《Munivit Anima》Chapter 6 Sacrifice


We entered the mansion of the noble called Ressy Trus, I came to a decision that the only way to save my kin is to offer my own body to him, i'm scared but more than anything my love for my kind is what's giving me the courage to keep on moving and i came from a far place just to save them, failure is unacceptable. After i went inside i can't help but look at the surroundings, the walls are painted with plain white and there's nothing else worth mentioning , this place is just so normal in fact too normal for a noble. A few seconds later our escort went outside and Ressy Trus went outside of his room to greet us, in a first look you can already tell that this noble is too old and made me wonder why does he wish for my body, but then i realized that humanity is a race that exceeded all expectations, so maybe he just look old from the outside.

The noble carefully looked at me and little by little i can see his lips forming a disgusting grin and from his eyes, I can see a strong lust, rather worrying to myself i am more worried about my kin the he bought from the merchants . I bowed my head to him and softly asked.

"Can i see my people?"

"Hmm.... Maybe after you put this collar into your neck." He grinned, then presented a slave collar from his hands. The collar is black with a blue gem in the center, the blue gems job is to suck every mana from the body of the slave to prevent them from doing anything dangerous towards their own master. I carefully took the collar, but didn't put it yet, he looked at me puzzled, but i ignored that and spoke to him.


"I want to see them first."

"....Very well, but you alone can follow me into the basement"

"What!? No! We're coming too, what if you do something unreasonable." The oldest of my subordinate and one of my trusted retainer named Donovan yelled in anger.

"Look. If you don't agree into my terms then forget about getting back your kin and if you yell like that again then i''ll have no choice but to call my guards outside and forcefully kick you out." The noble Ressy annoyingly responded to him.

"Ugh.. But even so, We can't let the Priestess go alone!" Donovan even though he threatened, still insist on coming with me.

"...Fine, but only you and Priestess alone and if you do something funny, i'll immediately kill those slaves. "

The noble took out his arm and showed us the bluish bracelet that was attached to it. That bracelet is called the master's armlet, it has it's own mana flowing in the gems that were engrave in the bracelet and by using the mind to command the mana you can give directly give acute to severe pain or even death to the one who's wearing the slave's collar.

"Very well, Priestess please stay behind me."


The Noble began to walk, then led us to a room near the kitchen, then after entering that room i saw a small rectangular door on floor, located in the edge of the room and the noble slowly walk near it and opened it.

"They are located here, let's go" The noble entered first, then Donavan followed after him while i'm walking behind him.

We finally reached the basement and what met our eyes our my several of my kin, the females were completely naked and lying on the floor and the men were locked up in a metal cage, one would quickly noticed that they haven't treated well and the some of the men were heavily wounded, it looks like the tried to resist or escape from this place, i can't help but feel sad just imagining it and before the tears began to accumulate in my eyes the noble suddenly spoke.


"Some of them tried to escape... And I had to punish them"

"What did you do to them?" I placed my gaze towards the female fox that is currently lying on the floor while asking him.

"When they tried to escape, we managed to capture them, but some of my guards were wounded so as a reward i let them do what they want to them.... Are you sure you want me to say the exact things they did?"

The noble's response angered me, controlled by emotions i began to gather mana in my body, but then he just smiled and showed me the master's armlet. I regained my senses after i saw it, but Donavan wasn't able to get a hold of his self.

"You! I'm going to kill you here right now!" Donavan tried to grab him, but suddenly the Beastkins around us yelled in agony.


"W-what!?" Donavan was dumbfounded.

"Are you stupid? I'm the one who holds their life, I can decide whether to kill them or not, so i suggest you become a little bit careful.... And now my Priestess... " He looked at me then point at the collar that i'm holding.

"Their collar will automatically release them after you put that i know that you might not believe me, but I'm still a noble and I don't break promises. After you put it on I'll personally escort your kin outside the empire building, of course, you can see them off if you want. "

Right now... Isn't the time to hesitate i have to quickly save them and treat their wounds. I looked at the collar one more time and I slowly put it on my neck...... Then after a few seconds a bluish light engulfed my body, then suddenly i can feel my mana getting sucked, my body started to become weaker and my tails are shivering from the short pain. I found myself falling on one knee and started to pant.

"Don't worry, that's only temporary, you'll get to it soon hehe." Ignoring his words i looked at my people and i felt glad that the collar on their neck is no more. Others didn't realize what just happened and began to make some noise, but as soon as they saw me and the collar on my neck they began to realize what happened.

"Priestess.... Why?"


"Don't.... tell me"

Words began to create noise in the surroundings, but i smiled to them and said

"Everything's going to be fine.. Donavan please.." Donavan who was completely silent for a while, nodded and walk to them and began to heal them.

"Now.... I want to test if it's completely working" The noble mumbled something and stare at my breast.

"....For now, get naked." for a few seconds i didn't get what he's trying to say, but then I realized tha i am now his own personal slave.

"If you won't do anything, i'll get my guards and kill all your kin here instead of using the master's armlet to punish you...." He seriously said with those words while his eyes are full of lust.

"I-i understand."

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