《Cloud Shrouding the Sky》Blessed and Kicked Out


“Cloud! Wake up it’s morning already!”

Slowly opening my eyes, I can see the manager of the orphanage I’m in. If I could, I wish this day will never happen but who am I to protest right? I am just an orphan with no money, power nor relative to rely on.

Today is the last day I will be living here in the orphanage, I reach the age of 10 this year and will be forced to leave after taking the coming of age ceremony. I move from my bed and pack my things into a small bag that has been prepared by the orphanage manager.

After all things has been packed into the bag, I make up my bed and look around the room once more. Good bye my comfortable shelter, outside world here I come!

After walking for 15 minutes I arrived at the temple, it’s already bustling with children from the vicinity of the city. Today the temple will hold the coming of age ceremony which will decide our future occupation.

Although its already divided into several lines, the queue still extends towards the temple entrance. Maybe if it’s made to be one line it will extend outside the city.

At noon, after several hours waiting, my turn has finally arrived. I enter the room assigned by the temple priest and there was another priest waiting for me inside.

“Step into the circle and close your eyes”

I don’t know if it’s to cut the time or because it’s his character but the priest commanded me as soon as I entered the room. The priest then raised both of his hands and direct it to me.

“By the will of the God, may you be blessed in this life ! [Blessing]”

I waited for several minutes but nothing happened to me. Did the ritual fail? Can I open my eyes now? Please say something!

“Open your eyes child”

I was startled when I heard the voice because it was a voice of a woman not a man. I opened my eyes and look around.

I can only see myself and a woman standing in front of me wearing white dress. There is something about her aura that makes me feel comfortable as well as want to worship her.

“Uhm, sorry I was supposed to be at the temple receiving my blessing but where is this?”


“This is the God’s realm, you must be confused why I summoned you here right?”

“I guess, since it’s too sudden”

What the hell is she crazy, she called herself God. But then how did she teleported me into this room, is she a space magician? Although its rare but it isn’t like there is no space magician in the world.

“Cloud, or should I call you Shane, I call you here to receive what’s yours to begin with”

“What?! How did you… I mean”

Shane, that was my name in the previous life. After I was killed by a slasher on a random day, I was sent to the other world as a baby. My family lived in a frontier village and when I was 5, there was a monster horde that kills both of my parents.

Since then I lived in the orphanage but well it’s all in the past, I’m glad that I retain my previous life memory else I will be too devastated by my parents dead. It’s impossible to know this if she is not a God.

“Do you trust me now?”

“Yes, that’s the only possible explanation. So why do I reincarnate with my memory intact?”

“It’s not by my will but your soul that evolved. It is the first case I face this kind of thing since the creation of this world but maybe the Creator has His plan on this”

“Evolved, what do you mean?”

“Your soul has evolved to be able to regain its past memories so as you grow, some knowledge will appear on your head suddenly. These knowledge are accumulation of what you learn in your previous lives. But you will not gain it all in an instant, you must reach the level of understanding before you gain the information.”

“Level of understanding? I don’t get it”

“In other word, each time you level up a skill to level 10, 20, 30, and so forth, you will unlock a new knowledge according to what you learn. Since it’s the first time this is happening, I don’t know what will happen in the future so I decide to help you a bit. You will receive an extra skill that I have chosen for you and can choose your own blessing in order to gain all your previous knowledge”

“Why would you want me to gain it all?”


“Isn’t it interesting, you are the first case and I am bored, it’s gonna be my entertainment as well as your capital to live a life on the new world. So what blessing would you want?”

“God of Knowledge’s Blessing”

“Ah what a good choice, a blessing to let you learn anything faster. I am satisfied with your answer, I will add another surprise for you later, good luck”

After she said that, my vision went dark again and as I opened my eyes, the priest hand still up in the air and a light descent above me. A screen then popped out in front of me, it looks like status screen from a game.

Personal Information Name Cloud Job None Age 10 Level 1 HP 160 MP 100 Skills Skill Name Level Comprehension 100 Physical 5 Active Skills Skill Name Origin Toggle Cost Tutoring 50 Comprehension OFF 10 MP/sec Learn 70 Comprehension None 100 MP Appraisal 100 Comprehension None 10 MP Passive Skills Skill Name Origin All language 30 Comprehension Fast Learner 10 Comprehension Mind Map 90 Comprehension Eidetic Memory 100 Comprehension Blessing God of Knowledge Learning speed multiplier Remaining Skill Points 0

Wow I got so many skills because the God of Knowledge’s blessing. It’s weird since usually people will only get 1 or 2 skills from their blessing but I got a whooping amount of 6 skills, I guess this is what She meant by another surprise huh?

Skills are the main branch of active or passive skills. By leveling skills you can get either active or passive spells when you reach a certain level. So all the skills I got is because of Comprehension which is already lvl 100 or max from the beginning.

Uhm, my stats is not overpowered, that’s good I am not some kind of monster like creatures. As for skill, let see, what skill is mind mapping, I have never heard of it before.

--- Skill Information ---


Gain all important information about a book after you read it once, also give a chance of learning a skill if the book you read contain information about it

--- Skill information ---

Mind Map

Able to make a map of place you have seen or visited on your mind and visualize them

The hell, all the skill I earned are cheats. With Mind Map and Eidetic Memory I will be able to have permanent map of the area I have visited. All language makes me able to read any book, Fast Learning will make me read a book faster and Learning can make me get a skill from it.

These skills are creating synergy with each other, and the God of Knowledge blessing multiplier is not known yet but at least it will double my learning speed. With these skills on my arsenal, I don’t need to worry about the future.

“So what blessing do you get kid?”

“God of Knowledge’s Blessing sir”

“Un, I suggest you get into the academy and learn for several years. In the future you can become either researcher or scholar”

“Yes, thanks sir”

The temple will record every kid blessing and gave them to the kingdom. These records will be used by the kingdom to search for talent that will be used for the kingdom’s interest. But mostly the one who are nurtured is the one who receive God of War’s blessing.

Ah my future will be bright alright but the present it is so gloomy and dark. I don’t know where to go since they orphanage kicked me out now. Usually kid like me will go to slum and do crime to survive.

What the fuck did the kingdom think to make such a rule as kicking kid from the orphanage after the coming of age ceremony. At least make us stay until we can get a job or something, it isn’t like there isn’t a job for a kid but usually it involves doing chores and there are not many of them.

The other job that don’t require a skill is to become adventurer but for a child to be an adventurer means certain suicide so no one would do it unless they are desperate. But it’s not like doing illegal things is safer. Orphan who were caught by the guards doing crime inside the city wall and cannot pay the fine will be directly sold as a slave so it’s the same as gambling.

But then what other choice I have, sigh the future is bright but I don’t know if I could reach the future now. I guess I have to go to slum and see what happen for now.

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