again, we were on a podium with the same large magic circle on it, there were also several other podiums on the room. When we were looking around, we could see another group of students looking around just like us. But when I looked towards their appearance, I was dumbfounded because of their ears. As soon as I saw it, I know what they are and exclaimed, “Elves!”

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