《Cloud Shrouding the Sky》Chapter 2 - Hired


A month later in the business district, I observe the people around looking for a prey. I usually targets a noble or greedy merchant so I can lesser my burden. Although its more dangerous since they have guards around them but at least an innocent person money.

Noble have so many riches that they can feed the entire slums for a year with no problem but they choose to spent it on luxury. Now I know how the poor people in my previous world felt when they saw the rich people who spent money like nothing.

PERSONAL INFORMATION Name Cloud Level 1 Age 10 Job None HP 400 MP 100 SKILLS Skill Name Level Comprehension 100 Physical 25 [NEW]Thief 10 ACTIVE SKILLS Skill Name Origin Toggle Cost Tutoring 50 Comprehension OFF 10 MP/sec Learn 70 Comprehension OFF 100 MP Appraisal Max Comprehension NONE 10 MP [NEW] Hiding 10 Thief OFF 10 MP/sec PASSIVE SKILLS All Language 30 Comprehension Fast Learner 10 Comprehension Mind Map 90 Comprehension Eidetic Memory Max Comprehension [New] Sensitive Ear 10 Thief BLESSING God of Knowledge Learning speed multiplier Remaining Skill point(s) 0

As my job also include physical ability like running, my physical abilities also increased as well. My HP became 300 since each points of Physical abilities will raise my hp by 12, attack by 3 and defend by 2. Physical abilities doesn’t give skills but give you stat buffs.

As I was looking around, I heard a commotion coming from the adventurer guild. A girl was surrounded by 3 adventurers. The other only seems to watch as three of them about to bully the girl.

The three adventurers physical abilities average is level 10 and they all have sword mastery skill at level 10. They also have their armor and weapons equipped although it is sheathed.As the bulkiest man about to grab the girl, I reach the girl faster than them and pull them to my side and run outside.

“Huh what? You dare to take my prey, Chase that brat!”

All of them chased after me, I tried to juke them into an alley but alas my luck was bad, the girl tripped and injured her leg. The group finally caught us, now I can only fight, sight…

“You wait here don’t move, let me hold them until the guards come”

I said to the girl and she can only nod to me.

“You brat, how dare you taking my prey. I will beat you up until your parents doesn’t recognize you”

A man come forward and try to punch me, but having 25 Physical ability, I saw it on slow motion and easily dodge it. The man seems to be startled but then my fist arrived at his face knocking him onto the wall.


“This brat is not normal, unsheathe your weapon”

The other two then come after me after unsheathing their sword. I tried to dodge but alas its two versus one, some of their slash managed to injure me but its not fatal.

“Haha brat let see how much longer you survive”

Suddenly a knowledge of appears on my mind, its bare-handed fighting. Ah so I have lived as a martial artist before, good timing. As they slash again, I caught on their wrist and turned it.


Both of their wrist was broken and their weapons dropped on the ground. I took one of the sword and as I approached one of them,

“Ah… no please don’t. Forgive me, I still want to live”

Suddenly a loud shout can be heard from the other direction.

“Freeze, drop your weapon or we will use force!”

“Ah… Mr.Guard help me, this boy wanted to kill me”

Seeing the guards, Mr.Villain who begged his life glad and crawl towards the guard. As I don’t wish to worsen the problem, I drop the sword on the ground and the guards detain me to the guards post.




“10 years”

“What?! You are not lying aren’t you?”

“No I am really 10 years, its only been a month since I got my blessing you can check it”

“Okay, why do you break their arms?”

“It’s self defense, don’t you see my scar, they tried to kill me”

After I said so, the guards who interrogate me looks at my body that full of slash injuries with confused looks.

“Then why is that girl leg injured?”

I began to explain the accident from the adventurer guild until the alley when they detain me. The guards didn’t just accept my testimony and lock me in prison.

After several hours, I was freed out of jail by the guards who interrogate me. They seems to get the stories from the girl and the adventurer guild so I was freed.

“Wait a minute boy”

As I walked out of the guard post, an old man stopped me.

“Do you need something?”

“Yes, I am the butler of Flaming family, Steve. Let me first thanked you for saving my family young miss”

“Ah the girl is from Flaming family, then why does she wondered around the adventurer guild, its dangerous you know”

“Ah, yes yes.. we have already told young miss several times but she wont listen. After listening what happened to the young miss, master got so angry that he fired all of miss personal guards and locked the young miss inside her room”


“So what’s your business with me ?”

“I want to offer you a job as young miss personal servant. After master heard what happen, he felt grateful to you and thus offer you the job. Will you accept it?”

“Can you explain it first, what is my duty as her servant?”

“That involve protecting and taking care of her needs. But don’t worry, there are still maids that will help you in taking care of the young miss”

“Okay, I accept the job, so when do I start?”

“Anytime you want”

“Then I will start to work today”

“Ah, that’s good, follow me to the Flaming’s family mansion”

We arrived at a huge mansion on the noble district. But seriously I thought the name just coincidentally the same as the Count but it seems that Flaming family is the count’s family.

I entered the house and was led to the office on the second floor by the butler. As I walked in, I saw a blonde middle aged man sitting behind a desk. Countless amount of papers could be seen on the table and the Count seems to analyze them one by one.

“Master, I have brought the boy”

“Ah, you must be Cloud right, I am Count Alfred Flaming, the father of the girl you protected”

“Ah, nice to see you, my name is Cloud. Please pardon my lack of manner as I am just a mere commoner”

“Be at ease, I understand your condition, so assume you agree to be Elizabeth’s personal servant?”

“Yes master”

“Great, I heard you beat three F ranked adventurer on your own so your talent must be decent. What did you do before this Cloud?”

“Uhm, I live on the slums for a month now, I do chores around the town time to time to get money for food”

“Ah typical orphan, okay then go meet El for now”

“Yes master”

As I leave the room, Steve showed me the way to the young miss room. As I knocked the door, a girl voice could be heard from the room.


“Ah young miss, its me Steve, I brought your new servant”

“Come in”

As I entered the room, I looked around because it’s my first time on a girl room even in my previous life I didn’t get to see a girl room. This room is huge, almost the size of my apartment from my previous life.

The girl seems to be dazed as she saw me. The silent keeps for a few second before Steve start the conversation.

“This is Cloud, he will become your personal servant from now. Alright you can get know each other for now, if there is nothing else then I will excuse my self”

After that Steve left the room and closed the door. Damn oldman what should I do, I am still virgin and you left me with a girl in a room.

“Er, Cloud right, you were the one who saved me back then right?”

“Yes young miss”

“So, tell me why do you save me back then?”

“I don’t know, I acted on impulse”

“Don’t you afraid of those guys?”

“I am afraid but I don’t know why but my body seems moved on its own”

The girl frown, he stared at me for a while before stomping the ground and seems to be angry. Damn what should I do in this kind of situation?

“Uhm miss, is there anything you need from me?”

“Am I ugly?”

“No miss, you are really beautiful”

“Really? Then why don’t you say you safe me because you charmed by my beauty?”

The hell, is this person a narcissist? Ah fuck it let’s praise her more, for job and money I will throw my dignity once.

“Ah, miss I am sorry but I am not in position to admire or hoping to court you as I am a mere commoner. If I am a noble with at least the same status as you, I will not hesitate and pursue you”

“Really? So it’s like that, humph yes you are right you better know your place commoner”

“Yes… yes… miss I don’t dare”

“Alright Cloud, it seems that you are exceled in close range combat”

“Ah no miss, I am just a beginner at bare-handed fighting, I managed to beat them by luck”

“To gain that kind of skill although you are only beginner, no wonder they said adventurer is so strong”

“Ah, so the reason you visit the adventurer guild that day is to proof this?”

“Yes, and because of that I was injured and scolded so hard by dad. Cloud, teach me how to fight”

“But miss…”

“It’s an order!”

“Yes miss”

“Good, let’s start tomorrow”

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